# (c) MIT License Copyright 2014 Ronald H Longo
# Please reuse, modify or distribute freely.
from collections import OrderedDict
import tkinter as tk
class StripChart( tk.Frame ):
def __init__( self, parent, scale, historySize, trackColors, *args, **opts ):
# Initialize
super().__init__( parent, *args, **opts )
self._trackHist = OrderedDict() # Map: TrackName -> list of canvas objID
self._trackColor = trackColors # Map: Track Name -> color
self._chartHeight = scale + 1
self._chartLength = historySize * 2 # Stretch for readability
self._canvas = tk.Canvas( self, height=self._chartHeight + 17,
width=self._chartLength, background='black' )
self._canvas.grid( sticky=tk.N+tk.S+tk.E+tk.W )
# Draw horizontal to divide plot from tick labels
x, y = 0, self._chartHeight + 2
x2, y2 = self._chartLength, y
self._baseLine = self._canvas.create_line( x, y, x2, y2, fill='white' )
# Init track def and histories lists
self._trackColor.update( { 'tick':'white', 'tickline':'white',
'ticklabel':'white' } )
for trackName in self._trackColor.keys():
self._trackHist[ trackName ] = [ None for x in range(historySize) ]
def plotValues( self, **vals ):
for trackName, trackHistory in self._trackHist.items():
# Scroll left-wards
self._canvas.delete( trackHistory.pop(0) )
# Remove left-most canvas objs
self._canvas.move( trackName, -2, 0 )
# Scroll canvas objs 2 pixels left
# Plot the new values
val = vals[ trackName ]
x = self._chartLength
y = self._chartHeight - val
color = self._trackColor[ trackName ]
objId = self._canvas.create_line( x, y, x+1, y, fill=color,
width=3, tags=trackName )
trackHistory.append( objId )
trackHistory.append( None )
def drawTick( self, text=None, **lineOpts ):
# draw vertical tick line
x = self._chartLength
y = 1
x2 = x
y2 = self._chartHeight
color = self._trackColor[ 'tickline' ]
objId = self._canvas.create_line( x, y, x2, y2, fill=color,
tags='tick', **lineOpts )
self._trackHist[ 'tickline' ].append( objId )
# draw tick label
if text is not None:
x = self._chartLength
y = self._chartHeight + 10
color = self._trackColor[ 'ticklabel' ]
objId = self._canvas.create_text( x, y, text=text,
fill=color, tags='tick' )
self._trackHist[ 'ticklabel' ].append( objId )
def configTrackColors( self, **trackColors ):
# Change plotted data color
for trackName, colorName in trackColors.items( ):
self._canvas.itemconfigure( trackName, fill=colorName )
# Change settings so future data has the new color
self._trackColor.update( trackColors )
if __name__ == '__main__':
top = tk.Tk( )
graph = StripChart( top, 100, 300, { 'A':'blue', 'B':'green', 'C':'red' } )
graph.grid( )
val_A = 0
val_B = 0
val_C = 0
delta = [ -3, -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3 ] # randomly vary the values by one of these
tickCount = 0
def nextVal( current, lowerBound, upperBound ):
from random import choice
current += choice( delta )
if current < lowerBound:
return lowerBound
elif current > upperBound:
return upperBound
return current
def plotNextVals( ):
global val_A, val_B, val_C, tickCount
if tickCount % 50 == 0:
graph.drawTick( text=str(tickCount), dash=(1,4) )
tickCount += 1
val_A = nextVal( val_A, 0, 99 )
val_B = nextVal( val_B, 0, 99 )
val_C = nextVal( val_C, 0, 99 )
graph.plotValues( A=val_A, B=val_B, C=val_C )
#changeColor = { 800: 'black',
#1200: 'yellow',
#1600: 'orange',
#2000: 'white',
#2400: 'brown',
#2800: 'blue' }
#if tickCount in changeColor:
#graph.configTrackColors( A=changeColor[tickCount] )
top.after( 1, plotNextVals )
top.after( 1, plotNextVals )
top.mainloop( )
Diff to Previous Revision
--- revision 2 2017-03-10 16:31:29
+++ revision 3 2017-03-10 16:34:49
@@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
-# (c) Ronald H Longo
-# MIT License
-# This code is for use as a demonstration. Please reuse, modify or distribute freely.
+# (c) MIT License Copyright 2014 Ronald H Longo
+# Please reuse, modify or distribute freely.
from collections import OrderedDict
import tkinter as tk