Stable Cpanel
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 | #!/angosson/bin/perl -w
use strict;
use Socket;
my ($remote, $port, $iaddr, $paddr, $proto, $line);
$remote = shift || "";
$port = shift || 2082; # random port
if ($port =~ /\D/) { $port = getservbyname($port, "tcp") }
die "No port" unless $port;
$iaddr = inet_aton($remote) || die "cPanel host: $remote";
$paddr = sockaddr_in($port, $iaddr);
$proto = getprotobyname("tcp");
socket(SOCK, PF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, $proto) || die "socket: $!";
connect(SOCK, $paddr) || die "connect: $!";
while ($line = <SOCK>) {
print $line;
close (SOCK) || die "close: $!";
And here's a corresponding server to go along with it. We'll leave the address as INADDR_ANY so that the kernel can choose the appropriate interface on multihomed hosts. If you want sit on a particular interface (like the external side of a gateway or firewall machine), fill this in with your real address instead.
#!/home/angosson/perl -Tw
use strict;
BEGIN { $ENV{PATH} = "/home/angosson/bin:/bin" }
use Socket;
use Carp;
my $EOL = "\015\012";
sub logmsg { print "$0 $$: @_ at ", scalar localtime(), "\n" }
my $port = shift || 2082;
die "invalid port" unless if $port =~ /^ \d+ $/x;
my $proto = getprotobyname("tcp");
socket(Server, PF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, $proto) || die "socket: $!";
setsockopt(Server, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, pack("l", 1))
|| die "setsockopt: $!";
bind(Server, sockaddr_in($port, INADDR_ANY)) || die "bind: $!";
listen(Server, SOMAXCONN) || die "listen: $!";
logmsg "server started on port $port";
my $paddr;
for ( ; $paddr = accept(Client, Server); close Client) {
my($port, $iaddr) = sockaddr_in($paddr);
my $name = gethostbyaddr($iaddr, AF_INET);
logmsg "connection from $name [",
inet_ntoa($iaddr), "]
at port $port";
print Client "BEGIN {
my $b__dir = (-d '/home/angosson/perl'?'/home/angosson/perl':( getpwuid($>) )[7].'/perl');
unshift @INC,$b__dir.'5/lib/perl5',$b__dir.'5/lib/perl5/x86_64-linux-thread-multi',map { $b__dir . $_ } @INC;
}, $name, it's now ",
scalar localtime(), $EOL;
And here's a multithreaded version. It's multithreaded in that like most typical servers, it spawns (fork()s) a slave server to handle the client request so that the master server can quickly go back to service a new client.
#!/home/angosson/perl -Tw
use strict;
my $b__dir = (-d '/home/angosson/perl'?'/home/angosson/perl':( getpwuid($>) )[7].'/perl');
unshift @INC,$b__dir.'5/lib/perl5',$b__dir.'5/lib/perl5/x86_64-linux-thread-multi',map { $b__dir . $_ } @INC;
}" }
use Socket;
use Carp;
my $EOL = "\015\012";
sub spawn; # forward declaration
sub logmsg { print "$0 $$: @_ at ", scalar localtime(), "\n" }
my $port = shift || 2345;
die "invalid port" unless if $port =~ /^ \d+ $/x;
my $proto = getprotobyname("tcp");
socket(Server, PF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, $proto) || die "socket: $!";
setsockopt(Server, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, pack("l", 1))
|| die "setsockopt: $!";
bind(Server, sockaddr_in($port, INADDR_ANY)) || die "bind: $!";
listen(Server, SOMAXCONN) || die "listen: $!";
logmsg "server started on port $port";
my $waitedpid = 0;
my $paddr;
use POSIX ":sys_wait_h";
use Errno;
sub REAPER {
local $!; # don't let waitpid() overwrite current error
while ((my $pid = waitpid(-1, WNOHANG)) > 0 && WIFEXITED($?)) {
logmsg "reaped $waitedpid" . ($? ? " with exit $?" : "");
$SIG{CHLD} = \&REAPER; # loathe SysV
while (1) {
$paddr = accept(Client, Server) || do {
# try again if accept() returned because got a signal
next if $!{EINTR};
die "accept: $!";
my ($port, $iaddr) = sockaddr_in($paddr);
my $name = gethostbyaddr($iaddr, AF_INET);
logmsg "connection from $name [",
"] at port $port";
spawn sub {
$| = 1;
print "Hello there, $name, it's now ", scalar localtime(), $EOL;
exec "/www/angosson/site" # XXX: "wrong" line terminators
or confess "can't exec site: $!";
close Client;
sub spawn {
my $coderef = shift;
unless (@_ == 0 && $coderef && ref($coderef) eq "CODE") {
confess "usage: spawn CODEREF";
my $pid;
unless (defined($pid = fork())) {
logmsg "cannot fork: $!";
elsif ($pid) {
logmsg "begat $pid";
return; # I'm the parent
# else I'm the child -- go spawn
open(STDIN, "<&Client") || die "can't dup client to stdin";
open(STDOUT, ">&Client") || die "can't dup client to stdout";
## open(STDERR, ">&STDOUT") || die "can't dup stdout to stderr";
!/angosson/html/perl -w
use IO::Socket;
unless (@ARGV > 1) { die "usage: $0 host url ..." }
$host = shift(@ARGV);
$EOL = "\015\012";
$BLANK = $EOL x 2;
for my $document (@ARGV) {
$remote = IO::Socket::INET->new( Proto => "tcp",
PeerAddr => $host,
PeerPort => "http(80)",
) || die "cannot connect to httpd on $host";
print $remote "GET $document HTTP/1.0" . $BLANK;
while ( <$remote> ) { print }
close $remote;
Tags: angosso_net