from __future__ import print_function ''' Author: Vasudev Ram Copyright 2016 Vasudev Ram Web site: Blog: Product store: Description: A simple program to make the computer act like a musical alarm clock. Start it running from the command line with a command line argument specifying the number of minutes after which to give the alarm. It will wait for that long, and then play a musical sound a few times. ''' import sys import string from playsound import playsound, PlaysoundException from time import sleep, asctime sa = sys.argv lsa = len(sys.argv) if lsa != 2: print("Usage: python {} duration_in_minutes.".format(sys.argv[0])) print("Example: python {} 10".format(sys.argv[0])) print("Use a value of 0 minutes for testing the alarm immediately.") print("The program plays a musical sound a few times after the duration is over.") sys.exit(1) try: minutes = int(sa[1]) except ValueError: print("Invalid value {} for minutes.".format(sa[1])) print("Should be an integer >= 0.") sys.exit(1) if minutes < 0: print("Invalid value {} for minutes.".format(minutes)) print("Should be an integer >= 0.") sys.exit(1) seconds = minutes * 60 if minutes == 1: unit_word = "minute" else: unit_word = "minutes" try: print("Current time is {}.".format(asctime())) if minutes > 0: print("Alarm set for {} {} later.".format(str(minutes), unit_word)) sleep(seconds) else: print("Running in immediate test mode, with no delay.") print("Alarm time reached at {}.".format(asctime())) print("Wake up.") for i in range(5): playsound(r'c:\windows\media\chimes.wav') #sleep(1.00) sleep(0.50) #sleep(0.25) #sleep(0.10) except PlaysoundException as pe: print("Error: PlaysoundException: message: {}".format(pe)) sys.exit(1) except KeyboardInterrupt: print("Interrupted by user.") sys.exit(1)