Calculates the probability that, when making k random selections out of n possibilities, at least two of the selections are the same. See:
What is the probability that (at least) two people in a class of 30 share their birthday?
>>> collide(30,365)
What is the probability that ORA_HASH generates the same hash when hashing 25000 values?
>>> collide(25000,int(4.3e9))
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 | import itertools
def alldifferent(k,n):
'''The probability that k random selections from n possibilities
are all different.'''
nums = xrange(n,n-k,-1)
dens = itertools.repeat(n)
fracs = itertools.imap(lambda x,y: float(x)/y, nums,dens)
return reduce(float.__mul__, fracs)
def collide(k,n):
'''The probability that, in k random selections from n possibilities,
at least two selections collide.'''
return 1 - alldifferent(k,n)