REM Prevent echoing to the CLI... @ECHO OFF CLS REM Generate a pure 1KHz sinewave using SOX... REM $VER: SOX_DEMO.BAT_Version_0.00.10_(C)2013_B.Walker_G0LCU. REM This script uses standard Notepad and a default Windows 32 bit install ONLY... REM It requires no extra installs except SOX itself... REM The 8 bytes of binary was also generated inside the default Windows OS to windows 7... ;o) REM Create an 8 byte binary _string_ first for 1 complete sinewave cycle... SET "rawfile=€&&€ÙþÙ" REM Write the 8 bytes of binary data to disk in your default TEMP folder... ECHO | SET /P="%rawfile%" > %TEMP%.\SINEWAVE.RAW REM Append to the file in powers of 2 to 8*(2^13) = 65536 bytes... FOR /L %%n IN (1,1,13) DO TYPE %TEMP%.\SINEWAVE.RAW >> %TEMP%.\SINEWAVE.RAW REM The path is where a default install of SOX resides... REM Now play the tone burst for around 8 to 9 seconds... C:\PROGRA~1\SOX-14-4-1\SOX -b 8 -r 8000 -e unsigned-integer -c 1 %TEMP%.\SINEWAVE.RAW -d REM 1KHz sinewave demo end... REM ENjoy finding simple solutions to often very difficult problems...