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def scriptinfo():
    Returns a dictionary with information about the running top level Python
    dir:    directory containing script or compiled executable
    name:   name of script or executable
    source: name of source code file
    "name" and "source" are identical if and only if running interpreted code.
    When running code compiled by py2exe or cx_freeze, "source" contains
    the name of the originating Python script.
    If compiled by PyInstaller, "source" contains no meaningful information.

    import os, sys, inspect
    # scan through call stack for caller information
    for teil in inspect.stack():
        # skip system calls
        if teil[1].startswith("<"):
        if teil[1].upper().startswith(sys.exec_prefix.upper()):
        trc = teil[1]
    # trc contains highest level calling script name
    # check if we have been compiled
    if getattr(sys, 'frozen', False):
        scriptdir, scriptname = os.path.split(sys.executable)
        return {"dir": scriptdir,
                "name": scriptname,
                "source": trc}

    # from here on, we are in the interpreted case
    scriptdir, trc = os.path.split(trc)
    # if trc did not contain directory information,
    # the current working directory is what we need
    if not scriptdir:
        scriptdir = os.getcwd()

    scr_dict ={"name": trc,
               "source": trc,
               "dir": scriptdir}
    return scr_dict
