#!/bin/bash # plotsine.sh # A DEMO to display a sinewave inside a standard bash terminal. # Issued as Public Domain, 2014, B.Walker, G0LCU. # Device: Macbook Pro 13", OSX 10.7.5, default bash terminal. # Use variables so that you can see how it works. angle=0 step_angle=5 vert_plot=0 horiz_plot=5 centreline=12 amplitude=11 PI=3.14159 clear # Do a single cycle, quantised graph. while [ $angle -le 359 ] do # Create each floating point value... # CygWin now catered for... ;o) vert_plot=$(awk "BEGIN{ printf \"%.12f\", ((sin($angle*($PI/180))*$amplitude)+$centreline)}") #vert_plot=$(bc -l <<< "{print ((s($angle*($PI/180))*$amplitude)+$centreline)}") # Truncate the floating point value to an integer then invert the plot to suit the x y co-ordinates inside a terminal... vert_plot=$((24-${vert_plot/.*})) # Plot the point(s) and print the angle at that point... printf "\x1B["$vert_plot";"$horiz_plot"f*" printf "\x1B[22;1fAngle is $angle degrees..." sleep 0.1 # Increment values... angle=$((angle+step_angle)) horiz_plot=$((horiz_plot+1)) done printf "\x1B[23;1fSinewave plotted as a quantised text mode graph.\n" exit 0 # # ********* # *** *** # * * # ** ** # * * # * * # * * # * * # * * # * * # ** ** # * * # * * # * * # * * # * * # * * # * * # ** ** # * * #Angle is 355 degrees... *** *** #Sinewave plotted as a quantised text mode graph. ********* #AMIGA:barrywalker~> _