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    monte carlo tool for simple strategy, more generally for use with any
    strategy that I want to back test...

    Engine takes a class instance, derived from a base class wih two methods


import unittest, datetime
import numpy as np
from BackTest import MonteCarloModel, MonteCarloEngine, Simulation 
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from random import randint 
from scipy.optimize import fmin_powell
from hashlib import md5
from time import localtime

def Root2(r,verbose=True):
        simple wrapper routine for solver. returns the energy level for a given R=r.
        the solver can use this method to minimise the energy by varying r as necessary.
    if r <= 0:
        return 1e99
        e = MonteCarloEngine(moduleName='MonteCarloHeadsTailsExample', className='SimpleHeadTailModel')
        losers = e.start(args={'wager_multiplier':r})
        if verbose: print 'solving for r: ', r
        return losers              

class SimpleHeadTailModel(MonteCarloModel):
      model wager
      previous bet success or not, impact to profit.
    def toss(self):
            1 - win
            -1 - loss
            Each toss determines whether the position is successful or not. This way no need to keep track of a decision
            and an associated variable. Simply do I win or not.
        coin_toss = randint(1,2)
        if coin_toss == 1:
            return 1
            return -1
    def initialise(self, context):
        self.name = 'My Simple Heads And Tails Model'
        # start with 10 USD bet
        self.wager= 100
        self.wager_initial= 100
        self.starting_pot = 1000
        self.previous_value = 1 # default to 1 on first round
        self.simulations = 100    # MC simulation trials        
        self.trials = 100   # subintervals

        self.r = np.zeros(shape=(self.simulations, self.trials), dtype=float) # matrix to hold all results
        self.pnl = np.zeros(shape=(self.simulations, self.trials), dtype=float) # matrix to hold all results
        print "simulations %d, trials %d starting pot %d " % (self.simulations, self.trials, self.starting_pot)
        # Tell the engine where to associate the data to security.        
        context[self.name] = Simulation(self.simulations, self.trials, self.toss)
        self.fig = plt.figure()
        self.ax = self.fig.add_subplot(211)
        self.ax1 = self.fig.add_subplot(212)
    def onsimulation(self, model, simulation, engine):        
        self.r[simulation,0] = 0
        # assume starting pot here
        self.pnl[simulation,0] = self.starting_pot
    def aftersimulation(self, model, simulation, engine):
        self.ax.plot(np.arange(0, self.trials, 1), self.r[simulation])        
        self.ax1.plot(np.arange(0, self.trials, 1), self.pnl[simulation])
    def reset_wager(self):
        self.wager = self.wager_initial
    def ontrial(self, model, simulation, trial, value, engine, args):
            want to test some strategies for betting
            set wager for each bet
            if previous bet

            value : float
                sample from model
        # if we lost last time then double up		
        if self.previous_value == -1:
		if args.has_key('args'):
                	self.wager = (self.wager*float(args['args']['wager_multiplier'][0]))
			self.wager = (self.wager*0.1)      
        # keep track of coin toss paths
        self.r[simulation,trial] = self.r[simulation,trial-1] + value
        if args.has_key('args'):
            self.r0 = float(args['args']['wager_multiplier'][0])
			self.r0 =0.1
        # if we won, add the wager
        # else subtract the wager
        if self.pnl[simulation,trial-1] > 0:        
            if value == 1 :
                self.pnl[simulation,trial] = self.pnl[simulation,trial-1] + self.wager
                self.pnl[simulation,trial] = self.pnl[simulation,trial-1] - self.wager
            # no bet to be made here
            self.pnl[simulation,trial] = self.pnl[simulation,trial-1]
        # always reset wager    
        # keep track of the previous value for next time around
        self.previous_value = value
	def add_prefix(self, filename):
		from hashlib import md5
		from time import localtime
		return "%s_%s"%(md5(str(localtime())).hexdigest(), filename)	
    def finalise(self, model, engine):  
			returns the value that we are trying to minimise, here the number of losers.
	# what is our survivability

		number_of_losers = len([f for f in self.pnl if f[len(f)-1]<=0])
		number_of_survivors = len([f for f in self.pnl if f[len(f)-1]>0])
		number_of_participants = len(self.pnl)
		print "participants [%d] survivors [%2.1f%%] losers [%2.1f%%] weight [%2.6f] "% (number_of_participants, float(number_of_survivors)/float(number_of_participants)*100, float(number_of_losers)/float(number_of_participants)*100, self.r0)

		plt.title('Simulations %d Steps %d' % (int(self.simulations), int(self.trials)))
		plt.ylabel('profit and loss')					
		plt.savefig("%s_%s"%(md5(str(localtime())).hexdigest(), 'model'))
		return float(number_of_losers)/float(number_of_participants)*100
class TestNode(unittest.TestCase):
    def setUp(self):
    def test_engine(self):
            example of how to launch the MontoCarloTestEngine
            this is modelled on the quantopian style interface.
        e = MonteCarloEngine(moduleName='MonteCarloHeadsTailsExample', className='SimpleHeadTailModel')
    def test_minimise(self):
        print '#################################'
        print '# Test Equilibrium Loss Wager'
        print '#################################'
        wager_multiplier=fmin_powell(Root2, x0=1., maxiter=20)
        print "highest survivability following loss, multiply wager by %2.4f %% "%(wager_multiplier*100)

if __name__ == '__main__':

== BackTest module

	back testing tool for prediction strategy, more generally for use with any
	strategy that I want to back test...

	Engine takes a class instance, derived from a base class wih twomethods



import unittest, time, datetime
from pandas import DataFrame
import numpy as np
from pylab import show
import random
from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod
import pandas as pd

# Simple python component wrapper

class Component(object):
	__metaclass__ = ABCMeta
	def start(self):
		raise NotImplementedError("Should implement intialise()!")

class BackTestModel(object):
	__metaclass__ = ABCMeta
	def initialise(self, context):
		raise NotImplementedError("Should implement intialise()!")
	def ondata(self, sid, data):
		raise NotImplementedError("Should implement ondata()!")			
class MonteCarloModel(object):
	__metaclass__ = ABCMeta
	def initialise(self, context):
		raise NotImplementedError("Should implement intialise()!")
	def ontrial(self, model, simulation, trial, value, engine, args):
		raise NotImplementedError("Should implement ontrial()!")
	def onsimulation(self, model, simulation, engine):
		raise NotImplementedError("Should implement onsimulation()!")
	def aftersimulation(self, model, simulation, engine):
		raise NotImplementedError("Should implement aftersimulation()!")
	def finalise(self, model, engine):
		raise NotImplementedError("Should implement finalise()!")
class Simulation(object):
		simple wrapper that describes a simulation
	def __init__(self, n, m, func):
			n integer
				number of simulations
			m integer
				number of trials per simulation
			func class method or function
				used to sample the value
		self.number_of_simulations = n
		self.number_of_trials = m
		self.func = func	
	def sample(self):
		return self.func
class MonteCarloEngineException(Exception):
class MonteCarloEngine(Component):
			twist on the Engine that will take a different type of context, this time
			a Simulation class instance. This will be called
			class ExampleModel(MonteCarloModel):

				def initialise(self, context):
					context['My Simple Model'] = Simulation(10, 100, standard_normal()) 
					print 'setting My Simple Model' 
				def ondata(self, model, simulation, trial, value, engine):
					print simulation, trial, value, engine
		def __init__(self, moduleName, className):
			self.context = {}			
			self.obj = self.__generate__(moduleName, className)
			#print isinstance(self.obj, MonteCarloModel), hasattr(self.obj, 'initialise')
			if isinstance(self.obj, MonteCarloModel):
				if hasattr(self.obj, 'initialise'):
					print 'calling initialise'
					print 'no initialise'
			# TODO: load data from somewhere for securities in context
			print self.context	
		def __generate__(self, module_name, class_name):
			module = __import__(module_name)
			class_ = getattr(module, class_name)
			instance = class_()
			#print instance 
			return instance

		def start(self, **args):
			#print 'starting...', self.obj, self.context, args		
			if self.obj is None:
				raise MonteCarloEngineException('No engine exists')
			for name, model in self.context.items():										
				for simulation in np.arange(0, model.number_of_simulations): # number of MC simulations
						# call to signal new simulation
						if hasattr(self.obj, 'onsimulation'):
							self.obj.onsimulation(model, simulation, self)
						for trial in np.arange(1,model.number_of_trials): #trials per simulation						
							value = model.sample()				
							if hasattr(self.obj, 'ontrial'):								
								self.obj.ontrial(model, simulation, trial, value, self, args)
						# call to signal after simulation
						if hasattr(self.obj, 'aftersimulation'):
							self.obj.aftersimulation(model, simulation, self)					
					#self.post_ondata(k, index2, value)
			if hasattr(self.obj, 'finalise'):
				return self.obj.finalise(model, self)
class ExampleModel(BackTestModel):

	def initialise(self, context):
		context['ARM.L'] = 'Book1.csv'
		print 'setting ARM.L' 
	def ondata(self, sid, data):
		print sid, data
class Engine(Component):
		responsible for handling instances of the back test models
	def __init__(self, moduleName, className):
		self.context = {}
		self.data = {}
		self.orders = {}
		self.positions = {}
		self.pnl = {}
		self.risk = {}

		self.obj = self.__generate__(moduleName, className)
		#print isinstance(self.obj, BackTestModel), hasattr(self.obj, 'initialise')
		if isinstance(self.obj, BackTestModel):
			if hasattr(self.obj, 'initialise'):
				#print 'calling initialise'
				print 'no initialise'
		# TODO: load data from somewhere for securities in context
		#print self.context	
		for k in self.context.keys():
			#print k
			t = time.clock()
			myfilename = self.context[k]
		      	data = DataFrame.from_csv(myfilename,header=0,index_col=0,parse_dates=True)	
			print 'load data', time.clock()-t						
			self.data[k] = data
			self.positions[k] = 0
			self.pnl[k] = 0
			self.risk[k] = 0
	def order(self, sid, value):
		# queue order to be processed
		self.orders[sid] = (value, False)
	def position(self):
		return self.positions
	def __generate__(self, module_name, class_name):
		module = __import__(module_name)
		class_ = getattr(module, class_name)
		instance = class_()
		print instance 
		return instance
	def post_ondata(self, sid, index, value):
		# process orders
		for k in self.context.keys():
			if hasattr(self, 'orders'):
				if len(self.orders) == 0:
					print 'no orders'
			m_size, m_processed = self.orders[k]
			# check we have not processed this order already.
			if not m_processed:
				if not (self.positions[k]+ m_size <= 0):				
					self.positions[k] += m_size
					print 'ordering %d of %s, total %d' % (m_size, k, self.positions[k])
					self.orders[k] = None
					print 'no short selling'				
		# handle pnl and risk
		# tick() charts

	def start(self):
		print 'starting...', self.obj, self.context		
		if not self.obj is None:	
			for k in self.context:
				for i, (index, value) in enumerate(self.data[k]['value'].iteritems()):					
					index2 = datetime.datetime(pd.to_datetime(index).year
											, pd.to_datetime(index).month
											, pd.to_datetime(index).day)					
								, index2
								, value
								, self.data[k]['value'][0:i]
								, self)					
					self.post_ondata(k, index2, value)					
