This script for QGIS version 2 replaces the default statusbar coordinate display with a configurable widget. Save the script as .qgis2/python/ Click the statusbar widget left of the coordinates, initially labelled 'EPSG:4326', to select the demanded CRS. Delete to deinstall.
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''' CoordsConf: Configure QGIS coordinate display
Store this script as .qgis2/python/
Redoute, 19.10.2013 '''
from __future__ import unicode_literals, division
import qgis
QgsPoint = qgis.core.QgsPoint
CoordinateReferenceSystem = qgis.core.QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem
CoordinateTransform = qgis.core.QgsCoordinateTransform
ProjectionSelector = qgis.gui.QgsProjectionSelector
import PyQt4
qActionsContextMenu = PyQt4.QtCore.Qt.ActionsContextMenu
qAlignCenter = PyQt4.QtCore.Qt.AlignCenter
qAlignHCenter = PyQt4.QtCore.Qt.AlignHCenter
qAlignRight = PyQt4.QtCore.Qt.AlignRight
qAlignVCenter = PyQt4.QtCore.Qt.AlignVCenter
qHorizontal = PyQt4.QtCore.Qt.Horizontal
qToolButtonTextOnly = PyQt4.QtCore.Qt.ToolButtonTextOnly
settings = PyQt4.QtCore.QSettings()
Action = PyQt4.QtGui.QAction
ButtonGroup = PyQt4.QtGui.QButtonGroup
Dialog = PyQt4.QtGui.QDialog
DialogButtonBox = PyQt4.QtGui.QDialogButtonBox
GroupBox = PyQt4.QtGui.QGroupBox
Label = PyQt4.QtGui.QLabel
LineEdit = PyQt4.QtGui.QLineEdit
msgBox = PyQt4.QtGui.QMessageBox.information
PushButton = PyQt4.QtGui.QPushButton
RadioButton = PyQt4.QtGui.QRadioButton
TabWidget = PyQt4.QtGui.QTabWidget
ToolButton = PyQt4.QtGui.QToolButton
VBoxLayout = PyQt4.QtGui.QVBoxLayout
Widget = PyQt4.QtGui.QWidget
class Config(object):
# read Options
dstAuthId = settings.value('CoordsConf/dstAuthId', 'EPSG:4326')
dstCrs = CoordinateReferenceSystem(dstAuthId)
rule1 = settings.value('CoordsConf/rule1', 0, type=int)
rule2 = settings.value('CoordsConf/rule2', 0, type=int)
rule3 = settings.value('CoordsConf/rule3', 0, type=int)
rule4 = settings.value('CoordsConf/rule4', 0, type=int)
iface = qgis.utils.iface
mw = iface.mainWindow()
sb = mw.statusBar()
mc = iface.mapCanvas()
mr = mc.mapRenderer()
def makeGroup(parent, odict):
l = VBoxLayout(parent)
g = ButtonGroup(parent)
for id, label in odict.iteritems():
rb = RadioButton(label, parent)
g.addButton(rb, id)
return g
# actions of coord display
class Dlg(Dialog):
def __init__(self):
super(Dialog, self).__init__(mw)
self.setWindowTitle('Configure Coords Display')
layout = VBoxLayout(self)
tabs = TabWidget(self)
tabCrs = Widget()
lTabCrs = VBoxLayout(tabCrs) = ProjectionSelector(tabCrs)
tabs.addTab(tabCrs, '&CRS for coords display')
tabOptions = Widget()
lTabOptions = VBoxLayout(tabOptions)
g1 = GroupBox('&1) When \'on the fly\' CRS transformation is enabled and active layer CRS is available:', tabOptions)
self.o1 = makeGroup(g1,
{0: 'Show display CRS',
2: 'Show project CRS',
3: 'Show active layer CRS',
5: 'Show screen coords'})
g2 = GroupBox('&2) When \'on the fly\' CRS transformation is enabled and active layer CRS is not available:', tabOptions)
self.o2 = makeGroup(g2,
{0: 'Show display CRS',
2: 'Show project CRS',
5: 'Show screen coords'})
g3 = GroupBox('&3) When \'on the fly\' CRS transformation is disabled and active layer CRS is available:', tabOptions)
self.o3 = makeGroup(g3,
{1: 'Show display CRS, reprojected via active layer CRS',
0: 'Show display CRS, reprojected via project CRS',
4: 'Show active layer CRS',
2: 'Show project CRS',
5: 'Show screen Coords'})
g4 = GroupBox('&4) When \'on the fly\' CRS transformation is disabled and active layer CRS is not available:', tabOptions)
self.o4 = makeGroup(g4,
{0: 'Show display CRS, reprojected via project CRS',
2: 'Show project CRS',
5: 'Show screen Coords'})
tabs.addTab(tabOptions, '&Options')
bbox = DialogButtonBox(self)
bbox.setStandardButtons(DialogButtonBox.Ok | DialogButtonBox.Cancel)
self.adjustSize() ### ???
dlg = Dlg()
def configure():
if dlg.exec_():
Config.dstAuthId =
Config.dstCrs = CoordinateReferenceSystem(Config.dstAuthId)
settings.setValue('CoordsConf/dstAuthId', Config.dstAuthId)
Config.rule1 = dlg.o1.checkedId()
settings.setValue('CoordsConf/rule1', Config.rule1)
Config.rule2 = dlg.o2.checkedId()
settings.setValue('CoordsConf/rule2', Config.rule2)
Config.rule3 = dlg.o3.checkedId()
settings.setValue('CoordsConf/rule3', Config.rule3)
Config.rule4 = dlg.o4.checkedId()
settings.setValue('CoordsConf/rule4', Config.rule4)
# remove builtin statusbar widgetgs
# check extents view button (reduces calculations in QgisApp::showMouseCoordinate)
w = sb.findChild(object, 'mToggleExtentsViewButton')
sb.removeWidget(sb.findChild(object, 'mCoordsLabel'))
sb.removeWidget(sb.findChild(object, 'mCoordsEdit'))
# create new label widgets for statusbar
crsButton = ToolButton(sb)
sb.insertPermanentWidget(1, crsButton)
xyButton = ToolButton(sb)
sb.insertPermanentWidget(2, xyButton)
# bind signal
def showCoords(xy):
# Which rule is applicable?
c1 = mr.hasCrsTransformEnabled()
l = iface.activeLayer()
c2 = bool(l and
if c1 and c2:
rule = Config.rule1
elif c1:
rule = Config.rule2
elif c2:
rule = Config.rule3
rule = Config.rule4
# transform xy and get auth id according to rule
if rule == 0:
xyCrs = mr.destinationCrs()
xy = CoordinateTransform(xyCrs, Config.dstCrs).transform(xy)
authId = Config.dstAuthId
elif rule == 1:
xyCrs = iface.activeLayer().crs()
xy = CoordinateTransform(xyCrs, Config.dstCrs).transform(xy)
authId = Config.dstAuthId
elif rule == 2:
authId = mr.destinationCrs().authid()
elif rule == 3:
xyCrs = mr.destinationCrs()
layerCrs = iface.activeLayer().crs()
xy = CoordinateTransform(xyCrs, layerCrs).transform(xy)
authId = layerCrs.authid()
elif rule == 4:
authId = iface.activeLayer().crs().authid()
elif rule == 5:
xy = mc.mouseLastXY()
xy = QgsPoint(xy.x(), xy.y())
authId = 'Screen'
# label buttons
# init
showCoords(qgis.core.QgsPoint(0, 0))
On Stackexchange I was told it is not possible to have another CRS in the status bar than used for the map. So I took this as a challenge.
I stopped working on this code because it does (more than) what I needed. To Do/wishlist:
- make fail-safe
- integrate extent display
- copy coordinates to clipboard (configurable?, shortcut)
- enter coordinates (in any CRS)
- copy coordinates from clipboard (any CRS, some guessing regarding x/y, separator, decimal separator)
- optional swap x/y
- configurable/automatic number of decimal places
- configurable for degree/minutes/seconds
- access via menus/keyboard
- optimize system load
- internationalization/localization
- restore native display (?)
- make plugin