# XMLtoPDFBook2.py # A program to convert a book in XML text format to a PDF book. # Uses xtopdf and ReportLab. # Author: Vasudev Ram - http://www.dancingbison.com # Version: v0.2 #-------------------------------------------------------------------- # imports import sys import os import string import time from PDFWriter import PDFWriter try: import xml.etree.cElementTree as ET except ImportError: import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET #-------------------------------------------------------------------- # global variables sysargv = None #-------------------------------------------------------------------- def debug(message): sys.stderr.write(message + "\n") #-------------------------------------------------------------------- def get_xml_filename(sysargv): return sysargv[1] #-------------------------------------------------------------------- def get_pdf_filename(sysargv): return sysargv[2] #-------------------------------------------------------------------- def XMLtoPDFBook(): debug("Entered XMLtoPDFBook()") global sysargv # Get command-line arguments. xml_filename = get_xml_filename(sysargv) debug("xml_filename: " + xml_filename) pdf_filename = get_pdf_filename(sysargv) debug("pdf_filename: " + pdf_filename) # Parse the XML file. try: tree = ET.ElementTree(file=xml_filename) debug("tree = " + repr(tree)) except Exception: sys.stderr.write("Error: caught exception in ET.ElementTree(file)") sys.exit(1) # Get the tree root. root = tree.getroot() debug("root.tag = " + root.tag) if root.tag != "book": debug("Error: Root tag is not 'book'") sys.exit(1) # Initialize the table of contents list. toc = [] # Initialize the chapters list. chapters = [] # Traverse the tree, extracting needed data into variables. debug("-" * 60) for root_child in root: if root_child.tag != "chapter": debug("Error: root_child tag is not 'chapter'") sys.exit(1) chapter = root_child #debug(chapter.text) chapters.append(chapter.text) try: chapter_name = chapter.attrib['name'] except KeyError: chapter_name = "" toc.append(chapter_name) debug("-" * 60) # Create and set some fields of a PDFWriter. pw = PDFWriter(pdf_filename) pw.setFont("Courier", 12) pw.setFooter("Generated by XMLtoPDFBook. Copyright 2013 Vasudev Ram") # Write the TOC. pw.setHeader("Table of Contents") chapter_num = 0 debug("Chapter names") for chapter_name in toc: debug(chapter_name) chapter_num += 1 pw.writeLine(str(chapter_num) + ": " + chapter_name) pw.savePage() # Write the chapters. chapter_num = 0 for chapter in chapters: chapter_num += 1 pw.setHeader("Chapter " + str(chapter_num) + ": " + toc[chapter_num - 1]) lines = chapter.split("\n") for line in lines: pw.writeLine(line) pw.savePage() pw.close() debug("Exiting XMLtoPDFBook()") def main(): debug("Entered main()") global sysargv sysargv = sys.argv # Check for right number of arguments. if len(sysargv) != 3: sys.exit(1) XMLtoPDFBook() debug("Exiting main()") #-------------------------------------------------------------------- if __name__ == "__main__": try: main() except Exception, e: sys.stderr.write("Error: caught Exception" + str(e)) sys.exit(1) #--------------------------------------------------------------------