# unless.py v1 # A simple program to partially simulate the unless statement # (a sort of reverse if statement) available in languages like Perl. # The simulation is done by a function, not by a statement. # Author: Vasudev Ram # Web site: https://vasudevram.github.io # Blog: https://jugad2.blogspot.com # Product store: https://gumroad.com # Define the unless function. def unless(cond, func_if_false, func_if_true): if not cond: func_if_false() else: func_if_true() # Test it. def foo(): print "this is foo" def bar(): print "this is bar" a = 1 # Read the call below as: # Unless a % 2 == 0, call foo, else call bar unless (a % 2 == 0, foo, bar) # Results in foo() being called. a = 2 # Read the call below as: # Unless a % 2 == 0, call foo, else call bar unless (a % 2 == 0, foo, bar) # Results in bar() being called. ''' Here is the output: $ python unless.py this is foo this is bar '''