Do you remember the Bomb-Out icon(s) that appeared on some computers' SW and HW many years ago...
Well this is a matching sound to go with it and can be used as a critical error sound.
It sounds like a bomb being dropped from an aeroplane and is purely a shell sript only.
It is set up to run SOund eXchange, SOX, but just by editing the code "/dev/dsp" can be used instead.
Read the code for more informastion.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 | #!/bin/bash --posix
# Generate a fun bomb-out sound using SOX and /dev/dsp...
# $VER: bomb.sh_Version_1.00.00_(C)2013_B.Walker_G0LCU.
# This is now Public Domain and ypu may do with as you please...
# Tested on a Macbook Pro 13" OSX 10.7.5, using SOX.
# Tested on Debian Linux 6.0.x, using /dev/dsp
# Tesetd on PCLinuxOS 2009, using /dev/dsp.
# Initialise the waveform.raw file length to zero.
> /tmp/waveform.raw
# Generate the high start sound.
for m in $( seq 0 1 50 )
printf "$waveform" >> /tmp/waveform.raw
# Now build up the waveform by adding the correct byte values at the end first then the beginning last.
for n in $( seq 0 1 15 )
# Add the correct byte at the end, append the file, looping a few times...
for m in $( seq 0 1 10 )
printf "$waveform" >> /tmp/waveform.raw
# Now add the correct byte at the beginning, append the file, looping a few times...
for m in $( seq 0 1 5 )
printf "$waveform" >> /tmp/waveform.raw
# Now generate a crude explosion...
dd if=/dev/urandom of=/tmp/explosion.raw bs=8000 count=1
# Append to the waveform.raw file...
cat /tmp/explosion.raw >> /tmp/waveform.raw
# Now play back a single run of the raw data using SOX.
# IMPORTANT! Change the path to suit your SOX path...
/Users/barrywalker/Downloads/sox-14.4.0/play -b 8 -r 8000 -e unsigned-integer /tmp/waveform.raw
# A version for /dev/dsp too.
# cat /tmp/waveform.raw > /dev/dsp
# DEMO end.
# Enjoy finding simple solutions to often very difficult problems...
This is a FUN error sound only using nothing but bash shell scripting...
Bazza, G0LCU.
Sorry I am a beginner , I run this but no sound. Am i suppose to run this within another program?
Hi Hadi...
1) SOund eXchange must be installed for this to work UNLESS your machine has the device /dev/dsp as part of its audio... 2) Once SOX is installed the full path in the code needs to be changed to your installation path. 3) If you have /dev/dsp then comment out line 43 AND uncomment line 45. 4) Give the file a name, example - 4) Ensure you change the access permissions of this shell file and manually run from the default terminal program of your *NIX based machine and the directory where this file exists as:-
Your Prompt><RETURN>
Where <RETURN> is the return key and it will give a fun error sound...