""" Created on Tue Dec 15 20:30:51 2015 @author: awang """ def ExcelReadtoList(): import tkinter as tk from tkinter import filedialog root = tk.Tk() root.withdraw() F = filedialog.askopenfilename() import xlwings as xw wb = xw.Workbook(F) Results={} Result={} endRow=500 endCol=100 sheetNo=1 while True: try: carrier=xw.Sheet(sheetNo).name Results[carrier]=xw.Range(sheetNo,(1,1),(endRow,endCol)).value maxCol=1 for i in range(0,endRow): countCol=endCol-1 for j in range(endCol-1,-1,-1): if Results[carrier][i][j]!=None: break else: countCol-=1 if maxCol<countCol: maxCol=countCol maxRow=1 for i in range(0,endCol): countRow=endRow-1 for j in range(endRow-1,-1,-1): if Results[carrier][j][i]!=None: break else: countRow-=1 if maxRow<countRow: maxRow=countRow Result[carrier]=xw.Range(sheetNo,(1,1),(maxRow+1,maxCol+1)).value sheetNo+=1 except: wb.close() print('Completed!\nBe noted maximum of %d rows and %d columns have been tested!!!' % (endRow,endCol)) return Result