Provide a way to run instance methods on a single thread.
This module allows hierarchical classes to be cloned so that their instances run on one thread. Method calls are automatically routed through a special execution engine. This is helpful when building thread-safe GUI code.
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This module allows hierarchical classes to be cloned so that their instances
run on one thread. Method calls are automatically routed through a special
execution engine. This is helpful when building thread-safe GUI code."""
__author__ = 'Stephen "Zero" Chappell <>'
__date__ = '9 October 2012'
__version__ = 1, 0, 1
import functools
import affinity
class _object: __slots__ = '_MetaBox__exec', '__dict__'
class MetaBox(type):
"MetaBox(name, bases, classdict, old=None) -> MetaBox instance"
__REGISTRY = {object: _object}
__SENTINEL = object()
def clone(cls, old, update=()):
"Creates a class preferring thread affinity after update."
classdict = dict(old.__dict__)
return cls(old.__name__, old.__bases__, classdict, old)
def thread(cls, func):
"Marks a function to be completely threaded when running."
func.__thread = cls.__SENTINEL
return func
def __new__(cls, name, bases, classdict, old=None):
"Allocates space for a new class after altering its data."
assert '__new__' not in classdict, '__new__ must not be defined!'
assert '__slots__' not in classdict, '__slots__ must not be defined!'
assert '__module__' in classdict, '__module__ must be defined!'
valid = []
for base in bases:
if base in cls.__REGISTRY:
elif base in cls.__REGISTRY.values():
for key, value in classdict.items():
if callable(value) and (not hasattr(value, '_MetaBox__thread') or
value.__thread is not cls.__SENTINEL):
classdict[key] = cls.__wrap(value)
classdict.update({'__new__': cls.__new, '__slots__': (), '__module__':
'{}.{}'.format(__name__, classdict['__module__'])})
cls.__REGISTRY[object() if old is None else old] = new = \
super().__new__(cls, name, tuple(valid), classdict)
return new
def __init__(self, name, bases, classdict, old=None):
"Initializes class instance while ignoring the old class."
return super().__init__(name, bases, classdict)
def __wrap(func):
"Wraps a method so execution runs via an affinity engine."
def box(self, *args, **kwargs):
return self.__exec(func, self, *args, **kwargs)
return box
def __new(meta, cls, *args, **kwargs):
"Allocates space for instance and finds __exec attribute."
self = object.__new__(cls)
if 'master' in kwargs:
self.__exec = kwargs['master'].__exec
valid = tuple(meta.__REGISTRY.values())
for value in args:
if isinstance(value, valid):
self.__exec = value.__exec
self.__exec = affinity.Affinity()
return self
imports affinity
(recipe 578151) in order to function. This module is heavily used in safetkinter
(recipe 578153) to wrap a variety of tkinter
classes to make them thread-safe. Directory Pruner 4 (recipe 578154) decorates several methods in the TrimDirView
class with MetaBox.thread
to allow them to run in their own threads.