#!/bin/bash # # 1KHz.sh # # A very simple DEMO crude sinewave generator using the device /dev/audio in Linux. # It is an eight second burst and generates an approximation of a pure sinewave using linear interpolation. # The "sinewave.raw" file length is 65536 bytes in size and saved to your default working directory... # # $VER: 1KHz.sh_Version_0.00.10_Public_Domain_2013_B.Walker_G0LCU. # Zero the raw file... > sinewave.raw # This is the binary byte data list for the crude sinewave. data="\\x0f\\x2d\\x3f\\x2d\\x0f\\x03\\x00\\x03" # Generate the file as an approximately eight second burst... for waveform in {0..8191} do printf "$data" >> sinewave.raw done # Now play back a single run of the raw data for about eight seconds. cat sinewave.raw > /dev/audio # End of 1KHz.sh DEMO... # Enjoy finding simple solutions to often very simple problems... ;o)