2D Fluid Simulation using FHP LGCA (Lattice Gas Cellular Automata)
Simulates fluid flow in a circular channel.
It works really slow but I think it can be a lot faster if it modified for NumPy and possibly Py2Exe.
But my main goal was to provide easy to understand code (not performance) anyway.
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# Simulates fluid flow in a circular channel.
# Particles go out from right side and enter back from left.
# Reference:
# Lattice Gas Cellular Automata and Lattice Boltzmann Models by Wolf-Gladrow
# FB - 20140818
import math
import random
from PIL import Image
imgx = 512; imgy = 512 # image size
image = Image.new("RGB", (imgx, imgy))
pixels = image.load()
# simulation parameters:
tilesX = 32
tilesY = 32
n = 8 # coarse graining tile size is n by n
timeSteps = 300
nodesX = tilesX * n
nodesY = tilesY * n
nodes = [[[0 for x in range(nodesX)] for y in range(nodesY)] for z in range(6)]
obstacle = [[0 for x in range(nodesX)] for y in range(nodesY)]
# insert a square obstacle in the middle
for y in range(nodesY / 4):
for x in range(nodesX / 4):
obstacle[y + nodesY / 2 - nodesY / 8][x + nodesX / 2 - nodesX / 8] = 1
# fill-up with fluid flowing towards right
for y in range(1, nodesY - 1): # do not include top/bottom walls
for x in range(nodesX):
if obstacle[y][x] != 1:
nodes[0][y][x] = 1
for t in range(timeSteps): # run the simulation
# collisions at non-boundary nodes
for y in range(1, nodesY - 1): # do not include top/bottom walls
for x in range(nodesX):
if obstacle[y][x] != 1:
cell = [nodes[z][y][x] for z in range(6)]
numParticles = sum(cell)
# only 2 or 3 symmetric particle collisions implemented here
if numParticles == 3:
if cell[0] == cell[2] and cell[2] == cell[4]:
# invert the cell contents
for z in range(6):
nodes[z][y][x] = 1 - cell[z]
elif numParticles == 2:
# find the cell of one of the particles
p = cell.index(1)
# its diametric opposite must occupied as well
if p > 2:
elif cell[p + 3] == 0:
# randomly rotate the particle pair clockwise or
# counterclockwise
if random.randint(0, 1) == 0: # counterclockwise
nodes[0][y][x] = cell[5]
nodes[1][y][x] = cell[0]
nodes[2][y][x] = cell[1]
nodes[3][y][x] = cell[2]
nodes[4][y][x] = cell[3]
nodes[5][y][x] = cell[4]
else: # clockwise
nodes[0][y][x] = cell[1]
nodes[1][y][x] = cell[2]
nodes[2][y][x] = cell[3]
nodes[3][y][x] = cell[4]
nodes[4][y][x] = cell[5]
nodes[5][y][x] = cell[0]
# collisions along top/bottom walls (no-slip)
for x in range(nodesX):
cell = [nodes[z][0][x] for z in range(6)]
nodes[0][0][x] = cell[3]
nodes[1][0][x] = cell[4]
nodes[2][0][x] = cell[5]
nodes[3][0][x] = cell[0]
nodes[4][0][x] = cell[1]
nodes[5][0][x] = cell[2]
cell = [nodes[z][nodesY - 1][x] for z in range(6)]
nodes[0][nodesY - 1][x] = cell[3]
nodes[1][nodesY - 1][x] = cell[4]
nodes[2][nodesY - 1][x] = cell[5]
nodes[3][nodesY - 1][x] = cell[0]
nodes[4][nodesY - 1][x] = cell[1]
nodes[5][nodesY - 1][x] = cell[2]
# collisions at obstacle points (no-slip)
for y in range(nodesY):
for x in range(nodesX):
if obstacle[y][x] == 1:
cell = [nodes[z][y][x] for z in range(6)]
nodes[0][y][x] = cell[3]
nodes[1][y][x] = cell[4]
nodes[2][y][x] = cell[5]
nodes[3][y][x] = cell[0]
nodes[4][y][x] = cell[1]
nodes[5][y][x] = cell[2]
nodesNew = [[[0 for x in range(nodesX)] for y in range(nodesY)] for z in range(6)]
for y in range(nodesY):
for x in range(nodesX):
cell = [nodes[z][y][x] for z in range(6)]
# propagation in the 0-direction
neighbor_y = y
if x == nodesX - 1:
neighbor_x = 0
neighbor_x = x + 1
nodesNew[0][neighbor_y][neighbor_x] = cell[0]
# propagation in the 1-direction
if y != nodesY - 1:
neighbor_y = y + 1
if y % 2 == 1:
if x == nodesX - 1:
neighbor_x = 1
neighbor_x = x + 1
neighbor_x = x
nodesNew[1][neighbor_y][neighbor_x] = cell[1]
# propagation in the 2-direction
if y != nodesY - 1:
neighbor_y = y + 1
if y % 2 == 0:
if x == 0:
neighbor_x = nodesX - 1
neighbor_x = x - 1
neighbor_x = x
nodesNew[2][neighbor_y][neighbor_x] = cell[2]
# propagation in the 3-direction
neighbor_y = y
if x == 0:
neighbor_x = nodesX - 1
neighbor_x = x - 1
nodesNew[3][neighbor_y][neighbor_x] = cell[3]
# propagation in the 4-direction
if y != 0:
neighbor_y = y - 1
if y % 2 == 0:
if x == 0:
neighbor_x = nodesX - 1
neighbor_x = x - 1
neighbor_x = x
nodesNew[4][neighbor_y][neighbor_x] = cell[4]
# propagation in the 5-direction
if y != 0:
neighbor_y = y - 1
if y % 2 == 1:
if x == nodesX - 1:
neighbor_x = 0
neighbor_x = x + 1
neighbor_x = x
nodesNew[5][neighbor_y][neighbor_x] = cell[5]
nodes = nodesNew
print '%' + str(100 * t / timeSteps) # show progress
# Create an image from the final state
# Calculate average velocity vectors for tiles
aveVelocityVectorMag = [[0.0 for x in range(tilesX)] for y in range(tilesY)]
aveVelocityVectorAng = [[0.0 for x in range(tilesX)] for y in range(tilesY)]
pi2 = math.pi * 2.0
dx = [math.cos(i * pi2 / 6.0) for i in range(6)]
dy = [math.sin(i * pi2 / 6.0) for i in range(6)]
for ty in range(tilesY):
for tx in range(tilesX):
vx = 0.0
vy = 0.0
for cy in range(n):
for cx in range(n):
for z in range(6):
if nodes[z][ty * n + cy][tx * n + cx] == 1 \
and obstacle[ty * n + cy][tx * n + cx] == 0:
vx += dx[z]
vy += dy[z]
aveVelocityVectorMag[ty][tx] = math.hypot(vx, vy) / n ** 2.0
aveVelocityVectorAng[ty][tx] = (math.atan2(vy, vx) + pi2) % pi2
for ky in range(imgy):
iy = nodesY * ky / imgy
jy = tilesY * ky / imgy
for kx in range(imgx):
ix = nodesX * kx / imgx
jx = tilesX * kx / imgx
if obstacle[iy][ix] == 1: # paint the obstacle(s)
red = 0
grn = 0
blu = 255
else: # use vector magnitude and angle for coloring
aveVelVecMag = aveVelocityVectorMag[jy][jx]
aveVelVecAng = aveVelocityVectorAng[jy][jx]
red = int(aveVelVecMag * 255)
grn = int(aveVelVecAng / pi2 * 255)
blu = 0
pixels[kx, ky] = (red, grn, blu)
image.save("FHP_LGCA_2DFluidSim.png", "PNG")
File "C:/Users/POS/Documents/Python Scripts/2D FLUID SIMULATION USING FHP LGCA.py", line 32, in <module> for y in range(nodesY / 4):
TypeError: 'float' object cannot be interpreted as an integer
I got an error as above. Please advice me!!
I just downloaded the code and run it no problem. I am guessing you maybe using Python 3.x. I had written this code using Python 2.7.x. They are not fully compatible versions. Also you would need to get and install PIL library for it to work.