@set @script=0 /* @echo off set @script= cscript //nologo //e:jscript "%~dpnx0" %1 %2 exit /b */ with (WScript.Arguments.Named) { if (length != 2) { WScript.echo(WScript.ScriptName + " </a:archive> </f:folder>"); WScript.Quit(1); } //validator extension of future archive RegExp.prototype.Validate = function() { var raw = this.exec(Item('a')), res = RegExp.lastMatch; return res.toUpperCase(); } var fso = new ActiveXObject('Scripting.FileSystemObject'), app = new ActiveXObject('Shell.Application'); //store files into .CAB or .ZIP files if ((new RegExp('.cab', 'i').Validate()) == '.CAB') { try { with (new ActiveXObject('MakeCab.MakeCab')) { CreateCab(Item('a'), false, false, false); with (new Enumerator(fso.GetFolder(Item('f')).Files)) { for (; !atEnd(); moveNext()) { var itm = item(); AddFile(itm.Path, itm.Name); } } CloseCab(); } } catch (e) { WScript.echo(e.message + '.'); } } else if ((new RegExp('.zip', 'i').Validate()) == '.ZIP') { try { var zip = fso.CreateTextFile(Item('a'), true); zip.Write('PK\05\06' + new Array(19).join('\0')); zip.Close(); with (new Enumerator(fso.GetFolder(Item('f')).Files)) { for (; !atEnd(); moveNext()) { var itm = item(); if (itm != fso.GetFile(Item('a')).Path) { app.NameSpace(fso.GetFile(Item('a')).Path).CopyHere(itm.Path); WScript.Sleep(1000); WScript.echo("File added: " + itm.Path); } } } } catch (e) { WScript.echo(e.message + '.'); } } else { WScript.echo("Unsupported archive format."); WScript.Quit(1); } }