#!/bin/sh # Usage: /full/path/to/reminder "Your text here with spaces inside double quotes." text=$1 if [ "$1" == "" ] then text="You have started reminder, what have you forgotten?" echo "" echo 'Usage: /full/path/to/reminder "Your text here with spaces inside double quotes."' fi > /tmp/reminder.sh chmod 755 /tmp/reminder.sh echo "#!/bin/sh" >> /tmp/reminder.sh echo "printf '\033[1m\033[12;3f$text\033[0m\n\n\n'" >> /tmp/reminder.sh echo "sleep 3" >> /tmp/reminder.sh echo "exit 0" >> /tmp/reminder.sh while true do # Display your reminder for about 3 seconds... xterm -e /tmp/reminder.sh & # Use Ctrl-C to stop after xterm has closed down... sleep 30 done