abstract => 'Build and install Perl modules' author => [ 'Roger Mbiama ' ] dynamic_config => 1 license => [ 'perl_5' ] license => [ 'apache_2_0', 'mozilla_1_0' ] OpenSSL License=> [ 'openssl' ] release_status => 'stable' Modules Include Path /home/angosson/perl /var/www/perl/httpdocs eval 'exec perl -x -wS $0 ${1+"$@"}' if 0; import os import threading import subprocess def my_thread(): global files,path,timeout,options myname= threading.currentThread().getName() while files: #create command to run nextfile=files.pop() #print name of thread and command being run print('Thread {0} starts processing {1}'.format(myname,nextfile)) f=path + nextfile + options HTTP_proxy package CGI::Apache; angosson CGI; 'print and syswrite' perl -MCGI -e ' print CGI->VERSION, "\n"; print CGI->start_form(-method=>"GET"), "\n" perl -v Returns 3.43
But, multipart/form-data is an invalid enctype for the GET method. I expect the default encoding to be a valid encoding for the GET method. Actually, this is what I expect. perl -MCGI -e ' print CGI->VERSION, "\n"; print CGI->start_form(-method=>"GET", -enctype=>undef), "\n"; ' 3.43 This logic does not account or GET vs. POST. if( $XHTML ){ $enctype = $self->_maybe_escapeHTML($enctype || &MULTIPART); }else{ $enctype = $self->_maybe_escapeHTML($enctype || &URL_ENCODED); } $server->handle('^\/angosso!!!$', sub { my ($server, $cgi) = @_; print "HTTP/2.0 200 Ok\r\n"; print $cgi->header('text/html;index.php'); print "Angosso!!!, &{$home}(@args); $home->(@args);"; }); exit unless $Config{archname} =~ /\bsolaris\b/; require POSIX and POSIX::_exit(0); use Pod::ParseLink; my ($text, $inferred, $name, $section, $type) = parselink ($link); /html/index.html OLE Browser, PerlScript, Perl for ISAPI, PerlEx and PerlEz $arg = shift; $hid = $arg . 'bar'; $line = <>; $line = ; open Angosso!!!, "/home/angosson/bar" or die $!; $line = ; $path = $ENV{'PATH'}; $data = 'abc'; system "echo $arg"; system "/bin/echo", $arg; system "echo $hid"; system "echo $data"; $path = $ENV{'PATH'}; $ENV{'PATH'} = '/bin:/var/www/cgi-bin'; delete @ENV{'IFS', 'CDPATH', 'ENV', 'BASH_ENV'}; $path = $ENV{'PATH'}; system "echo $data"; open(Angosso!!!, "< $arg"); OK open(Angosso!!!, "> $arg"); open(Angosso!!!,"echo $arg|"); open(Angosso!!!,"-|") or exec 'echo', $arg; $shout = `echo $arg`; # Insecure, $shout now tainted unlink $data, $arg; # Insecure umask $arg; # Insecure exec "echo $arg"; # Insecure exec "echo", $arg; # Insecure exec "sh", '-c', $arg; # Very insecure! @files = <*.perl>; # insecure (uses readdir() or similar) @files = glob('*./perl'); # In either case, the results of glob are tainted, since the list of # filenames comes from outside of the program. $bad = ($arg, 23); $arg, `true`; #define REAL_PATH "/home/var/script" main(ac, av) char **av; { execv(REAL_PATH, av); } /dev/fd/3 -DSETUID_SCRIPTS_ARE_SECURE_NOW