In computer science, a k-d tree (short for k-dimensional tree) is a space-partitioning data structure for organizing points in a k-dimensional space. k-d trees are a useful data structure for several applications, such as searches involving a multidimensional search key (e.g. range searches and nearest neighbor searches). k-d trees are a special case of binary space partitioning trees.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 | from scipy import spatial
x, y, z = np.mgrid[0:5, 2:8, 2:3]
data = zip(x.ravel(), y.ravel(), z.ravel())
tree = spatial.KDTree(data)
print 'ball', [data[i] for i in tree.query_ball_point(array([1,2,2]), 1)]
distance, index = tree.query(np.array([[2, 2, 2.2]]))
print 'query', distance, index, data[index[0]]
pts = np.array([[2, 2, 2.2]])
import heapq
def euclideanDistance(x,y):
return math.sqrt(sum([(a-b)**2 for (a,b) in zip(x,y)]))
closestPoints = heapq.nsmallest(1, enumerate(pts), key=lambda y: euclideanDistance(x, y[1]))
print closestPoints
Tags: algorithms, python