#!/usr/bin/env ruby #----------------------------------------------------------------@@@ Copyright # Copyright: Mike 'Fuzzy' Partin 2012 #----------------------------------------------------------------@@@ License # Licensed under the BSD License (Any version you like) #----------------------------------------------------------------@@@ Changelog # 02/05/2012 Basic argument handling and inititial code structure coming # together nicely. # 02/05/2012 Have put together a rough draft of the Dd and Buffer classes that # Should give us some configurable buffered I/O and let us do some # adaption arguments for those variables later on. # 02/05/2012 Everything but pipe= works at this point. #----------------------------------------------------------------@@@ Roadmap #----------------------------------------------------------------@@@ Requires #----------------------------------------------------------------## Stdlib require 'net/ftp' # Our HTTP/HTTPS/FTP support additions require 'pty' # pipe= support #----------------------------------------------------------------## 3rd Party #----------------------------------------------------------------## Internal #----------------------------------------------------------------@@@ Constants VERSION = '1.0' OPTS = { :if => ARGF, # By default (STDIN or data given on the cmdline) :of => STDOUT, # By default :bs => 1048576, # 1M :count => nil, # No defaults :pipe => nil, # No defaults :gauge => 1 # Defaults to on } #----------------------------------------------------------------@@@ Modules module Format module_function def format_time(secs=nil) return "#{secs}s" end module_function def format_size(bytes=nil) if bytes/1024 >= 1 kbytes = Float(bytes)/1024.00 if kbytes/1024 >= 1 mbytes = Float(kbytes)/1024.00 if mbytes/1024 >= 1 gbytes = Float(mbytes)/1024.00 retv = '%.02fTB' % Float(gbytes)/1024.00 if gbytes/1024 >= 1 retv = '%.02fGB' % gbytes else retv = '%.02fMB' % mbytes end else retv = '%.02fKB' % kbytes end else retv = '%dB' % bytes end return retv end end #----------------------------------------------------------------@@@ Classes class DD include Format def initialize(args={}) @OPTS = OPTS # This next bit only enforces that we get only supported options given # to us, and just ignores everything we don't know about entirely. OPTS.keys.each {|i| @OPTS[i] = args[i] if args.keys.include? i} end def gauge(cur=nil, tot=nil) if @OPTS[:gauge].to_i == 1 and ![cur, tot].include? nil STDERR.write "%8s of %8s (%3d%%) \r" % [ format_size(cur), format_size(tot), (Float(cur) / Float(tot)) * 100 ] if tot > 0 STDERR.write "%8s written \r" % format_size(cur) if tot == 0 STDERR.flush end end def transfer begin cnt = 0 tot = 0 STDERR.sync = true # Ok, now that the options and vars are all setup, lets take a few to # worry about our output and it's setup. @OPTS[:out] = File.open(@OPTS[:of], 'w+') if OPTS[:of] # And now lets setup our input and gets shit rollin if @OPTS[:if] =~ /^ftp:\/\/.*$/ if_split = @OPTS[:if].split('/') info = { :path => "/#{if_split[3..(if_split.size - 2)].join('/')}", :file => @OPTS[:if].split('/')[(@OPTS[:if].split('/').size - 1)], :host => @OPTS[:if].split('/')[2], :user => 'ftp', :pswd => 'look@my.ass' } if info[:host] =~ /^.*:.*@.*$/ info[:user], info[:pswd] = info[:host].split('@')[0].split(':') tmp = info[:host].split('@')[1] info[:host] = tmp end ftp = Net::FTP.open(info[:host], user=info[:user], passwd=info[:pswd]) ftp.passive=true ftp.chdir(info[:path]) size = ftp.size(info[:file]) if @OPTS[:pipe] begin null = '/dev/null' IO.popen(@OPTS[:pipe], 'w') do|tmp| @OPTS[:out] = tmp begin ftp.getbinaryfile(info[:file], null, @OPTS[:bs].to_i) do|blk| break if @OPTS[:count] and cnt == @OPTS[:count].to_i @OPTS[:out].write(blk) @OPTS[:out].flush cnt += 1 tot += blk.size gauge(tot, size) end end end end else ftp.getbinaryfile(info[:file], '/dev/null', @OPTS[:bs].to_i) do|blk| break if @OPTS[:count] and cnt == @OPTS[:count].to_i @OPTS[:out].write(blk) cnt += 1 tot += blk.size gauge(tot, size) end end puts elsif @OPTS[:if] =~ /^(\.|\/|\~|[a-z]+).*$/ @OPTS[:in] = File.open(@OPTS[:if], 'r') size = @OPTS[:in].size if @OPTS[:pipe] begin null = '/dev/null' IO.popen(@OPTS[:pipe], 'w') do|tmp| @OPTS[:out] = tmp begin while 1 break if @OPTS[:count] and cnt == @OPTS[:count].to_i blk = @OPTS[:in].read(@OPTS[:bs]) break if !blk @OPTS[:out].write(blk) cnt += 1 tot += blk.size gauge(tot, size) end end end end else while 1 break if @OPTS[:count] and cnt == @OPTS[:count].to_i blk = @OPTS[:in].read(@OPTS[:bs]) break if !blk @OPTS[:out].write(blk) cnt += 1 tot += blk.size gauge(tot, size) end end puts end rescue NoMethodError => msg puts msg puts 'debug your shit yo' exit end end end #----------------------------------------------------------------@@@ Methods def usage puts "\nAdd (Advanced dd) v#{VERSION}" puts "\nUsage:" puts "add [opts]" puts "\nSupported options:" puts 'if= (currently supports ftp/file/stdin: DEFAULT stdin)' puts 'of= (supports file/stdout: DEFAULT stdout)' puts 'bs= (default 1M)' puts 'count= (no defaults)' puts 'pipe= (no defaults)' puts 'guage=(0|1)' puts "\nExample:" puts 'add if= bs=1M pipe="tar -C /usr/src -jxf -"' puts end #----------------------------------------------------------------@@@ Main Logic ARGV.each do|arg| if arg =~ /^.*help.*$/ usage exit elsif arg =~ /^.*=.*$/ key, val = arg.split('=') OPTS[key.to_sym] = val if OPTS.keys.include? key.to_sym end end # One final check, if OPTS[:pipe] is != nil, then OPTS[:of] must == nil as # they are mutually exclusive. Pipe always overrides OPTS[:of] OPTS[:of] = nil if OPTS[:pipe] != nil begin o = DD.new(OPTS) o.transfer rescue ArgumentError => msg puts msg usage exit rescue Interrupt exit end #----------------------------------------------------------------@@@ End