from collections import MutableMapping
class _MinEntry(object):
Mutable entries for a Min-PQ dictionary.
def __init__(self, dkey, pkey):
self.dkey = dkey #dictionary key
self.pkey = pkey #priority key
def __lt__(self, other):
return self.pkey < other.pkey
class _MaxEntry(object):
Mutable entries for a Max-PQ dictionary.
def __init__(self, dkey, pkey):
self.dkey = dkey
self.pkey = pkey
def __lt__(self, other):
return self.pkey > other.pkey
class PQDict(MutableMapping):
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
self._heap = []
self._position = {}
self.update(*args, **kwargs)
create_entry = _MinEntry #defaults to a min-pq
def maxpq(cls, *args, **kwargs):
pq = cls()
pq.create_entry = _MaxEntry
pq.__init__(*args, **kwargs)
return pq
def __len__(self):
return len(self._heap)
def __iter__(self):
for entry in self._heap:
yield entry.dkey
def __getitem__(self, dkey):
return self._heap[self._position[dkey]].pkey
def __setitem__(self, dkey, pkey):
heap = self._heap
position = self._position
pos = position[dkey]
except KeyError:
# Add a new entry:
# put the new entry at the end and let it bubble up
pos = len(self._heap)
heap.append(self.create_entry(dkey, pkey))
position[dkey] = pos
# Update an existing entry:
# bubble up or down depending on pkeys of parent and children
heap[pos].pkey = pkey
parent_pos = (pos - 1) >> 1
child_pos = 2*pos + 1
if parent_pos > -1 and heap[pos] < heap[parent_pos]:
elif child_pos < len(heap):
other_pos = child_pos + 1
if other_pos < len(heap) and not heap[child_pos] < heap[other_pos]:
child_pos = other_pos
if heap[child_pos] < heap[pos]:
def __delitem__(self, dkey):
heap = self._heap
position = self._position
pos = position.pop(dkey)
entry_to_delete = heap[pos]
# Take the very last entry and place it in the vacated spot. Let it
# sink or swim until it reaches its new resting place.
end = heap.pop(-1)
if end is not entry_to_delete:
heap[pos] = end
position[end.dkey] = pos
parent_pos = (pos - 1) >> 1
child_pos = 2*pos + 1
if parent_pos > -1 and heap[pos] < heap[parent_pos]:
elif child_pos < len(heap):
other_pos = child_pos + 1
if other_pos < len(heap) and not heap[child_pos] < heap[other_pos]:
child_pos = other_pos
if heap[child_pos] < heap[pos]:
del entry_to_delete
def peek(self):
entry = self._heap[0]
except IndexError:
raise KeyError
return entry.dkey, entry.pkey
def popitem(self):
heap = self._heap
position = self._position
end = heap.pop(-1)
except IndexError:
raise KeyError
if heap:
entry = heap[0]
heap[0] = end
position[end.dkey] = 0
entry = end
del position[entry.dkey]
return entry.dkey, entry.pkey
def iteritems(self):
# destructive heapsort iterator
while True:
yield self.popitem()
except KeyError:
def _sink(self, top=0):
# "Sink-to-the-bottom-then-swim" algorithm (Floyd, 1964)
# Tends to reduce the number of comparisons when inserting "heavy" items
# at the top, e.g. during a heap pop
heap = self._heap
position = self._position
# Grab the top entry
pos = top
entry = heap[pos]
# Sift up a chain of child nodes
child_pos = 2*pos + 1
while child_pos < len(heap):
# choose the smaller child
other_pos = child_pos + 1
if other_pos < len(heap) and not heap[child_pos] < heap[other_pos]:
child_pos = other_pos
child_entry = heap[child_pos]
# move it up one level
heap[pos] = child_entry
position[child_entry.dkey] = pos
# next level
pos = child_pos
child_pos = 2*pos + 1
# We are left with a "vacant" leaf. Put our entry there and let it swim
# until it reaches its new resting place.
heap[pos] = entry
position[entry.dkey] = pos
self._swim(pos, top)
def _swim(self, pos, top=0):
heap = self._heap
position = self._position
# Grab the entry from its place
entry = heap[pos]
# Sift parents down until we find a place where the entry fits.
while pos > top:
parent_pos = (pos - 1) >> 1
parent_entry = heap[parent_pos]
if not entry < parent_entry:
heap[pos] = parent_entry
position[parent_entry.dkey] = pos
pos = parent_pos
# Put entry in its new place
heap[pos] = entry
position[entry.dkey] = pos