#!/usr/bin/env python3
#-*- coding: iso-8859-1 -*-
# Function guards for Python 3.
# (c) 2016, Dmitry Dvoinikov
# Distributed under MIT license.
# Samples:
# from funcguard import guard
# @guard
# def abs(a, _when = "a >= 0"):
# return a
# @guard
# def abs(a, _when = "a < 0"):
# return -a
# assert abs(1) == abs(-1) == 1
# @guard
# def factorial(n): # no _when expression => default
# return 1
# @guard
# def factorial(n, _when = "n > 1"):
# return n * factorial(n - 1)
# assert factorial(10) == 3628800
# class TypeTeller:
# @staticmethod
# @guard
# def typeof(value, _when = "isinstance(value, int)"):
# return int
# @staticmethod
# @guard
# def typeof(value, _when = "isinstance(value, str)"):
# return str
# assert TypeTeller.typeof(0) is int
# TypeTeller.typeof(0.0) # throws
# class AllowedProcessor:
# def __init__(self, allowed):
# self._allowed = allowed
# @guard
# def process(self, value, _when = "value in self._allowed"):
# return "ok"
# @guard
# def process(self, value): # no _when expression => default
# return "fail"
# ap = AllowedProcessor({1, 2, 3})
# assert ap.process(1) == "ok"
# assert ap.process(0) == "fail"
# guard.default_eval_args( # values to insert to all guards scopes
# office_hours = lambda: 9 <= datetime.now().hour < 18)
# @guard
# def at_work(*args, _when = "office_hours()", **kwargs):
# print("welcome")
# @guard
# def at_work(*args, **kwargs):
# print("come back tomorrow")
# at_work() # either "welcome" or "come back tomorrow"
# The complete source code with self-tests is available from:
# https://github.com/targeted/funcguard
__all__ = [ "guard", "GuardException", "IncompatibleFunctionsException",
"FunctionArgumentsMatchException", "GuardExpressionException",
"DuplicateDefaultGuardException", "GuardEvalException",
"NoMatchingFunctionException" ]
import inspect; from inspect import getfullargspec
import functools; from functools import wraps
import sys; from sys import modules
(lambda: None).__qualname__
except AttributeError:
import qualname; from qualname import qualname # prior to Python 3.3 workaround
qualname = lambda f: f.__qualname__
class GuardException(Exception): pass
class IncompatibleFunctionsException(GuardException): pass
class FunctionArgumentsMatchException(GuardException): pass
class GuardExpressionException(GuardException): pass
class DuplicateDefaultGuardException(GuardException): pass
class GuardEvalException(GuardException): pass
class NoMatchingFunctionException(GuardException): pass
# takes an argument specification for a function and a set of actual call
# positional and keyword arguments, returns a flat namespace-like dict
# mapping parameter names to their actual values
def _eval_args(argspec, args, kwargs):
# match positional arguments
matched_args = {}
expected_args = argspec.args
default_args = argspec.defaults or ()
_many = lambda t: "argument" + ("s" if len(t) != 1 else "")
# copy provided args to expected, append defaults if necessary
for i, name in enumerate(expected_args):
if i < len(args):
value = args[i]
elif i >= len(expected_args) - len(default_args):
value = argspec.defaults[i - len(expected_args) + len(default_args)]
missing_args = expected_args[len(args):len(expected_args) - len(default_args)]
raise FunctionArgumentsMatchException("missing required positional {0:s}: {1:s}".\
format(_many(missing_args), ", ".join(missing_args)))
matched_args[name] = value
# put extra provided args to *args if the function allows
if argspec.varargs:
matched_args[argspec.varargs] = args[len(expected_args):] if len(args) > len(expected_args) else ()
elif len(args) > len(expected_args):
raise FunctionArgumentsMatchException(
"takes {0:d} positional {1:s} but {2:d} {3:s} given".
format(len(expected_args), _many(expected_args),
len(args), len(args) == 1 and "was" or "were"))
# match keyword arguments
matched_kwargs = {}
expected_kwargs = argspec.kwonlyargs
default_kwargs = argspec.kwonlydefaults or {}
# extract expected kwargs from provided, using defaults if necessary
missing_kwargs = []
for name in expected_kwargs:
if name in kwargs:
matched_kwargs[name] = kwargs[name]
elif name in default_kwargs:
matched_kwargs[name] = default_kwargs[name]
if missing_kwargs:
raise FunctionArgumentsMatchException("missing required keyword {0:s}: {1:s}".\
format(_many(missing_kwargs), ", ".join(missing_kwargs)))
extra_kwarg_names = [ name for name in kwargs if name not in matched_kwargs ]
if argspec.varkw:
if extra_kwarg_names:
extra_kwargs = { name: kwargs[name] for name in extra_kwarg_names }
extra_kwargs = {}
matched_args[argspec.varkw] = extra_kwargs
elif extra_kwarg_names:
raise FunctionArgumentsMatchException("got unexpected keyword {0:s}: {1:s}".\
format(_many(extra_kwarg_names), ", ".join(extra_kwarg_names)))
# both positional and keyword argument are returned in the same scope-like dict
for name, value in matched_kwargs.items():
matched_args[name] = value
return matched_args
# takes an argument specification for a function, from it extracts and returns
# a compiled expression which is to be matched against call arguments
def _get_guard_expr(func_name, argspec):
guard_expr_text = None
if "_when" in argspec.args:
defaults = argspec.defaults or ()
i = argspec.args.index("_when")
if i >= len(argspec.args) - len(defaults):
guard_expr_text = defaults[i - len(argspec.args) + len(defaults)]
elif "_when" in argspec.kwonlyargs:
guard_expr_text = (argspec.kwonlydefaults or {}).get("_when")
return None # indicates default guard
if guard_expr_text is None:
raise GuardExpressionException("guarded function {0:s}() requires a \"_when\" "
"argument with guard expression text as its "
"default value".format(func_name))
guard_expr = compile(guard_expr_text, func_name, "eval")
except Exception as e:
error = str(e)
error = None
if error is not None:
raise GuardExpressionException("invalid guard expression for {0:s}(): "
"{1:s}".format(func_name, error))
return guard_expr
# checks whether two functions' argspecs are compatible to be guarded as one,
# compatible argspecs have identical positional and keyword parameters except
# for "_when" and annotations
def _compatible_argspecs(argspec1, argspec2):
return _stripped_argspec(argspec1) == _stripped_argspec(argspec2)
def _stripped_argspec(argspec):
args = argspec.args[:]
defaults = list(argspec.defaults or ())
kwonlyargs = argspec.kwonlyargs[:]
kwonlydefaults = (argspec.kwonlydefaults or {}).copy()
if "_when" in args:
i = args.index("_when")
if i >= len(args) - len(defaults):
del defaults[i - len(args) + len(defaults)]
del args[i]
elif "_when" in kwonlyargs and "_when" in kwonlydefaults:
i = kwonlyargs.index("_when")
del kwonlyargs[i]
del kwonlydefaults["_when"]
return (args, defaults, kwonlyargs, kwonlydefaults, argspec.varargs, argspec.varkw)
def guard(func, module = None): # the main decorator function
# see if it is a function of a lambda
except SyntaxError:
return func # => not guarded
except NameError:
pass # valid name
# get to the bottom of a possible decorator chain
# to get the original function's specification
original_func = func
while hasattr(original_func, "__wrapped__"):
original_func = original_func.__wrapped__
func_name = qualname(original_func)
func_module = module or modules[func.__module__] # module serves only as a place to keep state
argspec = getfullargspec(original_func)
# the registry of known guarded function is attached to the module containg them
guarded_functions = getattr(func_module, "__guarded_functions__", None)
if guarded_functions is None:
guarded_functions = func_module.__guarded_functions__ = {}
original_argspec, first_guard, last_guard = guard_info = \
guarded_functions.setdefault(func_name, [argspec, None, None])
# all the guarded functions with the same name must have identical signature
if argspec is not original_argspec and not _compatible_argspecs(argspec, original_argspec):
raise IncompatibleFunctionsException("function signature is incompatible "
"with the previosly registered {0:s}()".format(func_name))
def func_guard(*args, **kwargs): # the call proxy function
# since all versions of the function have essentially identical signatures,
# their mapping to the actually provided arguments can be calculated once
# for each call and not against every version of the function
eval_args = _eval_args(argspec, args, kwargs)
except FunctionArgumentsMatchException as e:
error = str(e)
error = None
if error is not None:
raise FunctionArgumentsMatchException("{0:s}() {1:s}".format(func_name, error))
for name, value in guard.__default_eval_args__.items():
eval_args.setdefault(name, value)
# walk the chain of function versions starting with the first, looking
# for the one for which the guard expression evaluates to truth
current_guard = func_guard.__first_guard__
while current_guard:
if not current_guard.__guard_expr__ or \
eval(current_guard.__guard_expr__, globals(), eval_args):
except Exception as e:
error = str(e)
error = None
if error is not None:
raise GuardEvalException("guard expression evaluation failed for "
"{0:s}(): {1:s}".format(func_name, error))
current_guard = current_guard.__next_guard__
raise NoMatchingFunctionException("none of the guard expressions for {0:s}() "
"matched the call arguments".format(func_name))
return current_guard.__wrapped__(*args, **kwargs) # call the winning function version
# in different version of Python @wraps behaves differently with regards
# to __wrapped__, therefore we set it the way we need it here
func_guard.__wrapped__ = func
# the guard expression is attached
func_guard.__guard_expr__ = _get_guard_expr(func_name, argspec)
# maintain a linked list for all versions of the function
if last_guard and not last_guard.__guard_expr__: # the list is not empty and the
# last guard is already a default
if not func_guard.__guard_expr__:
raise DuplicateDefaultGuardException("the default version of {0:s}() has already "
"been specified".format(func_name))
# the new guard has to be inserted one before the last
if first_guard is last_guard: # the list contains just one guard
# new becomes first, last is not changed
first_guard.__first_guard__ = func_guard.__first_guard__ = func_guard
func_guard.__next_guard__ = first_guard
first_guard = guard_info[1] = func_guard
else: # the list contains more than one guard
# neither first nor last are changed
prev_guard = first_guard
while prev_guard.__next_guard__ is not last_guard:
prev_guard = prev_guard.__next_guard__
func_guard.__first_guard__ = first_guard
func_guard.__next_guard__ = last_guard
prev_guard.__next_guard__ = func_guard
else: # the new guard is inserted last
if not first_guard:
first_guard = guard_info[1] = func_guard
func_guard.__first_guard__ = first_guard
func_guard.__next_guard__ = None
if last_guard:
last_guard.__next_guard__ = func_guard
last_guard = guard_info[2] = func_guard
return func_guard
guard.__default_eval_args__ = {}
guard.default_eval_args = lambda *args, **kwargs: guard.__default_eval_args__.update(*args, **kwargs)