def toposort2(data):
"""Dependencies are expressed as a dictionary whose keys are items
and whose values are a set of dependent items. Output is a list of
sets in topological order. The first set consists of items with no
dependences, each subsequent set consists of items that depend upon
items in the preceeding sets.
>>> print '\\n'.join(repr(sorted(x)) for x in toposort2({
... 2: set([11]),
... 9: set([11,8]),
... 10: set([11,3]),
... 11: set([7,5]),
... 8: set([7,3]),
... }) )
[3, 5, 7]
[8, 11]
[2, 9, 10]
from functools import reduce
# Ignore self dependencies.
for k, v in data.items():
# Find all items that don't depend on anything.
extra_items_in_deps = reduce(set.union, data.itervalues()) - set(data.iterkeys())
# Add empty dependences where needed
data.update({item:set() for item in extra_items_in_deps})
while True:
ordered = set(item for item, dep in data.iteritems() if not dep)
if not ordered:
yield ordered
data = {item: (dep - ordered)
for item, dep in data.iteritems()
if item not in ordered}
assert not data, "Cyclic dependencies exist among these items:\n%s" % '\n'.join(repr(x) for x in data.iteritems())