@ECHO off REM MessengerMain.bat TITLE Messanger Setup SET /p name= Name: :addressChoice ECHO. ECHO Enter one of the numbers below ECHO. ECHO 1. Use current address ECHO 2. Enter a new address ECHO. SET /p newAddress= Choice? IF %newAddress%==1 ( SET address=C:\Users\Dad\Documents\School\BatchMSG\MSGFolder GOTO mainPart ) IF %newAddress%==2 GOTO addressLoop IF %newAddress% GTR 2 ( CLS ECHO ERROR: Enter either 1 or 2 GOTO addressChoice ) IF %newAddress% LSS 1 ( CLS ECHO Enter either 1 or 2 GOTO addressChoice ) :addressLoop SET /p address= Address: IF NOT EXIST %address% ( ECHO Please enter a valid address GOTO addressLoop ) :mainPart CLS ECHO This is a list of all current conversations in %address%: ECHO. DIR %address% /B | FIND ".txt" ECHO. ECHO You may choose an existing filename from the list above ECHO or enter a new filename ECHO. SET /p convoDest= Enter Filename: ECHO %address%\%convoDest% > Address.txt ECHO %name% > Name.txt IF NOT EXIST %address%\%convoDest% ( ECHO. 2>%address%\%convoDest% ) START Receiver.bat START Sender.bat ------------------------------ @ECHO off REM Receiver.bat FOR /f %%a IN (Address.txt) DO ( SET address=%%a ) FOR /f "usebackq delims=" %%a IN (Name.txt) DO ( SET name=%%a ) TITLE Receiver: %name% - %address% SET /a counterOld=0 :mainReader SET /a counter=0 IF NOT EXIST %address% ( ECHO Somebody has deleted the conversation PAUSE EXIT ) FOR /f %%a IN (%address%) DO ( SET /a counter+=1 ) IF NOT %counter%==%counterOld% ( CLS TYPE %address% COLOR FC PING -n 1 -w 800 >NUL COLOR 07 SET /a counterOld=%counter% ) GOTO mainReader ------------------------------ @ECHO off REM Sender.bat FOR /f %%a IN (Address.txt) DO ( SET address=%%a ) FOR /f "usebackq delims=" %%a IN (Name.txt) DO ( SET name=%%a ) DEL Address.txt DEL Name.txt TITlE Sender: %name% - %address% ECHO Enter /cls to clear the conversation ECHO Enter /del to delete the conversation ECHO. :mainPart SET /p msg= Message: @ECHO %name%: %msg%>>%address% IF "%msg%"=="/cls" ( ECHO. 2>%address% ) IF "%msg%"=="/del" ( DEL %address% CLS ECHO You have ended the conversation PAUSE EXIT ) CLS GOTO mainPart