# !/bin/sh # # Bin2Hex2Dec.sh # # A DEMO shell script to show how to display the contents of a binary file onto the screen and convert any # single one of those hexadecimal contents to decimal, retrieve the decimal string and use it in a simple # addition of the retrieved decimal string with a fixed number to give a result. The idea was to be able to # get a byte value from say an external source and use it inside a bash script, in this case a value stored # on the HDD. # # This DEMO was only designed for a Macbook Pro 13 inch, OSX 10.7.5 using the default, (BASH?), Terminal. # It also works on Debian 6.0.x, PCLinuxOS 2009, Ubuntu, Fedora 17 using various Shells/Terminals. # # To run use the usual method for launching an _executable_ from its /directory/drawer/folder:- # # xxxxx$ ./Bin2Hex2Dec.sh # # And away you go... # # This script will need to be made executable using the command "chmod" and will save and load files to YOUR # default /directory/drawer/folder. The files saved to the HDD will be named:- # BinaryString.dat # BinaryString.txt # The output should look like this:- # ####################################### # # $VER: Bin2Hex2Dec.sh_Version_0.00.10_Public_Domain_B.Walker_G0LCU. # # Generate and save a binary file, display a hexadecimal dump of that file, # select a single byte from this binary file, display as a decimal number in # string format then add this string number to another number... # # Offset. Hexadecimal dump. ASCII dump. # 00000000 00 07 0a 0d 7f 28 43 29 32 30 31 32 2c 20 42 2e |.....(C)2012, B.| # 00000010 57 61 6c 6b 65 72 2c 20 47 30 4c 43 55 2e 80 ff |Walker, G0LCU...| # 00000020 # # Now obtain the _byte_, from offset 0 in this DEMO, the first byte in the # file, (0x00), and convert to a decimal string from the hexadecimal byte... # # Decimal value in string format = 0... # # Now ADD a number 7 to the decoded decimal string. 0 + 7 = 7... # # (Now edit the script and change the _variable_ ~subscript~ to another value.) # # Barrys-MacBook-Pro:~ barrywalker$ # ####################################### # # $VER: Bin2Hex2Dec.sh_Version_0.00.10_Public_Domain_B.Walker_G0LCU. # This is Public Domain and you may do with it as you please. Ignore the (C) inside the code... # Set up a simple user screen/window... clear printf "\n\$VER: Bin2Hex2Dec.sh_Version_0.00.10_Public_Domain_B.Walker_G0LCU.\n" printf "\nGenerate and save a binary file, display a hexadecimal dump of that file,\n" printf "select a single byte from this binary file, display as a decimal number in\n" printf "string format then add this string number to another number...\n\n" # NOTE:- Double back slashes required to ensure binary is saved rather than the string. # The inverted commas ARE required! binstr="\\x00\\x07\\x0A\\x0D\\x7F(C)2012, B.Walker, G0LCU.\\x80\\xFF" # NOTE:- Inverted commas around "$binstr" and save 32 byte long string as BinaryString.dat into your default drawer. printf "$binstr" > BinaryString.dat # Do a text hexadecimal dump to the screen only of the 32 byte string... printf "Offset. Hexadecimal dump. ASCII dump.\n" hexdump -C BinaryString.dat # Just an offset is needed for a single byte with a "subsript" offset inside the range of 0 to 31 for this 32 byte dump. # The first byte is chosen for this DEMO. Just change this value to anything between 0 and 31 inclusive. subscript=0 # Now select this single byte and save the value as a decimal string. hexdump -n1 -s$subscript -v -e '1/1 "%u"' BinaryString.dat > BinaryString.txt # Allow time for grabbed decimal byte value string to settle. sleep 1 # The "subscript" offset is set at the first byte in the string, value zero, (0)... printf "\nNow obtain the _byte_, from offset 0 in this DEMO, the first byte in the\n" printf "file, (0x00), and convert to a decimal string from the hexadecimal byte...\n\n" # Now retrieve the decimal byte string for further use from the file "BinaryString.txt". read somedata < "BinaryString.txt" # Now manipulate the retrieved string by adding a number to it... printf "Decimal value in string format = $somedata...\n\n" printf "Now ADD a number 7 to the decoded decimal string. $somedata + 7 = "$(($somedata+7))"...\n\n" printf "(Now edit the script and change the _variable_ ~subscript~ to another value.)\n\n" # Bin2Hex2Dec.sh DEMO end. # Enjoy finding simple solutions to often very difficult problems... ;o)