password = 'password ' upperCount = 0 lowerCount = 0 digitCount = 0 strength = 0 passwordstrength = 'passwordstrength' x = 0 while x == 0: userInput = raw_input ('Enter in a password: ') if len(userInput) < 6: # If the passowrd has less the 6 chartacter, it will say Access Denied. print "Not valid" elif len(userInput) > 12: print "Access Denied" # If the password is more than 12 characters, it will say Access Denied. else: print "Access Accepted" # If the password has more than 6 and less than 12 characters then th password will be accepted. x = 1 for password in userInput: if password.isupper(): upperCount = upperCount + 1 elif password.islower(): lowerCount = lowerCount + 1 elif password.isdigit(): digitCount = digitCount + 1 print "upper case =" +str(upperCount) print "lower case =" +str(lowerCount) print "digits=" +str(digitCount) if upperCount >0: strength = strength + 1 if lowerCount >0: strength = strength + 1 if digitCount >0: strength = strength + 1 if strength == 1: print "Weak" elif strength == 2: print "Medium" else: print "Strong"