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# encoding: utf-8
# Author: Miguel Martínez López

    from ttk import Frame
except ImportError:
    from tkinter.ttk import Frame

class Item(Frame):
    def __init__(self, master, item_container, x,y, width, height, value, style, selection_handler=None, drag_handler = None, drop_handler=None, padding=0):
        Frame.__init__(self, master, style=style, class_="Item", padding=padding)

        self._x = x
        self._y = y
        self._width = width
        self._height = height
        self.tag = "tag%s"%id(self)
        self.value = value

        self._selection_handler = selection_handler
        self._drag_handler = drag_handler
        self._drop_handler = drop_handler

        self.place(in_=item_container, x=x, y=y, width= width, height=height)

        self.bind_class(self.tag, "<ButtonPress-1>", self._on_selection)
        self.bind_class(self.tag, "<B1-Motion>", self._on_drag)
        self.bind_class(self.tag, "<ButtonRelease-1>", self._on_drop)


    def x(self):
        return self._x
    def y(self):
        return self._y
    def width(self):
        return self._width

    def height(self):
        return self._height
    def add_bindtag(self, *args):
        for widget in args:
            bindtags = widget.bindtags()
            if self.tag not in bindtags:
                widget.bindtags((self.tag,) + bindtags)

    def add_bindtag_to_children(self):
        list_of_widgets = self.children.values()
        while len(list_of_widgets) != 0:
            widget = list_of_widgets.pop()

    def _on_selection(self, event):

        self._move_lastx = event.x_root
        self._move_lasty = event.y_root
        if self._selection_handler:

    def _on_drag(self, event):
        cursor_x = self._x + event.x
        cursor_y = self._y + event.y

        self._x += event.x_root - self._move_lastx
        self._y += event.y_root - self._move_lasty

        self._move_lastx = event.x_root
        self._move_lasty = event.y_root

        self.place_configure(x=self._x, y=self._y)

        if self._drag_handler:
            self._drag_handler(cursor_x, cursor_y)
    def _on_drop(self, event):
        if self._drop_handler:
    def set_position(self, x,y):
        self._x = x
        self._y = y
        self.place_configure(x =x, y =y)
    def move(self, dx, dy):
        self._x += dx
        self._y += dy

        self.place_configure(x =self._x, y =self._y)

class DDList(Frame):
    def __init__(self, master, item_width, item_height, offset_x=0, offset_y=0, gap=0, style="DDList.TFrame", item_style="Item.DDList.TFrame", item_padding=0):
        Frame.__init__(self, master, style=style, width=item_width+offset_x*2, height=offset_y*2)

        self._item_style = item_style
        self._item_padding = item_padding
        self._item_width = item_width
        self._item_height = item_height
        self._offset_x = offset_x
        self._offset_y = offset_y
        self._limit_x = self._offset_x + self._item_width

        self._gap = gap

        self._index_of_selected_item = None

        self._list_of_items = []
        self._position = {}
        self._index_of_container = None
    def add_item(self, index="END", value=None, style=None, padding=None):
        index = self._process_index(index)
        if style is None:
            style = self._item_style
        if padding is None:
            padding = self._item_padding
        x = self._offset_x
        y = self._offset_y + index * (self._item_height + self._gap)

        item = Item(self.master, self, x,y, self._item_width, self._item_height, value, style, self._on_item_selected, self._on_item_dragged, self._on_item_dropped, padding=padding)
        self._list_of_items.insert(index, item)
        self._position[item] = index


        return item

    def delete_item(self, index):
        if isinstance(index, Item):
            index = self._position[index]
            index = self._process_index(index)

        item = self._list_of_items.pop(index)
        del self._position[item]

        for i in range(index, len(self._list_of_items)):
            _item = self._list_of_items[i]
            _item.move(0,  -(self._item_height+self._gap))
            self._position[_item] -= 1

    del_item = delete_item

    def get_item(self, index):
        index = self._process_index(index)

        return self._list_of_items[index]

    item = get_item

    def _configure_height(self):
        height = 2*self._offset_y + len(self._list_of_items) * self._item_height + (len(self._list_of_items)-1) *self._gap

    def _process_index(self, index):
        if isinstance(index, basestring) and index.upper() == "END":
            index = len(self._list_of_items)
            index = int(index)
            if index < 0:
                index = len(self._list_of_items) + index

        return index

    def _on_item_selected(self, item):        
        self._index_of_selected_item = self._position[item]
        self._index_of_container = self._index_of_selected_item

    def _on_item_dragged(self, x, y):
        limit_y = self._offset_y + len(self._list_of_items) * self._item_height + (len(self._list_of_items) -1) * self._gap

        if self._offset_x < x < self._limit_x and self._offset_y < y < limit_y:

            quotient, remainder = divmod(y-self._offset_y, self._item_height + self._gap)

            if remainder < self._item_height:
                new_container = quotient

                if new_container != self._index_of_container:
                    if new_container > self._index_of_container:
                        for index in range(self._index_of_container+1, new_container+1, 1):
                            item = self._get_item_of_virtual_list(index)                            

                        for index in range(self._index_of_container-1, new_container-1, -1):
                            item = self._get_item_of_virtual_list(index)


                    self._index_of_container = new_container
    def _get_item_of_virtual_list(self, index):
        if self._index_of_container == index:
            raise Exception("No item in index: %s"%index)
            if self._index_of_container != self._index_of_selected_item:
                if index > self._index_of_container:
                    index -= 1

                if index >= self._index_of_selected_item:
                    index += 1
            item = self._list_of_items[index]
            return item

    def _on_item_dropped(self):
        item = self._list_of_items.pop(self._index_of_selected_item)
        self._list_of_items.insert(self._index_of_container, item)
        x = self._offset_x
        y = self._offset_y + self._index_of_container *(self._item_height + self._gap)
        for i in range(min(self._index_of_selected_item, self._index_of_container),max(self._index_of_selected_item, self._index_of_container)+1):
            item = self._list_of_items[i]
            self._position[item] = i
        self._index_of_container = None
        self._index_of_selected_item = None

if __name__ == "__main__":
        from Tkinter import Tk, IntVar
        from ttk import Label, Frame, Entry, Button, Style
        from tkMessageBox import messagebox
        from Tkconstants import *
    except ImportError:
        from tkinter import Tk, IntVar, messagebox
        from tkinter.ttk import Label, Frame, Entry, Button, Style
        from tkinter.constants import *

    root = Tk()
    root.title("DDList example")
    root.geometry("%dx%d%+d%+d"%(640, 530, 0, 0))

    Style().configure("Item.DDList.TFrame", relief=RAISED)

    sortable_list = DDList(root, 200, 100, offset_x=10, offset_y=10, gap =10)
    sortable_list.pack(expand=True, fill=BOTH)
    for i in range(4):
        item = sortable_list.add_item(value=i)
        label = Label(item, text="this is a label %s"%i)
        label.pack(anchor=W, padx= (4,0), pady= (4,0))


    frame = Frame(root)
    frame.pack(fill=X, pady=(0, 10))
    indexVar = IntVar()
    label = Label(frame, text="Entry index of item to delete:")
    label.pack(side=LEFT, padx=(10,6))
    entry_of_index = Entry(frame,textvariable= indexVar, width=3)
    def delete_item():
            index = indexVar.get()
        except ValueError:
            messagebox.showerror("Error", "Not a valid integer")

        entry_of_index.delete(0, END)
    entry_of_index.bind('<Return>', delete_item)

    Button(frame, text="Delete", command=delete_item).pack(side=LEFT, padx=(3,0))


Diff to Previous Revision

--- revision 4 2016-11-20 19:07:41
+++ revision 5 2016-11-26 00:31:49
@@ -1,18 +1,16 @@
 # encoding: utf-8
 # Author: Miguel Martínez López
     from ttk import Frame
-    from Tkconstants import RAISED
 except ImportError:
     from tkinter.ttk import Frame
-    from tkinter.constants import RAISED
 class Item(Frame):
-    def __init__(self, master, x,y, width, height, value, style, selection_handler=None, drag_handler = None, drop_handler=None):
-        Frame.__init__(self, master, relief=RAISED, style=style, class_="Item")
+    def __init__(self, master, item_container, x,y, width, height, value, style, selection_handler=None, drag_handler = None, drop_handler=None, padding=0):
+        Frame.__init__(self, master, style=style, class_="Item", padding=padding)
         self._x = x
         self._y = y
@@ -27,12 +25,12 @@
         self._drag_handler = drag_handler
         self._drop_handler = drop_handler
-        self.place(x=x, y=y, width= width, height=height)
+        self.place(in_=item_container, x=x, y=y, width= width, height=height)
         self.bind_class(self.tag, "<ButtonPress-1>", self._on_selection)
         self.bind_class(self.tag, "<B1-Motion>", self._on_drag)
         self.bind_class(self.tag, "<ButtonRelease-1>", self._on_drop)
@@ -107,9 +105,11 @@
         self.place_configure(x =self._x, y =self._y)
 class DDList(Frame):
-    def __init__(self, master, item_width, item_height, offset_x=0, offset_y=0, gap=0):
-        Frame.__init__(self, master)
+    def __init__(self, master, item_width, item_height, offset_x=0, offset_y=0, gap=0, style="DDList.TFrame", item_style="Item.DDList.TFrame", item_padding=0):
+        Frame.__init__(self, master, style=style, width=item_width+offset_x*2, height=offset_y*2)
+        self._item_style = item_style
+        self._item_padding = item_padding
         self._item_width = item_width
         self._item_height = item_height
@@ -127,22 +127,30 @@
         self._index_of_container = None
-    def item(self, index="END", value=None, style="TFrame"):
+    def add_item(self, index="END", value=None, style=None, padding=None):
         index = self._process_index(index)
+        if style is None:
+            style = self._item_style
+        if padding is None:
+            padding = self._item_padding
         x = self._offset_x
         y = self._offset_y + index * (self._item_height + self._gap)
-        item = Item(self.master, x,y, self._item_width, self._item_height, value, style, self._on_item_selected, self._on_item_dragged, self._on_item_dropped)
+        item = Item(self.master, self, x,y, self._item_width, self._item_height, value, style, self._on_item_selected, self._on_item_dragged, self._on_item_dropped, padding=padding)
         self._list_of_items.insert(index, item)
         self._position[item] = index
+        self._configure_height()
         return item
     def delete_item(self, index):
         if isinstance(index, Item):
-            index = self._position[item]
+            index = self._position[index]
             index = self._process_index(index)
@@ -155,13 +163,21 @@
             _item = self._list_of_items[i]
             _item.move(0,  -(self._item_height+self._gap))
             self._position[_item] -= 1
+        self._configure_height()
     del_item = delete_item
     def get_item(self, index):
         index = self._process_index(index)
         return self._list_of_items[index]
+    item = get_item
+    def _configure_height(self):
+        height = 2*self._offset_y + len(self._list_of_items) * self._item_height + (len(self._list_of_items)-1) *self._gap
+        self.configure(height=height)
     def _process_index(self, index):
         if isinstance(index, basestring) and index.upper() == "END":
@@ -235,26 +251,29 @@
 if __name__ == "__main__":
         from Tkinter import Tk, IntVar
-        from ttk import Label, Frame, Entry, Button
+        from ttk import Label, Frame, Entry, Button, Style
         from tkMessageBox import messagebox
         from Tkconstants import *
     except ImportError:
         from tkinter import Tk, IntVar, messagebox
-        from tkinter.ttk import Label, Frame, Entry, Button
+        from tkinter.ttk import Label, Frame, Entry, Button, Style
         from tkinter.constants import *
     root = Tk()
     root.title("DDList example")
     root.geometry("%dx%d%+d%+d"%(640, 530, 0, 0))
+    Style().configure("Item.DDList.TFrame", relief=RAISED)
     sortable_list = DDList(root, 200, 100, offset_x=10, offset_y=10, gap =10)
     sortable_list.pack(expand=True, fill=BOTH)
     for i in range(4):
-        item = sortable_list.item(value=i)
+        item = sortable_list.add_item(value=i)
         label = Label(item, text="this is a label %s"%i)
         label.pack(anchor=W, padx= (4,0), pady= (4,0))
     frame = Frame(root)
