this tool is used to check whether an SVM number is included in current build or not. please note that this is only for internal use.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 | import os
import re
from urllib2 import urlopen
base_url_qacandrot = ""
base_url_qapatch = ""
base_url_qacand = ""
# get test environment
print "Before use this tool, please make sure you connect to VPN!"
env = raw_input("Please enter your test env: qacand, qacandrot or qapatch (Non case sensitive): ")
if env.strip().lower() == "qacand":
html_resource = urlopen(base_url_qacand).read()
elif env.strip().lower() == "qapatch":
html_resource = urlopen(base_url_qapatch).read()
elif html_resource == "qacandrot":
html_resource = urlopen(base_url_qacandrot).read()
module_svn_map = {}
pattern = "(.*?)-(.*?)-(.*?)sion=(\d+$)"
p = re.compile(pattern)
for strofmodule in html_resource.split():
if re.match(pattern, strofmodule):
results = re.findall(pattern, strofmodule)
module = results[0][1]
svn_number = results[0][3]
module_svn_map[module] = svn_number
build_num_pattern = "com.successfactors.sf-packages.version="
build_num_len = html_resource.index(build_num_pattern) + len(build_num_pattern)
build_version = html_resource[build_num_len:]
print "build version is " + build_version, "please make sure it is same as that on " + env.strip().lower() + "."
while 1:
build_by_module = raw_input("Is your module build by module: (y or n, Non case sensitive) ")
if build_by_module.strip().lower() == "n":
your_module = "V4"
your_svn_number = raw_input("Please enter your svn number (6 digit): ")
if int(your_svn_number) <= int(module_svn_map[your_module]):
print "Your svn number is included in current build on " + env.strip().lower() + "."
print "Your svn number is NOT included on " +env.strip().lower() + "."
elif build_by_module.strip().lower() == "y":
print "Please make sure your input is exactly same as one of module above!"
your_module = raw_input("Please enter your module name: ")
your_svn_number = raw_input("Please enter your svn number (6 digit): ")
if your_module.strip().lower() in module_svn_map.keys():
if int(your_svn_number) <= int(module_svn_map[your_module]):
print "Your svn number is included in current build on " + env.strip().lower() + "."
print "Your svn number is NOT included on " + env.strip().lower() + "."