This tries its best to be a replacement for the regular socket
It supports only sending and receiving but should be useful enough.
The only real difference should be that you can't specify the number of bytes is received, instead do
for message in socket.recv():
Revision 2: Added proper message receiving. Previously it just requested a ton of data. Now it reads 2 bytes, determines the length, then requests that much.
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import socket
import struct
from base64 import b64encode
import hashlib
import json
class error(Exception):
class websocketclient:
def __init__(self, socket):
self.socket = socket
def __decodeWebSocket (self, data): #JS PORT
if data == b'\x81': return
datalength = data[1] & 127;
indexFirstMask = 2;
if (datalength == 126):
indexFirstMask = 4;
elif (datalength == 127):
indexFirstMask = 10;
masks = data[indexFirstMask:indexFirstMask + 4]
i = indexFirstMask + 4;
index = 0;
output = "";
while (i < len(data)):
output += chr(data[i] ^ masks[index % 4]);
i += 1
index += 1
return output;
def __encodeWebSocket(self, bytesRaw):
bytesFormatted = []
bytesFormatted.append(struct.pack('B', 129))
if (len(bytesRaw) <= 125):
bytesFormatted.append(struct.pack('B', len(bytesRaw)))
elif (len(bytesRaw) >= 126 and len(bytesRaw) <= 65535):
bytesFormatted.append(struct.pack('B', 126));
bytesFormatted.append(struct.pack('B', ( len(bytesRaw) >> 8 ) & 255));
bytesFormatted.append(struct.pack('B', ( len(bytesRaw) ) & 255));
bytesFormatted.append(struct.pack('B', 127));
bytesFormatted.append(struct.pack('B', ( len(bytesRaw) >> 56 ) & 255));
bytesFormatted.append(struct.pack('B', ( len(bytesRaw) >> 48 ) & 255));
bytesFormatted.append(struct.pack('B', (len( bytesRaw) >> 40 ) & 255));
bytesFormatted.append(struct.pack('B', (len( bytesRaw) >> 32 ) & 255));
bytesFormatted.append(struct.pack('B', (len( bytesRaw) >> 24 ) & 255));
bytesFormatted.append(struct.pack('B', (len( bytesRaw) >> 16 ) & 255));
bytesFormatted.append(struct.pack('B', ( len(bytesRaw) >> 8 ) & 255));
bytesFormatted.append(struct.pack('B', ( len(bytesRaw) ) & 255));
for i in range(len(bytesRaw)):
bytesFormatted.append(struct.pack('B', ord(bytesRaw[i])))
return bytesFormatted;
def recv(self):
length, = struct.unpack('xB', self.socket.recv(2))
firstbyte = length
length &= 127
addbytes = b""
if length == 126:
#Requires 2 more bytes of data
addbytes = self.socket.recv(2)
length, = struct.unpack("!H", addbytes)
if length == 127:
addbytes = self.socket.recv(8)
length, = struct.unpack("!Q", addbytes)
length += 4
return [self.__decodeWebSocket(b'\x81' + struct.pack('B', firstbyte) + addbytes + self.socket.recv(length))]
'''retlist = []
for chunk in buffer.split(b'\x81'):
pop = self.__decodeWebSocket(b'\x81' + chunk)
if pop: retlist.append(pop)
return retlist'''
def send(self, string):
class websocket:
def __init__(self, flag1, flag2):
if (flag1, flag2) != (AF_INET, WSOCK_STREAM):
raise (error, "Only supports flags AF_INET, WSOCK_STREAM!")
self.socket = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
self.socket.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR, 1)
def bind(self, data):
def listen(self, conns):
self.socket.listen(conns * 5)
def accept(self):
client, addr = self.socket.accept()
handshake = client.recv(10000).decode().split("\r\n")
newshake = {}
for item in handshake:
if ":" in item:
newshake[item.split(":")[0]] = item.split(":")[1][1:]
handshake = newshake
m = hashlib.sha1()
thehash = handshake['Sec-WebSocket-Key'] + "258EAFA5-E914-47DA-95CA-C5AB0DC85B11"
thehash = b64encode(m.digest())
header = b"HTTP/1.1 101 Switching Protocols\r\nUpgrade: websocket\r\nConnection: Upgrade\r\nSec-WebSocket-Accept: " + thehash + b"\r\n\r\n"
return websocketclient(client), addr
Probably this needs more error checking, but it's easily add-able.