This program shows how to convert invoice data from
Python data structures into a PDF invoice.
Author: Vasudev Ram
Copyright 2015 Vasudev Ram
import sys
import time
from PDFWriter import PDFWriter
def error_exit(message):
def InvoiceToPDF(pdf_filename, data):
# Get the invoice data from the dict.
font_name = data['font_name']
font_size = data['font_size']
header = data['header']
footer = data['footer']
invoice_number = data['invoice_number']
invoice_customer = data['invoice_customer']
invoice_date_time = data['invoice_date_time']
invoice_line_items = data['invoice_line_items']
except KeyError as ke:
error_exit("KeyError: {}".format(ke))
with PDFWriter(pdf_filename) as pw:
# Generate the PDF invoice from the data.
pw.setFont(font_name, font_size)
pw.writeLine('-' * 60)
pw.writeLine('Invoice Number: ' + str(invoice_number))
pw.writeLine('Invoice Customer: ' + invoice_customer)
pw.writeLine('Invoice Date & Time: ' + invoice_date_time)
pw.writeLine('-' * 60)
pw.writeLine('Invoice line items:')
pw.writeLine('S. No.'.zfill(5) + ' ' + 'Description'.ljust(10) + \
' ' + 'Unit price'.ljust(10) + ' ' + 'Quantity'.ljust(10) + ' ' + \
str('Ext. Price').rjust(8))
pw.writeLine('-' * 60)
sum_ext_price = 0
for line_item in invoice_line_items:
id, desc, price, quantity = line_item
pw.writeLine(str(id).zfill(5) + ' ' + desc.ljust(10) + \
' ' + str(price).rjust(10) + ' ' + str(quantity).rjust(10) + \
str(price * quantity).rjust(10))
sum_ext_price += price * quantity
pw.writeLine('-' * 60)
pw.writeLine('Total:'.rjust(38) + str(sum_ext_price).rjust(10))
pw.writeLine('-' * 60)
except IOError as ioe:
error_exit("IOError: {}".format(ioe))
except Exception as e:
error_exit("Exception: {}".format(e))
def testInvoiceToPDF(pdf_filename):
# Get the Unix-style date from the system ...
cdt = time.ctime(time.time()).split()
# ... and format it a little differently.
current_date_time = cdt[0] + ' ' + cdt[1] + ' ' + cdt[2] + \
', ' + cdt[4] + ', ' + cdt[3][:5]
data = { \
'font_name': 'Courier', \
'font_size': 12, \
'header': 'Customer Invoice', \
'footer': 'Generated by xtopdf: http://bit.ly/xtopdf', \
'invoice_number': 12345, \
'invoice_customer': 'Mr. Vasudev Ram', \
'invoice_date_time': current_date_time, \
'invoice_line_items': \
[ 01, 'Chair', 100, 10 ], \
[ 02, 'Table', 200, 20 ], \
[ 03, 'Cupboard', 300, 30 ], \
[ 04, 'Bed', 400, 40 ], \
[ 05, 'Wardrobe', 500, 50 ], \
InvoiceToPDF(pdf_filename, data)
def main():
if len(sys.argv) != 2:
error_exit("Usage: {} pdf_filename".format(sys.argv[0]))
if __name__ == '__main__':