Hook on stdout and stderr so that we can handle printing of text,error differently e.g in GUI base application divert text to a log window.
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#this class gets all output directed to stdout(e.g by print statements)
#and stderr and redirects it to a user defined function
class PrintHook:
#out = 1 means stdout will be hooked
#out = 0 means stderr will be hooked
def __init__(self,out=1):
self.func = None##self.func is userdefined function
self.origOut = None
self.out = out
#user defined hook must return three variables
def TestHook(self,text):
f = open('hook_log.txt','a')
return 0,0,text
def Start(self,func=None):
if self.out:
sys.stdout = self
self.origOut = sys.__stdout__
sys.stderr= self
self.origOut = sys.__stderr__
if func:
self.func = func
self.func = self.TestHook
#Stop will stop routing of print statements thru this class
def Stop(self):
if self.out:
sys.stdout = sys.__stdout__
sys.stderr = sys.__stderr__
self.func = None
#override write of stdout
def write(self,text):
proceed = 1
lineNo = 0
addText = ''
if self.func != None:
proceed,lineNo,newText = self.func(text)
if proceed:
if text.split() == []:
#if goint to stdout then only add line no file etc
#for stderr it is already there
if self.out:
if lineNo:
raise "Dummy"
newText = 'line('+str(sys.exc_info()[2].tb_frame.f_back.f_lineno)+'):'+newText
codeObject = sys.exc_info()[2].tb_frame.f_back.f_code
fileName = codeObject.co_filename
funcName = codeObject.co_name
self.origOut.write('file '+fileName+','+'func '+funcName+':')
#pass all other methods to __stdout__ so that we don't have to override them
def __getattr__(self, name):
return self.origOut.__getattr__(name)
if __name__ == '__main__':
def MyHookOut(text):
return 1,1,'Out Hooked:'+text
def MyHookErr(text):
f = open('hook_log.txt','a')
return 1,1,'Err Hooked:'+text
print 'Hook Start'
phOut = PrintHook()
phErr = PrintHook(0)
print 'Is this working?'
print 'It seems so!'
print 'STDOUT Hook end'
print 'Hook end'
User use can use the class PrintHook to divert all output to stdout and stderr so that it passes thru a user given function. Where we can manipulate the text.
User can also separate messages for stderr from stdout to a different file, function etc.
Tags: debugging
Kindly let me know if this can be used to include a watermark only on specific files. i.e if a file is named with the word Text, then a watermark written sample is added when the file is printed. Other files not named so are excluded from the watermark.Urgently advice.