import pygame.cdrom as face def main(): face.init() count = face.get_count() if count == 0: raw_input('There is no cdrom drive.') elif count == 1: cmd(face.CD(0)) else: num = which_CD(count) if num != -1: cmd(face.CD(num)) face.quit() def which_CD(maximum): print 'You have %s cdrom drives.' % maximum while True: try: num = int(raw_input('What cdrom drive do you want to use? ')) except ValueError: print 'Please try typing a number.' except: return -1 else: if 0 < num <= maximum: return num - 1 print 'The number is out of range.' def cmd(disc): disc.init() total = disc.get_numtracks() table = map(disc.get_track_audio, range(total)) if sum(table) == 0: print 'This is not an audio CD.' else: index = {} count = 0 for i, b in enumerate(table): if b: count += 1 index[count] = i cmd_line(disc, index) disc.stop() disc.quit() def cmd_line(disc, index): while True: prompt = get_prompt() if prompt == 'nop': pass elif prompt == 'help': print 'help: get this message' print 'nop: does nothing' print 'total: shows total tracks' print 'play: plays the selected track' print 'quit: leaves the commmand line' elif prompt == 'total': print 'There are %s tracks.' % len(index) elif prompt == 'play': track = get_track(len(index)) if track != -1:[track]) else: print 'Okay ...' elif prompt == 'quit': return else: print '"%s" cannot be understood.' % prompt def get_prompt(): try: return raw_input('>>> ').lower() except: return 'nop' def get_track(maximum): while True: try: num = int(raw_input('What track should be played? ')) except ValueError: print 'Please try typing a number.' except: return -1 else: if 0 < num <= maximum: return num print 'The number is out of range.' if __name__ == '__main__': main()