#!/usr/bin/env python
import inspect
import sys
# The @decorator syntax is available since python2.4 and we support even this old version. Unfortunately functools
# has been introduced only in python2.5 so we have to emulate functools.update_wrapper() under python2.4.
from functools import update_wrapper
except ImportError:
def update_wrapper(wrapper, wrapped):
for attr_name in ('__module__', '__name__', '__doc__'):
attr_value = getattr(wrapped, attr_name, None)
if attr_value is not None:
setattr(wrapper, attr_name, attr_value)
wrapper.__dict__.update(getattr(wrapped, '__dict__', {}))
return wrapper
def first_kwonly_arg(name):
""" Emulates keyword-only arguments under python2. Works with both python2 and python3.
With this decorator you can convert all or some of the default arguments of your function
into kwonly arguments. Use ``KWONLY_REQUIRED`` as the default value of required kwonly args.
:param name: The name of the first default argument to be treated as a keyword-only argument. This default
argument along with all default arguments that follow this one will be treated as keyword only arguments.
You can also pass here the ``FIRST_DEFAULT_ARG`` constant in order to select the first default argument. This
way you turn all default arguments into keyword-only arguments. As a shortcut you can use the
``@kwonly_defaults`` decorator (without any parameters) instead of ``@first_kwonly_arg(FIRST_DEFAULT_ARG)``.
>>> from kwonly_args import first_kwonly_arg, KWONLY_REQUIRED, FIRST_DEFAULT_ARG, kwonly_defaults
>>> # this decoration converts the ``d1`` and ``d2`` default args into kwonly args
>>> @first_kwonly_arg('d1')
>>> def func(a0, a1, d0='d0', d1='d1', d2='d2', *args, **kwargs):
>>> print(a0, a1, d0, d1, d2, args, kwargs)
>>> func(0, 1, 2, 3, 4)
0 1 2 d1 d2 (3, 4) {}
>>> func(0, 1, 2, 3, 4, d2='my_param')
0 1 2 d1 my_param (3, 4) {}
>>> # d0 is an optional deyword argument, d1 is required
>>> def func(d0='d0', d1=KWONLY_REQUIRED):
>>> print(d0, d1)
>>> # The ``FIRST_DEFAULT_ARG`` constant automatically selects the first default argument so it
>>> # turns all default arguments into keyword-only ones. Both d0 and d1 are keyword-only arguments.
>>> @first_kwonly_arg(FIRST_DEFAULT_ARG)
>>> def func(a0, a1, d0='d0', d1='d1'):
>>> print(a0, a1, d0, d1)
>>> # ``@kwonly_defaults`` is a shortcut for the ``@first_kwonly_arg(FIRST_DEFAULT_ARG)``
>>> # in the previous example. This example has the same effect as the previous one.
>>> @kwonly_defaults
>>> def func(a0, a1, d0='d0', d1='d1'):
>>> print(a0, a1, d0, d1)
def decorate(wrapped):
if sys.version_info[0] == 2:
arg_names, varargs, _, defaults = inspect.getargspec(wrapped)
arg_names, varargs, _, defaults = inspect.getfullargspec(wrapped)[:4]
if not defaults:
raise TypeError("You can't use @first_kwonly_arg on a function that doesn't have default arguments!")
first_default_index = len(arg_names) - len(defaults)
first_kwonly_index = first_default_index
first_kwonly_index = arg_names.index(name)
except ValueError:
raise ValueError("%s() doesn't have an argument with the specified first_kwonly_arg=%r name" % (
getattr(wrapped, '__name__', '?'), name))
if first_kwonly_index < first_default_index:
raise ValueError("The specified first_kwonly_arg=%r must have a default value!" % (name,))
kwonly_defaults = defaults[-(len(arg_names)-first_kwonly_index):]
kwonly_args = tuple(zip(arg_names[first_kwonly_index:], kwonly_defaults))
required_kwonly_args = frozenset(arg for arg, default in kwonly_args if default is KWONLY_REQUIRED)
def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
if required_kwonly_args:
missing_kwonly_args = required_kwonly_args.difference(kwargs.keys())
if missing_kwonly_args:
raise TypeError("%s() missing %s keyword-only argument(s): %s" % (
getattr(wrapped, '__name__', '?'), len(missing_kwonly_args),
', '.join(sorted(missing_kwonly_args))))
if len(args) > first_kwonly_index:
if varargs is None:
raise TypeError("%s() takes exactly %s arguments (%s given)" % (
getattr(wrapped, '__name__', '?'), first_kwonly_index, len(args)))
kwonly_args_from_kwargs = tuple(kwargs.pop(arg, default) for arg, default in kwonly_args)
args = args[:first_kwonly_index] + kwonly_args_from_kwargs + args[first_kwonly_index:]
return wrapped(*args, **kwargs)
return update_wrapper(wrapper, wrapped)
return decorate
kwonly_defaults = first_kwonly_arg(FIRST_DEFAULT_ARG)
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
def get_arg_values(func, locals):
args, varargs, varkw, _ = inspect.getargspec(func)
if varargs:
if varkw:
return ' '.join('%s=%r' % (name, locals[name]) for name in args)
def test_functions():
def run_one_test(func, first_kwonly_arg_name, *args, **kwargs):
print(' @first_kwonly_arg(%r)' % first_kwonly_arg_name)
print('function: %s%s' % (func.__name__, inspect.formatargspec(*inspect.getargspec(func))))
print(' args: %s' % (args,))
print(' kwargs: %s' % (kwargs,))
decorated = first_kwonly_arg(name=first_kwonly_arg_name)(func)
decorated(*args, **kwargs)
except Exception:
import traceback
def run_all_tests_for_func(func):
mode = func.__name__.split('_')[1]
if 'a' in mode:
# func has required args
run_one_test(func, 'd1', 0, a1='my_a1')
run_one_test(func, 'd1', 0, a1='my_a1', d0='my_d0')
run_one_test(func, 'd1', 0, a1='my_a1', d2='my_d2')
run_one_test(func, 'd1', 0, a1='my_a1', d0='my_d0', d2='my_d2')
run_one_test(func, 'd1', a0='my_a0', a1='my_a1')
run_one_test(func, 'd0')
run_one_test(func, 'd1')
run_one_test(func, 'd1', 0)
run_one_test(func, 'd1', 0, 1)
run_one_test(func, 'd1', 0, 1, 2)
if 'v' in mode:
# func has varargs
run_one_test(func, 'd1', 0, 1, 2, 3)
run_one_test(func, 'd1', 0, 1, 2, 3, 4)
run_one_test(func, 'd1', 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, d2='my_d2')
run_one_test(func, 'd1', 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, d1='my_d1', d2='my_d2')
def run_all_tests_for_func_a(func):
def print_arg_values(func, locals):
print(' result: ' + get_arg_values(func, locals))
def func_r1(d0='d0', d1=KWONLY_REQUIRED, d2='d2'):
print_arg_values(func_r1, locals())
def func_r12(d0='d0', d1=KWONLY_REQUIRED, d2=KWONLY_REQUIRED):
print_arg_values(func_r12, locals())
def func_ad(a0, a1, d0='d0', d1='d1', d2='d2'):
print_arg_values(func_ad, locals())
def func_d(d0='d0', d1='d1', d2='d2'):
print_arg_values(func_d, locals())
def func_adv(a0, a1, d0='d0', d1='d1', d2='d2', *args):
print_arg_values(func_adv, locals())
def func_dv(d0='d0', d1='d1', d2='d2', *args):
print_arg_values(func_dv, locals())
run_one_test(func_ad, 'invalid_arg_name')
run_one_test(func_ad, 'a0')
run_one_test(func_ad, 'd0')
run_one_test(func_ad, 'd1', 0, 1, 2, 3)
run_one_test(func_ad, 'd1', 0, 1, 2, d0='my_d0')
run_one_test(func_r1, 'd1')
run_one_test(func_r12, 'd1')
run_one_test(func_r1, 'd1', d2='my_d2')
run_one_test(func_r1, 'd1', d1='my_d1')
run_one_test(func_r12, 'd1', d1='my_d1')
run_one_test(func_r12, 'd1', d1='my_d1', d2='my_d2')
def test_class_methods():
def instance_method(self, a0, a1, d0='d0', d1='d1', d2='d2', *args):
print('instance_method: ' + get_arg_values(instance_method, locals()))
def class_method(cls, a0, a1, d0='d0', d1='d1', d2='d2', *args):
print('class_method: ' + get_arg_values(class_method, locals()))
def static_method(a0, a1, d0='d0', d1='d1', d2='d2', *args):
print('static_method: ' + get_arg_values(static_method, locals()))
wrapped_instance_method = first_kwonly_arg('d1')(instance_method)
wrapped_class_method = first_kwonly_arg('d1')(class_method)
wrapped_static_method = first_kwonly_arg('d1')(static_method)
class MyClass(object):
instance_method = wrapped_instance_method
class_method = classmethod(wrapped_class_method)
static_method = staticmethod(wrapped_static_method)
def __repr__(self):
return MyClass.__name__ + '()'
my_class_instance = MyClass()
def run_one_test(method, *args, **kwargs):
print('method=%s args=%s, kwargs=%s' % (method.__name__, args, kwargs))
method(*args, **kwargs)
except Exception:
import traceback
run_one_test(my_class_instance.instance_method, 0, 1)
run_one_test(my_class_instance.instance_method, 0, 1, 2)
run_one_test(my_class_instance.instance_method, 0, 1, 2, 3)
run_one_test(my_class_instance.instance_method, 0, 1, 2, 3, d2='my_d2')
run_one_test(my_class_instance.class_method, 0, 1)
run_one_test(my_class_instance.class_method, 0, 1, 2)
run_one_test(my_class_instance.class_method, 0, 1, 2, 3)
run_one_test(my_class_instance.class_method, 0, 1, 2, 3, d2='my_d2')
run_one_test(my_class_instance.static_method, 0, 1)
run_one_test(my_class_instance.static_method, 0, 1, 2)
run_one_test(my_class_instance.static_method, 0, 1, 2, 3)
run_one_test(my_class_instance.static_method, 0, 1, 2, 3, d2='my_d2')
if __name__ == '__main__':