Diff to Previous Revision
--- revision 1 2016-07-29 01:50:24
+++ revision 2 2016-07-29 01:52:11
@@ -1,187 +1,1 @@
-def sign(man, machine):
- man = raw_input("What team you want to be? X or O ")
- while man not in ('x','X','o','O'):
- print "Invalid Choice!"
- man = raw_input("What team you want to be? X or O ")
- if man == 'x' or man == 'X':
- print "Ok, X is yours!"
- machine = 'o'
- else:
- print "Ok, O is yours!"
- machine = 'x'
- return man.upper(), machine.upper()
-def decide_turn():
- turn = None
- while turn not in ('y','Y','n','N'):
- turn = raw_input("Do you want to go first? ")
- if turn == 'y' or turn == 'Y':
- return 1
- elif turn == 'n' or turn == 'N':
- return 0
- else:
- print "its an invalid choice."
-def draw(a):
- print "\n\t",a[0],"|",a[1],"|",a[2]
- print "\t", "--------"
- print "\n\t",a[3],"|",a[4],"|",a[5]
- print "\t", "--------"
- print "\n\t",a[6],"|",a[7],"|",a[8], "\n"
-def congo_man():
- print "You win!"
-def congo_machine():
- print "Good Job!"
-def man_first(man, machine, new):
- while winn(man, machine, new) is None:
- move = man_move(man, new)
- new[int(move)] = man
- draw(new)
- if winn(man, machine, new) != None:
- break
- else:
- pass
- print "Take”
- p_move = machine_move(man, machine, new)
- print p_move
- new[int(p_move)] = machine
- draw(new)
- q = winn(man, machine, new)
- if q == 1:
- congo_man()
- elif q == 0:
- congo_machine()
- else:
- print "It’s a tie."
-def machine_first(man, machine, new):
- while not winn(man, machine, new):
- print "I'll take."
- p_move = machine_move(man, machine, new)
- print p_move
- new[p_move] = machine
- draw(new)
- if winn(man, machine, new) != None:
- break
- else:
- pass
- move = man_move(man, new)
- new[int(move)] = man
- draw(new)
- q = winn(man, machine, new)
- if q == 1:
- congo_man()
- elif q == 0:
- congo_machine()
- else:
- print "It’s a tie"
-def winn(man, machine, new):
- ways = ((0,1,2),(3,4,5),(6,7,8),(0,3,6),(1,4,7),(2,5,8),(0,4,8),(2,4,6))
- for i in ways:
- if new[i[0]] == new[i[1]] == new[i[2]] != null:
- winner = new[i[0]]
- if winner == man:
- return 1
- elif winner == machine:
- return 0
- if null not in new:
- return 'TIE'
- if null not in new:
- return 'TIE'
- return None
-def man_move(man, new):
- a = raw_input("where you want to move? ")
- while True:
- if a not in ('0','1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8'):
- print "Sorry, invalid move"
- a = raw_input("where you want to move? ")
- elif new[int(a)] != null:
- print "Sorry, the place is already taken"
- a = raw_input("where you want to move? ")
- else:
- return int(a)
-def machine_move(man, machine, new):
- best = [4, 0, 2, 6, 8]
- blank = []
- for i in range(0,9):
- if new[i] == null:
- blank.append(i)
- for i in blank:
- new[i] = machine
- if winn(man, machine, new) is 0:
- return i
- new[i] = null
- for i in blank:
- new[i] = man
- if winn(man, machine, new) is 1:
- return i
- new[i] = null
- return int(blank[random.randrange(len(blank))])
-def display_instruction():
- """ Displays Game Instuructions. """
- print
- """
- Welcome to the Game...
- You will make your move known by entering a number, 0 - 8.
- The will correspond to the board position as illustrated:
- 0 | 1 | 2
- -----------
- 3 | 4 | 5
- -----------
- 6 | 7 | 8
- Prepare yourself, the ultimate bettel is about to begin.....
- """
-def main(man, machine, new):
- display_instruction()
- print "so lets begin.."
- a = sign(man, machine)
- man = a[0]
- machine = a[1]
- b = decide_turn()
- if b == 1:
- print "Ok, you are first!"
- print "Lets get started, here's a new board!"
- draw(new)
- man_first(man, machine, new)
- elif b == 0:
- print "Ok, I'll be the first!"
- print "So, lets start.."
- draw(new)
- machine_first(man, machine, new)
- else:
- pass
-main(man, machine, new)
-raw_input("Press enter to exit")
+didnt woerk