import random
import copy
import time
def supersequence(x, y):
""" True if and only if all elements in y occur in x in order (x is a supersequence of y)"""
idx = 0
for i in y:
idx = x.index(i, idx)+1
except ValueError, e:
return False
return True
def subsequence(x, y):
""" x is a subsequence of y <==> y is a supersequence of x """
return supersequence(y, x)
def is_supersequence_of_sequences(sequence, sequences):
""" True if sequence is a supersequence of every s in sequences """
result = True
for s in sequences:
if not supersequence(sequence, s):
return False
return result
def remove_redundant_sequences(redundant_sequences, debug=False):
""" Removes every doublure sequence and every sequence that is a subsequence of another """
if debug:
print "Removing redundant sequences:"
sequences = []
for i,s in enumerate(redundant_sequences):
remove = False
for j in range(i+1, len(redundant_sequences)):
if s == redundant_sequences[j]:
remove = True
if debug:
print " Found doublure ", s, "==", redundant_sequences[j]
if not remove:
sequences_p = []
for i,s1 in enumerate(sequences):
found = False
for j,s2 in enumerate(sequences):
if ((i != j) and (supersequence(s2, s1))):
found = True
if debug:
print " Found supersequence", s2, "for", s1
if not found:
if debug:
print "Removed %s redundant sequence(s). Reduced set:"%(len(redundant_sequences)-len(sequences_p))
for i,s in enumerate(sequences_p):
print " s%s:"%i, s
return sequences_p
def lower_bound(scs):
""" Finds a lower bound based on some fast algorithms."""
def scs_length(s1, s2):
""" shortest common supersequence length for two single sequences
can be computed using dynamic programming. Based on algorithm for
computing Longest Common Subsequence (== len(s1)+len(s2)-SCS )"""
S = []
for i in range(0, len(s1)+1):
for i in range(len(s1)+1):
S[i][0] = i
for j in range(len(s2)+1):
S[0][j] = j
for i in range(1, len(s1)+1):
for j in range(1, len(s2)+1):
if s1[i-1] == s2[j-1]:
S[i][j] = min(S[i-1][j]+1, S[i][j-1]+1, S[i-1][j-1]+1)
S[i][j] = min(S[i-1][j]+1, S[i][j-1]+1)
return S[len(s1)][len(s2)]
def find_max_scs_length_of_2_combinations(sequences):
""" Returns maximum scs_length(s1,s2) for any s1, s2 in sequences. Note that this does not
guarantee the length of the actual SCS of the entire set of sequences. """
result = -1
for i in range(len(sequences)):
for j in range(i+1, len(sequences)):
length = scs_length(sequences[i], sequences[j])
if length > result:
result = length
return result
def max_count_occurrences(sequences):
""" for every value v in the alphabet, for all s in sequences, count occurrences of v in s.
The length of the SCS has be least the sum of maximum occurrences."""
lower_bound = 0
for v in set([s for seq in sequences for s in seq]):
count_v = -1
for s in sequences:
count = s.count(v)
if count > count_v:
count_v = count
lower_bound += count_v
return lower_bound
return max(max_count_occurrences(scs), find_max_scs_length_of_2_combinations(scs))
def upper_bound(sequences, max_run_time_random_seconds = 1):
""" Finds an upper bound based on some fast approximation algorithms."""
def alphabet_leftmost(sequences):
""" Approximation algorithm by looping through a random permutation on the alphabet """
seqs = copy.deepcopy(sequences)
common_supersequence = []
permutation = list(set([x for s in seqs for x in s]))
i = 0
while any(seqs):
found = False
for s in seqs:
if s and s[0] == permutation[i]:
found = True
if found:
for s in seqs:
if s and s[0] == permutation[i]:
i = (i+1) % len(permutation)
return common_supersequence
def alphabet_leftmost_rand(sequences):
""" Approximation algorithm using random selection on alphabet values. """
seqs = copy.deepcopy(sequences)
common_supersequence = []
while any(seqs):
firsts = list(set([s[0] for s in seqs if s]))
next = firsts[random.randint(0, len(firsts)-1)]
for s in seqs:
if s and s[0] == next:
return common_supersequence
def majority_merge(seqs):
""" Quite fast approximation algorithm """
sequences = copy.deepcopy(seqs)
common_supersequence = []
while any(sequences):
firsts = [(s[0], len(s)) for s in sequences if s]
counts = {}
for x in firsts:
if x[0] in counts:
counts[x[0]] += x[1] #use +1 if not weighted MM
counts[x[0]] = x[1] #use 1 if not weighted MM
most_common = sorted(counts, key=lambda x: counts[x], reverse=True)[0]
for s in sequences:
if s and s[0] == most_common:
if s == []:
return common_supersequence
trivial = sum(len(s) for s in sequences)
mm = len(majority_merge(sequences))
alm, almr = 10000000, 10000000
start = time.time()
while time.time() < start + max_run_time_random_seconds:
alm_test = alphabet_leftmost(sequences)
if len(alm_test) < alm:
alm = len(alm_test)
almr_test = alphabet_leftmost_rand(sequences)
if len(almr_test) < almr:
almr = len(almr_test)
upperbounds = [trivial, mm, alm, almr]
solutions = bfs_genetic(sequences, keep_best = 1000, best_so_far = min(upperbounds))
if solutions:
return min(upperbounds)
def backtrack_shortest_common_supersequences(sequences, upperbound=None):
""" backtrack with pruning, then filter out the shortest SCSs (they are not unique!)"""
if not upperbound:
upperbound = 10000000
result = backtrack_scs(sequences, [], upperbound)
return [x for x in result if len(x) == min([len(y) for y in result])]
def backtrack_all_common_supersequences(sequences):
""" backtrack all supersequences (not just shortest) """
upperbound = 10000000
return backtrack_scs(sequences, [], upperbound, False)
def backtrack_scs(sequences, choices, best_so_far, prune=True):
""" Recursive DFS algorithm, potentially risky with large #sequences or long s in sequences"""
solutions = []
if any(sequences):
# no need to evaluate subsolution choices if it will become longer than best_so_far.
if not prune or len(choices) + max([len(s) for s in sequences]) <= best_so_far:
firsts = set([s[0] for s in sequences if s])
for c in firsts:
indices = []
for i,s in enumerate(sequences):
if s and s[0] == c:
for solution in backtrack_scs(sequences, choices+[c], best_so_far):
for i in indices:
sequences[i] = [c]+sequences[i]
solutions = [choices]
if len(choices) < best_so_far:
best_so_far = len(choices)
return solutions
def bfs_genetic(sequences, keep_best = 100000000, best_so_far = 100000000):
""" Breath first search algorithm. Prunes away up to keep_best subsolutions according to metric() """
def metric((choices, remaining_sequences)):
# TODO: find good metric, given current choices and remaining sequences to solve.
# return sum(len(s) for s in remaining_sequences)
return len(remove_redundant_sequences(copy.deepcopy(remaining_sequences)))
Q = []
solutions = {}
firsts = set([s[0] for s in sequences if s])
for f in firsts:
seqs = copy.deepcopy(sequences)
for s in seqs:
if s and s[0] == f:
Q.append(([f], seqs))
depth = 1
while Q:
if depth < len(Q[0][0]):
if len(Q) > keep_best:
# print "Throwing away", len(Q) - keep_best, "out of", len(Q), "at depth", depth
Q = sorted(Q, key=metric)[:keep_best]
depth += 1
choices, seqs = Q.pop(0)
if len(choices) + max([len(s) for s in seqs]) <= best_so_far:
if any(seqs):
firsts = set([s[0] for s in seqs if s])
for f in firsts:
sequences = copy.deepcopy(seqs)
for s in sequences:
if s and s[0] == f:
Q.append((choices[:]+[f], sequences))
if depth in solutions:
solutions[depth] = [choices[:]]
return solutions
def pretty_print_scs_with_sequences(scs, sequences):
print "SCS: " + "".join([str(s) for s in scs])
for i,aseq in enumerate(sequences):
seq = [-1]*len(scs)
idx = 0
for v in aseq:
while scs.index(v, idx) > idx:
idx += 1
seq[idx] = v
idx += 1
print " s%s: "%i + "".join([str(s) for s in seq]).replace("-1", ".")
if __name__=="__main__":
def run_SCS_algorithms(sequences):
sequences = remove_redundant_sequences(sequences, debug=True)
lowerbound, upperbound = lower_bound(sequences), upper_bound(sequences)
print "Lowerbound on Shortest Common Supersequence:", lowerbound
print "Upperbound on Shortest Common Supersequence:", upperbound
solutions = backtrack_shortest_common_supersequences(sequences, upperbound)
print "Backtrack found %s SCSs of optimal length %s."%(len(solutions), len(solutions[0]))
print "E.g.", solutions[0], "is valid:", is_supersequence_of_sequences(solutions[0], sequences)
pretty_print_scs_with_sequences(solutions[0], sequences)
sequences_1 = [ [1,2,3],
sequences_2 = [ [1,2,1,2,3], # "acacg"
[1,4,1,3,1], # "ataga"
[2,1,2,3,4], # "cacgt"
[3,4,1,1,4]] # "ctaat"
sequences_3 = [ [5,2,1,6,3,6,3,1],
sequences_4 = [ [5,1,3,5,2,6],