Artificial Neural Network
import numpy
import copy
def sigmoid(x):
return 1.0/(1.0 + numpy.exp(-x))
class NeuralNet:
def __init__(self, numUnitsPerLayer):
@param numUnitsPerLayer numbers of units per layer, excluding bias
numLayers = len(numUnitsPerLayer)
if numLayers < 2:
raise RuntimeError, 'ERROR number of layers must be >= 2! (Got %d)' % numLayers
# total number of layers incl. input and output
self.numLayers = numLayers
# activations
self.activations = [ numpy.zeros( (numUnitsPerLayer[i] + 1,), numpy.float64 ) for i in range(numLayers)]
# set the biases
for el in range(numLayers):
self.activations[el][0] = 1.0
# weights
self.weights = []
self.bigDeltas = []
self.approxGradients = []
for el in range(numLayers - 1):
shp = (numUnitsPerLayer[el+1], numUnitsPerLayer[el] + 1)
self.weights.append( numpy.zeros(shp, numpy.float64) )
self.bigDeltas.append( numpy.zeros(shp, numpy.float64) )
self.approxGradients.append( numpy.zeros(shp, numpy.float64) )
# back propagating errors, no error for layer 0
self.deltas = [ numpy.zeros( (len(a)-1,), numpy.float64 ) for a in self.activations]
self.deltas[0][:] = 0.0 # by definition
def randomlyInitializeWeights(self, magnitude = 0.1):
Randomly initialize the weights to values between -magnitude ... +magnitude
@param magnitude
for w in self.weights:
w[:] = magnitude * (numpy.random.rand(w.shape[0], w.shape[1]) - 0.5)
def forward(self, inputData):
Compute activation by propagating input forward
@param inputData input (excl. bias)
self.activations[0][1:] = inputData # copy input data
for el in range(1, self.numLayers):
z = numpy.dot(self.weights[el-1], self.activations[el-1])
self.activations[el][1:] = sigmoid(z)
self.activations[el][0] = 1.0
return self.getOutput()
def backward(self, targetOutputData):
Propagate error backward
@param targetOutputData target output data
weightsTranspose = [ numpy.transpose(w) for w in self.weights ]
self.deltas[self.numLayers - 1][:] = self.activations[-1][1:] - targetOutputData
for el in range(self.numLayers - 2, 0, -1):
a = self.activations[el]
gprime = a*(1.0 - a)
d = numpy.dot(weightsTranspose[el], self.deltas[el + 1]) * a*(1.0 - a)
self.deltas[el][:] = d[1:]
def getOutput(self):
Get the network output (excl. bias)
@return array
return self.activations[-1][1:]
def getInput(self):
Get the network input (excl. bias)
@return array
return self.activations[0][1:]
def getCost(self, inputOutputList, lam=0.0):
Compute cost function associated with input/output training data
@param inputOutputList list of [(input, output), ...] values
@param lam >= 0 regularization parameter (lam = 0 means no regularization)
res = 0.0
# standard term
for x, y in inputOutputList:
# output from inputs and weights
out = self.forward(x)
# error
res -= numpy.sum( y*numpy.log(out) + (1.0-y)*numpy.log(1.0-out) )
# regularization term
for w in self.weights:
res += (lam/2.0) * numpy.sum(w[:, 1:]**2)
res /= float(len(inputOutputList))
return res
def train(self, inputOutputList, lam=0.0, alpha=1.0):
Update the weights using training set
@param inputOutputList list of [(input, output), ...] values
@param lam >= 0 regularization parameter (lam = 0 means no regularization)
@param alpha > 0 gradient descent step
@return cost before completion of step, cost after completion of step
numTraining = len(inputOutputList)
# accumulate the error
for x, y in inputOutputList:
# compute the activations at each level
# compute the errors at each level
for el in range(self.numLayers-1):
# d J /d Theta
self.bigDeltas[el] += numpy.outer(self.deltas[el+1], self.activations[el])
cost = self.getCost(inputOutputList, lam)
# update the weights across all layers
for el in range(self.numLayers-1):
self.weights[el][:, :] -= alpha*self.bigDeltas[el][:, :] / numTraining
# regularization term
self.weights[el][:, 1:] -= alpha*lam*self.weights[el][:, 1:]
newCost = self.getCost(inputOutputList, lam)
return cost, newCost