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 Python 3.5.1 (v3.5.1:37a07cee5969, Dec  6 2015, 01:54:25) [MSC v.1900 64 bit (AMD64)] on win32
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> import fitz                                      # = PyMuPDF
>>> doc = fitz.open("test.pdf")                      # open PDF
>>> toc = doc.getToC()                               # get current table of contents
>>> for t in toc: print(t)                           # show what we have so far
[1, 'The PyMuPDF Documentation', 1]                  # = [hierarchy-level, title, page-number]
[2, 'Introduction', 1]
[3, 'Note on the Name fitz', 1]
[3, 'License', 1]
>>> toc[1][1] += " modified by setToC"               # modify anything
>>> doc.setToC(toc)                                  # replace outline tree
>>> for t in doc.getToC(): print(t)                  # demonstrate it worked
[1, 'The PyMuPDF Documentation', 1]
[2, 'Introduction modified by setToC', 1]            # <<< this has changed!
[3, 'Note on the Name fitz', 1]
[3, 'License', 1]
>>> # similar for metadata:
>>> doc.setMetadata({"author":"Jorj. X. McKie", "creator": ...})
>>> # when done, incrementally save to the file works in sub-second time
>>> doc.save(doc.name, incremental=True)
