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#!/usr/bin/env python3

'''Class to compute if a point lies inside/outside/on-side of a polygon.

This is a Python 3 implementation of the Sloan's improved version of the
Nordbeck and Rystedt algorithm, published in the paper:

SLOAN, S.W. (1985): A point-in-polygon program.
    Adv. Eng. Software, Vol 7, No. 1, pp 45-47.

This class has 1 public method (is_inside) that returns the minimum distance to
the nearest point of the polygon:

If is_inside < 0 then point is outside the polygon.
If is_inside = 0 then point in on a side of the polygon.
If is_inside > 0 then point is inside the polygon.


import math

import numpy as np

class Polygon:
    '''Polygon object.

    Input parameters:

    x -- A sequence of nodal x-coords.
    y -- A sequence of nodal y-coords.


    def __init__(self, x, y):
        if len(x) != len(y):
            raise IndexError('x and y must be equally sized.')
        self.x = np.asfarray(x)
        self.y = np.asfarray(y)
        # Closes the polygon if needed
        x1, y1 = x[0], y[0]
        xn, yn = x[-1], y[-1]
        if x1 != xn or y1 != yn:
            self.x = np.concatenate((self.x, [x1]))
            self.y = np.concatenate((self.y, [y1]))
        # Transform to anti-clockwise if needed
        if self._det(self.x, self.y) < 0:
            self.x = self.x[::-1]
            self.y = self.y[::-1]

    def _det(xvert, yvert):
        '''Compute twice the area of the triangle defined by points with using
        determinant formula.

        Input parameters:

        xvert -- A vector of nodal x-coords.
        yvert -- A vector of nodal y-coords.

        Output parameters:

        Twice the area of the triangle defined by the points.


        _det is positive if points define polygon in anticlockwise order.
        _det is negative if points define polygon in clockwise order.
        _det is zero if at least two of the points are concident or if
            all points are collinear.

        xvert = np.asfarray(xvert)
        yvert = np.asfarray(yvert)
        x_prev = np.concatenate(([xvert[-1]], xvert[:-1]))
        y_prev = np.concatenate(([yvert[-1]], yvert[:-1]))
        return np.sum(yvert * x_prev - xvert * y_prev)

    def is_inside(self, xpoint, ypoint, smalld=1e-12):
        '''Check if point is inside a general polygon.

        Input parameters:

        xpoint -- The x-coord of the point to be tested.
        ypoint -- The y-coord of the point to be tested.
        smalld -- A small float number.

        Output parameters:

        mindst -- The distance from the point to the nearest point of the
                  If mindst < 0 then point is outside the polygon.
                  If mindst = 0 then point in on a side of the polygon.
                  If mindst > 0 then point is inside the polygon.


        An improved version of the algorithm of Nordbeck and Rydstedt.

        REF: SLOAN, S.W. (1985): A point-in-polygon program. Adv. Eng.
             Software, Vol 7, No. 1, pp 45-47.

        # If snear = True: Dist to nearest side < nearest vertex
        # If snear = False: Dist to nearest vertex < nearest side
        x = self.x
        y = self.y
        n = len(x) - 1  # Number of sides/vertices defining the polygon
        mindst = None
        # Loop over each side defining polygon
        for i in range(n):
            # Start of side has coords (x1, y1)
            # End of side has coords (x2, y2)
            # Point has coords (xpoint, ypoint)
            x1 = x[i]
            y1 = y[i]
            x21 = x[i + 1] - x1
            y21 = y[i + 1] - y1
            x1p = x1 - xpoint
            y1p = y1 - ypoint
            # Points on infinite line defined by
            #     x = x1 + t * (x1 - x2)
            #     y = y1 + t * (y1 - y2)
            # where
            #     t = 0    at (x1, y1)
            #     t = 1    at (x2, y2)
            # Find where normal passing through (xpoint, ypoint) intersects
            # infinite line
            t = -(x1p * x21 + y1p * y21) / (x21 ** 2 + y21 ** 2)
            if t < 0:
                # Normal does not intersects side
                # Point is closest to vertex (x1, y1)
                # Compute square of distance to this vertex
                d = x1p ** 2 + y1p ** 2
                if mindst is None or d < mindst:
                    # Point is closer to (x1, y1) than any other vertex or side
                    snear = False
                    mindst = d
                    j = i
            elif t <= 1:
                # Normal intersects side
                dx = x1p + t * x21
                dy = y1p + t * y21
                d = dx ** 2 + dy ** 2
                if mindst is None or d < mindst:
                    # Point is closer to this side than to any other side or
                    # vertex
                    snear = True
                    mindst = d
                    j = i
        mindst **= 0.5
        if mindst < smalld:
            # Point is on side of polygon
            mindst = 0
        elif snear:
            # Point is closer to its nearest side than to its nearest vertex,
            # check if point is to left or right of this side.
            # If point is to left of side it is inside polygon, else point is
            # outside polygon.
            area = self._det([x[j], x[j + 1], xpoint],
                             [y[j], y[j + 1], ypoint])
            mindst = math.copysign(mindst, area)
            # Point is closer to its nearest vertex than its nearest side,
            # check if nearest vertex is concave.
            # If the nearest vertex is concave then point is inside the
            # polygon, else the point is outside the polygon.
            if not j:
                x = x[:-1]
                y = y[:-1]
            area = self._det([x[j + 1], x[j], x[j - 1]],
                             [y[j + 1], y[j], y[j - 1]])
            mindst = math.copysign(mindst, area)
        return mindst


if __name__ == '__main__':
    # Define a triangle
    xvert = [1, 10, 10]
    yvert = [1, 10, 1]
    poly = Polygon(xvert, yvert)
    # Test the function in every point of a 12x12 grid
    grid = np.zeros((12, 12), dtype=int)
    for y in range(12):
        for x in range(12):
            if poly.is_inside(x, y) >= 0:
                grid[y, x] = 1
    # Print the result (0=outside)
