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<<Your current doc-string goes here.>>

Note:  The following doctest verifies that we're exporting all of the
symbols that we're supposed to be.  First, we gather all of the
symbols imported using 'from X import *'. Next we look at our global
name-space, discarding those we definitely don't want and then only
keeping those that meet our criteria.  Finally, we print the differences
between what we found and what's actually being exported.

>>> from new import classobj
>>> exclusions = set()
>>> for name in ['Tkinter']:
...     exclusions.update(dir(__import__(name)))
>>> exports = set()
>>> namespace = globals().copy()
>>> for name in namespace:
...     if name in exclusions or name.startswith("_"):
...         pass
...     else:
...         if name == name.upper():
...             exports.add(name)
...         elif name.endswith('Icon'):
...             exports.add(name)
...         elif isinstance(namespace[name], classobj):
...             exports.add(name)
...         else:
...             pass

>>> print "Missing from __all__:", sorted(exports - set(__all__))
Missing from __all__: []

>>> print "Extraneous in __all__:", sorted(set(__all__) - exports)
Extraneous in __all__: []


__all__ = []

<<Your module's code goes here.>>

if __name__ == '__main__':
    import doctest

Diff to Previous Revision

--- revision 1 2012-09-19 17:31:11
+++ revision 2 2012-09-19 19:13:20
@@ -8,16 +8,25 @@
 keeping those that meet our criteria.  Finally, we print the differences
 between what we found and what's actually being exported.
+>>> from new import classobj
 >>> exclusions = set()
->>> for name in ['PIL', 'Tkinter']:
+>>> for name in ['Tkinter']:
 ...     exclusions.update(dir(__import__(name)))
->>> import new
 >>> exports = set()
 >>> namespace = globals().copy()
->>> for name in namespace :
-...     if name not in exclusions and not name.startswith("_"):
-...         if name.endswith('Icon') or isinstance(namespace [name], new.classobj):
+>>> for name in namespace:
+...     if name in exclusions or name.startswith("_"):
+...         pass
+...     else:
+...         if name == name.upper():
 ...             exports.add(name)
+...         elif name.endswith('Icon'):
+...             exports.add(name)
+...         elif isinstance(namespace[name], classobj):
+...             exports.add(name)
+...         else:
+...             pass
 >>> print "Missing from __all__:", sorted(exports - set(__all__))
 Missing from __all__: []
