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from collections import deque

import random

    Example below replicates 
    +75 MSFT 25.10
    +50 MSFT 25.12
    -100 MSFT 25.22
    Realized P&L = 75 * (25.22 - 25.10) + 25 * (25.22 - 25.12) = $ 11.50
    A Trade is split into a set of unit positions that are then dequeued on FIFO basis as part of Sell.


number_of_sell_trades = 100
max_sell_quentity = 5
min_sell_price = 23.00
max_sell_price = 25.00

class TradeManager():

    def __init__(self):
        self.fifo = deque()
        self.profit = []

    def __repr__(self):
        return 'position size: %d'%(len(self.fifo))
    def execute_with_total_pnl(self, direction, quantity, price):            
        print direction, quantity, price, 'position size', len(self.fifo)
        if len(self.fifo) == 0:
            return 0
        if 'Sell' in (direction):            
            if len(self.fifo) >= quantity:                
                return sum([(fill.price - price) for fill in tm.execute(direction, quantity, price)])                
                return 0
                #raise MyShortSellException('No short selling allowed')
            return [tm.execute(direction, quantity, price)]
    #def execute_with_pnl(self, direction, quantity, price):    
    #    if 'Sell' in (direction):
    #       for fill in tm.execute(direction, quantity, price):
    #            self.profit.append(fill.price - price)
    #            yield (fill.price - price)
    #    else:
    #        yield tm.execute(direction, quantity, price)            
    def execute(self, direction, quantity, price, verbose=False):
        if verbose:
            print 'before', (self.fifo)
        if direction in ('Buy'):
            #print 'Buy'
            for i, fill in Trade(direction, quantity, price):                
                yield fill
        elif direction in ('Sell'):
            for i, fill in Trade(direction, quantity, price):                
                yield self.fifo.pop()
        if verbose: 
            print 'after', len(self.fifo)

class Fill():
        def __init__(self, price):
            self.price = price
            self.quantity = 1

class Trade():        
    def __init__(self, direction, quantity, price):
        self.direction = direction
        self.quantity = quantity
        self.price = price
        self.i = 0 
    def __iter__(self):
        return self
    def next(self):
        if self.i < self.quantity:
            i = self.i
            self.i += 1
            return i, Fill(self.price)
            raise StopIteration()
# create a TradeManager
tm = TradeManager()

# generate some buys
a = [i for i in tm.execute('Buy', 75, 25.12)]    
a = [i for i in tm.execute('Buy', 50, 25.22)]  

# generate some sells
pnl = np.cumsum([tm.execute_with_total_pnl('Sell', quantity, random.uniform(min_sell_price, max_sell_price)) \
                 for quantity in [random.randint(0,max_sell_quentity) \
                                  for i in range(0,number_of_sell_trades,1)]])
print 'total pnl', pnl[-1:]

# try something more involved.
tm = TradeManager()
a = [i for i in tm.execute('Buy', 75, 25.10)]    
pnl = np.cumsum([tm.execute_with_total_pnl('Sell', quantity, random.uniform(min_sell_price, max_sell_price)) \
                 for quantity in [random.randint(0,max_sell_quentity) \
                                  for i in range(0,number_of_sell_trades,1)]])
print 'total pnl', pnl[-1:]
