Create forms using Tkinter with an associated action in the same way we do with HTML.
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# Author: Miguel Martinez Lopez
import Tkinter as tk
import ttk
except ImportError:
import tkinter as tk
import tkinter.ttk as ttk
class Base_Form(object):
"""Base class of all forms"""
def __init__(self, widget_class, master, action, hidden_input, kw):
self.action = action
if hidden_input is None:
self.hidden_input = dict()
if not isinstance(hidden_input, dict):
raise ValueError("'hidden_input' should be a dict")
self.hidden_input = hidden_input
kw["class"] = "Form"
widget_class.__init__(self, master, **kw)
class Base_SubmitButton(object):
"""Base class of submit buttons"""
def submit(self):
form_widget = self
while True:
form_widget = form_widget.master
if form_widget is None:
raise Exception("No form found")
if form_widget.winfo_class() == "Form":
if form_widget.action is None: return
form_action = form_widget.action
form_data = {}
# Applying list for python 2/3 compatibility. dict_values is a view in Python 3.
list_of_widgets = list(form_widget.children.values())
while True:
widget = list_of_widgets.pop()
except IndexError:
if not hasattr(widget,"fieldname"): continue
field_name = widget.fieldname
Tk_class = widget.winfo_class()
if Tk_class == "Entry" or Tk_class == "TEntry":
field_value = widget.get()
elif Tk_class == "Text":
field_value = widget.get("1.0",'end-1c')
elif Tk_class == "TCombobox":
field_value = widget.get()
elif Tk_class == "Listbox":
field_value = [widget.get(idx) for idx in widget.curselection()]
elif Tk_class == "Checkbutton" or Tk_class == "TCheckbutton":
variable_name = widget.cget("variable").string
field_value =
elif Tk_class == "Radiobutton" or Tk_class == "TRadiobutton":
field_value ="variable").string)
form_data[field_name] = field_value
class Form_Frame(tk.Frame, Base_Form):
def __init__(self, master, action=None, hidden_input=None, **kw):
Base_Form.__init__(self, tk.Frame, master, action, hidden_input, kw)
class Form_TFrame(tk.Frame, Base_Form):
def __init__(self, master, action=None, hidden_input=None, **kw):
Base_Form.__init__(self, ttk.Frame, master, action, hidden_input, kw)
class Form_LabelFrame(tk.LabelFrame, Base_Form):
def __init__(self, master, action=None, hidden_input=None, **kw):
Base_Form.__init__(self, tk.LabelFrame, master, action, hidden_input, kw)
class Form_TLabelFrame(ttk.LabelFrame, Base_Form):
def __init__(self, master, action=None, hidden_input=None, **kw):
Base_Form.__init__(self, ttk.LabelFrame, master, action, hidden_input, kw)
Form = Form_Frame
class Submit_Button(tk.Button, Base_SubmitButton):
def __init__(self, parent, *args, **kw):
kw["command"] = self.submit
tk.Button.__init__(self, parent, *args, **kw)
class Submit_TButton(ttk.Button, Base_SubmitButton):
def __init__(self, parent, *args, **kw):
kw["command"] = self.submit
ttk.Button.__init__(self, parent, *args, **kw)
if __name__== "__main__":
from Tkinter import Frame, Entry, Radiobutton, Checkbutton, Text, Listbox, Tk, Label, StringVar
import tkMessageBox as messagebox
from ttk import Combobox
from Tkconstants import *
except ImportError:
from tkinter import Frame, Entry, Radiobutton, Checkbutton, Text, Listbox, Tk, Label, messagebox, StringVar
from tkinter.ttk import Combobox
from tkinter.constants import *
import pprint
pp = pprint.PrettyPrinter(indent=4)
root= Tk()
Label(root, text="Fill form and click submit button to execute action (open a popup) with all the form data.").pack(anchor=W, padx=(2,0))
form = Form(root, action =lambda data: messagebox.showinfo("form data",pp.pformat(data)))
form.pack(expand=True, fill="both", ipadx=10, ipady=10)
# It's possible to provide hidden data
form.hidden_input["hidden_var1"] = "value1"
form.hidden_input["hidden_var2"] = "value2"
Label(form, text="Entry:").grid(row=0,column=0, sticky=E, pady=(8,0))
# The fieldname attribute is necessary to provide data to action
entry = Entry(form)
entry.fieldname = "entry"
entry.grid(row=1,column=1, sticky =E+W)
Label(form, text="Checkbuttons:").grid(row=2,column=0, sticky=E, pady=(8,0))
column = Frame(form)
column.grid(row=3,column=1, sticky =E+W)
checkbutton0 = Checkbutton(column, text="Option 0")
checkbutton0.fieldname = "checkbutton0"
checkbutton1 = Checkbutton(column, text="Option 1")
checkbutton1.fieldname = "checkbutton1"
checkbutton2 = Checkbutton(column, text="Option 2")
checkbutton2.fieldname = "checkbutton2"
Label(form, text="Radiobuttons:").grid(row=4,column=0, sticky=E, pady=(8,0))
column = Frame(form)
column.grid(row=5,column=1, sticky =E+W)
# All radiobuttons require a variable
variable = StringVar()
radiobutton0 = Radiobutton(column, variable = variable, value="value0", text="Selection 0")
radiobutton0.fieldname = "radiobutton"
radiobutton1 = Radiobutton(column, variable = variable, value="value1", text="Selection 1")
radiobutton0.fieldname = "radiobutton"
Label(form, text="Text area:").grid(row=6,column=0, sticky=E, pady=(8,0))
text = Text(form, height=5)
text.fieldname = "text"
text.grid(row=7,column=1, sticky =E+W)
Label(form, text="Listbox:").grid(row=8,column=0, sticky=E, pady=(8,0))
listbox = Listbox(form)
listbox.fieldname = "listbox"
listbox.grid(row=9,column=1, sticky=W)
for item in ["one", "two", "three", "four"]:
listbox.insert("end", item)
Label(form, text="Combobox:").grid(row=10,column=0, sticky=E, pady=(8,0))
combobox = Combobox(form, values = ('X', 'Y', 'Z'), width=5)
combobox.fieldname = "combobox"
combobox.grid(row=11,column=1, sticky=W)
Submit_Button(form, text="Submit").grid(row=12,column=1,sticky =E)
In line 101 should be
For Python 2.7
Thanks for reporting