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 class gpa_cgpa(object):
      arg1 = None
      arg2 = None
      subdata = None
      credits = None
      init_course = 0
      init_credit =0
      total_credit =0
      temp = 0

      def getcourse(self):
          self.arg1 = input("No of course you have registered:")

      def getsubjectdata(self):
          self.subdata = raw_input("Enter the grade:")

      def getgradedata(self):
          grade = {'s':10,'a':9,'b':8,'c':7,'d':6,'e':5,'u':0,'i':0}
          return x
      def getcredit(self):
          self.credits = input("Enter the credit for a subject :")

      def gpa(self):
          print "calculate GPA :"
          sem = raw_input("Enter the semester : ")
          if self.arg1 >=2:
            print " In order to calculate Gpa you should have atleast 2 subjects minimum"
      def calculateGpa(self):
          while self.init_course!=self.arg1:
              self.init_credit = self.credits
              self.temp = self.init_credit*self.getgradedata()+self.temp

          gpa = round((self.temp+0)/(self.total_credit+.0),2)
          print "you have registered for total credits:"+" "+str(self.total_credit)+" "+"and you have acquired GPA:\""+str(gpa)+"\""

      def cgpa(self):
          print  "Calculate your cgpa : "
          semester = input("Enter how many semester cgpa has to be found of :")
          counter =0
          tempinit = 0
          temptotalcredit =0 
          while counter!=semester:
                   counter = counter+1
                   print "Please enter the details of the semester"+" "+str(counter)
                   tempinit = self.temp+tempinit
                   temptotalcredit = temptotalcredit + self.total_credit
                # re-assigning
                   self.initCourse =0
                   print "\n"
          cgpa = round((tempinit+.0)/(temptotalcredit+.0),2)
          print "you have registered for total credits:"+" "+str(temptotalcredit)+" "+"and you have acquired CGPA:\""+str(cgpa)+"\" "

if __name__ == '__main__': # main method
    #how to calculate it

    Init = gpa_cgpa() # Creating Instance

    # for calculation of Cgpa (cumulative grade point average)

    # In Order to calculate Gpa for single semester

Calculate your cgpa: 
Enter how many semester cgpa has to be found of: 2
Please enter the details of the semester 1
No of course you have registered: 2
Enter the credits for a subject:4
Enter the grade: a
Enter the credits for a subject:4
Enter the grade: c
you have registered for total credits: 8 and you have acquired GPA:"8.0"

Please enter the details of the semester 2
No of course you have registered: 3
Enter the credits for a subject:4
Enter the grade: b
Enter the credits for a subject:5
Enter the grade: a
Enter the credits for a subject:3
Enter the grade: c
you have registered for total credits: 12 and you have acquired GPA:"8.17"

you have registered for total credits: 20 and you have acquired CGPA:"8.1"     


Diff to Previous Revision

--- revision 1 2015-07-31 02:33:07
+++ revision 2 2015-07-31 02:37:19
@@ -1,125 +1,86 @@
-# @author: Abhijeet vaidya
-# @contact: abhijeetavaidya@gmail.com
-# @license: MIT license(Free Open Source License)
-# @Description: Gpa is Grade point average, which is use to determine the student academic pointer 
-#               based on the value of the grade he/she acquired in single semester, where as cgpa is cumlative 
-#               grade point average is to calculate the total credits and total grade acquired in 
-#               his/her entire academics. Here i have determined to use grade scale of two values
-#               5.0 and 10.0, many other academics may have different grading system.For a different grades and   #               their grade values, You can change the value in method called getGradeData.For any bug report #               contact at above email-address
+ class gpa_cgpa(object):
+      arg1 = None
+      arg2 = None
+      subdata = None
+      credits = None
+      init_course = 0
+      init_credit =0
+      total_credit =0
+      temp = 0
-class Gpa(object):
-    # data attributes
-    "helps to calculate the Gpa and Cgpa"
-    arg1 = None
-    arg2 = None
-    subData = None
-    Scale = None
-    credits = None
-    initCourse = 0
-    initgetCredit = 0
-    totalCredits = 0
-    temp = 0
+      def getcourse(self):
+          self.arg1 = input("No of course you have registered:")
+          pass
-    def getCourse(self):
-        "get the value of the no of course you registered"
-        self.arg1 = input("No of course you have registered: " )
-        pass
+      def getsubjectdata(self):
+          self.subdata = raw_input("Enter the grade:")
+          pass
+      def getgradedata(self):
+          grade = {'s':10,'a':9,'b':8,'c':7,'d':6,'e':5,'u':0,'i':0}
+          x=grade[self.subdata]
+          return x
+      def getcredit(self):
+          self.credits = input("Enter the credit for a subject :")
+          pass
+      def gpa(self):
+          print "calculate GPA :"
+          sem = raw_input("Enter the semester : ")
+          self.getcourse()
+          if self.arg1 >=2:
+             self.calculateGpa()
+          else:
+            print " In order to calculate Gpa you should have atleast 2 subjects minimum"
+          pass
+      def calculateGpa(self):
+          while self.init_course!=self.arg1:
+              self.init_course=self.init_course+1
+              self.getcredit()
+              self.init_credit = self.credits
+              self.getsubjectdata()
+              self.temp = self.init_credit*self.getgradedata()+self.temp
+              self.total_credit=self.total_credit+self.init_credit
+          gpa = round((self.temp+0)/(self.total_credit+.0),2)
+          print "you have registered for total credits:"+" "+str(self.total_credit)+" "+"and you have acquired GPA:\""+str(gpa)+"\""
+          pass
-    def getSubject(self,value):
-        "get the subject value"
-        self.arg2 = value
-        pass
-    def getScale(self):
-        "To get the scale value"
-        self.Scale = input("Enter the Scale value(Either 5 or 10): " )
-        pass
-    def getSubjectData(self):
-        "get the subject Data in string"
-        self.subData = raw_input("Enter the grade: " ) 
-        pass              
-    def getGradeData(self):
-        # To calculate grade for two scale,one is for 5.0 and other one for 10.0
-        if self.Scale == 10:
+      def cgpa(self):
+          print  "Calculate your cgpa : "
+          semester = input("Enter how many semester cgpa has to be found of :")
+          counter =0
+          tempinit = 0
+          temptotalcredit =0 
+          while counter!=semester:
+                   counter = counter+1
+                   print "Please enter the details of the semester"+" "+str(counter)
+                   self.getcourse()
+                   self.calculateGpa()
+                   tempinit = self.temp+tempinit
+                   temptotalcredit = temptotalcredit + self.total_credit
+                # re-assigning
+                   self.arg1=0
+                   self.initCourse =0
+                   self.temp=0
+                   self.total_credits=0
+                   print "\n"
+          cgpa = round((tempinit+.0)/(temptotalcredit+.0),2)
-            grade1 = {'s':10,'a':9,'b':8,'c':7,'d':5,'e':3,'f':0}
-            x=grade1[self.subData]
-        else: #5.0 scale
-            grade2 = {'a':5,'b':4,'c':3,'d':2,'e':1,'f':0}
-            x=grade2[self.subData]
-        return x 
-    def getCredits(self):
-        "get credit value"
-        self.credits = input("Enter the credits for a subject:"  )
-        pass
-    def gpa(self):
-        print "Calculate GPA:"
-        sem = raw_input("Please Enter Semester: " )
-        self.getScale() #input the scale value
-        if self.Scale == 5 or self.Scale == 10:
-            self.getCourse()
-            if self.arg1 >= 2:
-                self.calculateGpa()
-            else:
-                print "In order to calculate Gpa you schould have atleast 2 subject minimum"
-        else:
-            print "you have not entered the scale correctly please try again"
-        pass
-    def calculateGpa(self):
-        "Method to calculate Gpa "
-        while self.initCourse!=self.arg1:
-            self.initCourse=self.initCourse+1
-            self.getCredits()
-            self.initgetCredit = self.credits
-            self.getSubjectData()
-            #type(self.getSubjectData())
-            self.temp = self.initgetCredit*self.getGradeData()+self.temp
-            self.totalCredits=self.totalCredits+self.initgetCredit
-        gpa = round((self.temp+.0)/(self.totalCredits+.0),2)
-        print "you have registered for total credits:"+" "+str(self.totalCredits)+" "+"and you have acquired GPA:\""+str(gpa)+"\""
-        pass
-    def cgpa(self):
-        print "Calculate your cgpa: "
-        semesters = input("Enter how many semester cgpa has to be found of: " )
-        counter = 0
-        tempInit = 0
-        tempTotalCredits = 0
-        self.getScale() #input the scale value
-        if self.Scale == 5 or self.Scale == 10:
-            while counter != semesters:
-                counter = counter+1
-                print "Please enter the details of the semester"+" "+str(counter)
-                self.getCourse()
-                self.calculateGpa()
-                tempInit = self.temp+tempInit
-                tempTotalCredits = tempTotalCredits + self.totalCredits
-                # re-assigning
-                self.arg1=0
-                self.initCourse =0
-                self.temp=0
-                self.totalCredits=0
-                print "\n"
-            cgpa = round((tempInit+.0)/(tempTotalCredits+.0),2)
-            print "you have registered for total credits:"+" "+str(tempTotalCredits)+" "+"and you have acquired CGPA:\""+str(cgpa)+"\" "    
-        else:
-            print "you have not entered the scale correctly please try again"
-        pass
+          print "you have registered for total credits:"+" "+str(temptotalcredit)+" "+"and you have acquired CGPA:\""+str(cgpa)+"\" "
+          pass
 if __name__ == '__main__': # main method
     #how to calculate it
-    Init = Gpa() # Creating Instance
+    Init = gpa_cgpa() # Creating Instance
     # for calculation of Cgpa (cumulative grade point average)
@@ -128,13 +89,9 @@
-[abhi@localhost ~]$ python gpaCalculator.py
 Calculate your cgpa: 
 Enter how many semester cgpa has to be found of: 2
-Enter the Scale value(Either 5 or 10): 10
 Please enter the details of the semester 1
 No of course you have registered: 2
 Enter the credits for a subject:4
