This is a simple Monte Carlo Engine model, based on some ideas from the Quantopian folks. The idea is that the model and the engine are separate. I have integrated a simple example from an earlier post. The idea was to try and build some game theory simulations using simple models that were separate from the Engine.
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import numpy as np
from engine.BackTest import MonteCarloModel, MonteCarloEngine, Simulation
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.dates import date2num, DateFormatter, DayLocator
from pandas import DataFrame
from numpy.random import standard_normal
from numpy import array, zeros, sqrt, shape
class SimpleMonteCarloModel(MonteCarloModel):
simple example implementation of a model. This will be back tested based on the data
passed to the initialise method.
class ExampleModel(MonteCarloModel):
def initialise(self, context):
context['My Simple Model'] = Simulation(10, 100, standard_normal())
print 'setting My Simple Model'
def ondata(self, model, simulation, trial, value, engine):
print simulation, trial, value, engine
def initialise(self, context):
self.r0 = 0.05 # current UK funding rate
self.theta = 0.10 # 1 % long term interest rate
self.k = 0.3
self.beta = 0.03
## simulate short rate paths
self.n = 1000 # MC simulation trials
self.T = 24. # total time
self.m = 100 # subintervals
self.dt = self.T/self.m # difference in time each subinterval
self.r = np.zeros(shape=(self.n, self.m), dtype=float) # matrix to hold short rate paths
# Tell the engine where to associate the data to security.
context['My Simple Model'] = Simulation(self.n, self.m, standard_normal)
self.fig = plt.figure() = self.fig.add_subplot(111),True,True)
def onsimulation(self, model, simulation, engine):
#print 'new simulation,', model, simulation
#plot(np.arange(0, T, dt), r[j])
self.r[simulation,0] = self.r0
def aftersimulation(self, model, simulation, engine):, self.T, self.dt), self.r[simulation])
def finalise(self, model, engine):
self.t = np.arange(0, self.T, self.dt)
self.rT_expected = self.theta + (self.r0-self.theta)*pow(np.e,-self.k*self.t)
self.rT_stdev = sqrt( pow(self.beta,2)/(2*self.k)*(1-pow(np.e,-2*self.k*self.t)))
#print 'expected', self.rT_expected, 'std', self.rT_stdev, self.rT_expected, '-+r'), self.rT_expected+2*self.rT_stdev, '-b'), self.rT_expected-2*self.rT_stdev, '-b'), self.rT_expected+4*self.rT_stdev, '-g'), self.rT_expected-4*self.rT_stdev, '-g')
print shape(self.t), shape(self.r)
plt.title('Simulations %d Steps %d r0 %.2f alpha %.2f beta %.2f sigma %.2f' % (int(self.n), int(self.m), self.r0, self.k, self.theta, self.beta))
plt.ylabel('short term interest rate')
def ontrial(self, model, simulation, trial, value, engine):
called when we have some new data to play into the model.
each call is an event
value : float
sample from model
#print simulation, trial, value
# evaluation the model step.
self.r[simulation,trial] = self.r[simulation,trial-1] + self.k*(self.theta-self.r[simulation,trial-1])*self.dt + self.beta*sqrt(self.dt)*value;
class TestNode(unittest.TestCase):
def setUp(self):
def test_engine(self):
example of how to launch the BackTestEngine
this is modelled on the quantopian style interface.
e = MonteCarloEngine(moduleName='MonteCarloTestExample', className='SimpleMonteCarloModel')
if __name__ == '__main__':
import unittest, time, datetime
from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod
# Simple python component wrapper
class Component(object):
__metaclass__ = ABCMeta
def start(self):
raise NotImplementedError("Should implement intialise()!")
class BackTestModel(object):
__metaclass__ = ABCMeta
def initialise(self, context):
raise NotImplementedError("Should implement intialise()!")
def ondata(self, sid, data):
raise NotImplementedError("Should implement ondata()!")
class MonteCarloModel(object):
__metaclass__ = ABCMeta
def initialise(self, context):
raise NotImplementedError("Should implement intialise()!")
def ontrial(self, model, simulation, trial, value, engine):
raise NotImplementedError("Should implement ontrial()!")
def onsimulation(self, model, simulation, engine):
raise NotImplementedError("Should implement onsimulation()!")
def aftersimulation(self, model, simulation, engine):
raise NotImplementedError("Should implement aftersimulation()!")
def finalise(self, model, engine):
raise NotImplementedError("Should implement finalise()!")
class Simulation(object):
simple wrapper that describes a simulation
def __init__(self, n, m, func):
n integer
number of simulations
m integer
number of trials per simulation
func class method or function
used to sample the value
self.number_of_simulations = n
self.number_of_trials = m
self.func = func
def sample(self):
return self.func
class MonteCarloEngineException(Exception):
class MonteCarloEngine(Component):
twist on the Engine that will take a different type of context, this time
a Simulation class instance. This will be called
class ExampleModel(MonteCarloModel):
def initialise(self, context):
context['My Simple Model'] = Simulation(10, 100, standard_normal())
print 'setting My Simple Model'
def ondata(self, model, simulation, trial, value, engine):
print simulation, trial, value, engine
def __init__(self, moduleName, className):
self.context = {}
self.obj = self.__generate__(moduleName, className)
print isinstance(self.obj, MonteCarloModel), hasattr(self.obj, 'initialise')
if isinstance(self.obj, MonteCarloModel):
if hasattr(self.obj, 'initialise'):
print 'calling initialise'
print 'no initialise'
# TODO: load data from somewhere for securities in context
print self.context
def __generate__(self, module_name, class_name):
module = __import__(module_name)
class_ = getattr(module, class_name)
instance = class_()
print instance
return instance
def start(self):
print 'starting...', self.obj, self.context
if self.obj is None:
raise MonteCarloEngineException('No engine exists')
for name, model in self.context.items():
for simulation in np.arange(0, model.number_of_simulations): # number of MC simulations
# call to signal new simulation
if hasattr(self.obj, 'onsimulation'):
self.obj.onsimulation(model, simulation, self)
for trial in np.arange(1,model.number_of_trials): #trials per simulation
value = model.sample()
if hasattr(self.obj, 'ontrial'):
self.obj.ontrial(model, simulation, trial, value, self)
# call to signal after simulation
if hasattr(self.obj, 'aftersimulation'):
self.obj.aftersimulation(model, simulation, self)
#self.post_ondata(k, index2, value)
if hasattr(self.obj, 'finalise'):
self.obj.finalise(model, self)