import cStringIO import itertools import Queue import subprocess import threading class Transporter(object): def __init__(self, get, getSentinel, put, putSentinel): self._thread = threading.Thread(target=self.loop, args=(get, getSentinel, put, putSentinel)) self._thread.daemon = True self._thread.start() @classmethod def loop(cls, get, getSentinel, put, putSentinel): for item in iter(get, getSentinel): put(item) put(putSentinel) def join(self, timeout=None): self._thread.join(timeout) class Communicator(object): def __init__(self, write, writeSentinel, read, readSentinel): self._out = Queue.Queue() self._write = write self._writer = Transporter(self._out.get, (None, writeSentinel), self._onSend, (None, writeSentinel)) self._writeSentinel = writeSentinel self._in = {} self._reader = Transporter(read, readSentinel, self._onReceive, readSentinel) self._readSentinel = readSentinel self._closing = False self._lock = threading.RLock() self._next = itertools.count().next def __del__(self): self.close() def put(self, command, request=True): with self._lock: deferredResult = Queue.Queue() if request else None if not self._closing: self._out.put((deferredResult, command)) elif deferredResult: deferredResult.put(StopIteration()) return deferredResult def close(self, timeout=None): self._shutdown() self._writer.join(timeout) self._reader.join(timeout) def _notify(self, requestId, result): self._in.pop(requestId).put(result) def _onSend(self, item): (deferredResult, command) = item requestId = None if deferredResult: requestId = self._next() self._in[requestId] = deferredResult try: self._write(requestId, command) except StopIteration as e: self._shutdown() if deferredResult: self._notify(requestId, e) except Exception as e: if deferredResult: self._notify(requestId, e) def _onReceive(self, item): if item == self._readSentinel: frame = item self._shutdown() self._writer.join() requestIds = list(self._in) else: (requestId, frame) = item requestIds = [requestId] for requestId in requestIds: self._notify(requestId, frame) def _shutdown(self): with self._lock: if self._closing: return self.put(self._writeSentinel, request=False) self._closing = True class Writer(object): SENTINEL = None def __init__(self, stream): self._stream = stream def __call__(self, requestId, command): frame = self._compile(requestId, command) if frame is not None: try: self._stream.write(frame) self._stream.flush() except: command = self.SENTINEL if command == self.SENTINEL: try: self._stream.close() finally: raise StopIteration() def _compile(self, requestId, command): raise NotImplementedError() class Reader(object): SENTINEL = None FRAME_SEPARATOR = '\x00' def __init__(self, stream): self._stream = stream self.__read = self._read().next def __call__(self): return self.__read() def _next(self): try: return except: return '' def _parse(self, frame): raise NotImplementedError() def _read(self): self._reset() for character in iter(self._next, ''): if character != self.FRAME_SEPARATOR: self._buffer.write(character) continue frame = self._buffer.getvalue() self._reset() yield self._parse(frame) try: self._stream.close() finally: yield self.SENTINEL def _reset(self): self._buffer = cStringIO.StringIO() class SubprocessSession(object): def __init__(self, command, writer, reader, start=True, **kwargs): self._command = command self._writer = writer self._reader = reader self._kwargs = {'stdin': subprocess.PIPE, 'stdout': subprocess.PIPE} self._kwargs.update(kwargs) self._lock = threading.RLock() if start: self.start() def __del__(self): self.close() def put(self, frame, request=True): return self._communicator.put(frame, request) def start(self): with self._lock: if hasattr(self, '_process'): return self._process = subprocess.Popen(self._command, **self._kwargs) self._communicator = Communicator( self._writer(self._process.stdin), self._writer.SENTINEL, self._reader(self._process.stdout), self._reader.SENTINEL ) def close(self, timeout=None): with self._lock: if not hasattr(self, '_process'): return try: self._communicator.close(timeout) finally: if self._process.poll() is None: self._process.kill() del self._process del self._communicator # I use the part above as a generic utility module. A simple echo example follows: class EchoWriter(Writer): def _compile(self, requestId, command): if command == self.SENTINEL: return return command if (requestId is None) else ('%s:%s\x00' % (requestId, command)) class EchoReader(Reader): def _parse(self, frame): requestId, frame = frame.split(':', 1) return (int(requestId), frame) def run(): from multiprocessing.pool import ThreadPool session = SubprocessSession('/bin/cat', EchoWriter, EchoReader) pool = ThreadPool(50) requests = j: session.put('message %d' % j), xrange(2000)) results = r: r.get(), requests) print results == ['message %d' % j for j in xrange(2000)] if __name__ == '__main__': run()