__author__ = 'Ethan D. Hann' import math print("Is your number a perfect square?! Find out now!") print("Or you can square a number!") #Setting up while loop with loop-controlled variable x = 1 while x > 0: #Get input from user op = input("q -> quit program \n" \ "c -> checks a number \n" \ "s -> squares a number \n") #Check if input is c, s, or q if op[0] is "c": #If c, take the square root of the number and round it to the largest integer value less than or equal to x: math.floor(x) num = input("Enter a whole number (q -> quit): ") sNum = math.floor(math.sqrt(int(num))) numSquared = sNum * sNum #If, else statement to determine if numSquared is equal to the input. if numSquared == int(num): print(num, "IS a perfect square! \n"\ "√("+ num + ") =", math.sqrt(int(num))) else: print(num, "is NOT a perfect square! \n" \ "√("+ num + ") =", math.sqrt(int(num))) #If s, simply square user's input if op[0] is "s": num = int(input("Enter a number to square (q -> quit): ")) numSquared = num ** 2 print(num, "squared is", numSquared) #If q, quit program with goodbye message else: if op[0] is 'q': x -= 1 print("Goodbye!") else: print("Must enter either c, s, or q")