"""Simple Web socket client implementation using Tornado framework. """ from tornado import escape from tornado import gen from tornado import httpclient from tornado import httputil from tornado import ioloop from tornado import websocket import functools import json import time APPLICATION_JSON = 'application/json' DEFAULT_CONNECT_TIMEOUT = 60 DEFAULT_REQUEST_TIMEOUT = 60 class WebSocketClient(): """Base for web socket clients. """ def __init__(self, *, connect_timeout=DEFAULT_CONNECT_TIMEOUT, request_timeout=DEFAULT_REQUEST_TIMEOUT): self.connect_timeout = connect_timeout self.request_timeout = request_timeout def connect(self, url): """Connect to the server. :param str url: server URL. """ headers = httputil.HTTPHeaders({'Content-Type': APPLICATION_JSON}) request = httpclient.HTTPRequest(url=url, connect_timeout=self.connect_timeout, request_timeout=self.request_timeout, headers=headers) ws_conn = websocket.WebSocketClientConnection(ioloop.IOLoop.current(), request) ws_conn.connect_future.add_done_callback(self._connect_callback) def send(self, data): """Send message to the server :param str data: message. """ if not self._ws_connection: raise RuntimeError('Web socket connection is closed.') self._ws_connection.write_message(escape.utf8(json.dumps(data))) def close(self): """Close connection. """ if not self._ws_connection: raise RuntimeError('Web socket connection is already closed.') self._ws_connection.close() def _connect_callback(self, future): if future.exception() is None: self._ws_connection = future.result() self._on_connection_success() self._read_messages() else: self._on_connection_error(future.exception()) @gen.coroutine def _read_messages(self): while True: msg = yield self._ws_connection.read_message() if msg is None: self._on_connection_close() break self._on_message(msg) def _on_message(self, msg): """This is called when new message is available from the server. :param str msg: server message. """ pass def _on_connection_success(self): """This is called on successful connection ot the server. """ pass def _on_connection_close(self): """This is called when server closed the connection. """ pass def _on_connection_error(self, exception): """This is called in case if connection to the server could not established. """ pass class TestWebSocketClient(WebSocketClient): def _on_message(self, msg): print(msg) deadline = time.time() + 1 ioloop.IOLoop().instance().add_timeout( deadline, functools.partial(self.send, str(int(time.time())))) def _on_connection_success(self): print('Connected!') self.send(str(int(time.time()))) def _on_connection_close(self): print('Connection closed!') def _on_connection_error(self, exception): print('Connection error: %s', exception) def main(): client = TestWebSocketClient() client.connect('ws://echo.websocket.org') try: ioloop.IOLoop.instance().start() except KeyboardInterrupt: client.close() if __name__ == '__main__': main()