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# d2b.py
# Decimal to byte(s) and character/string to byte(s) converter.
# Any decimal number from 0 to 255 converted to b"\x??" format.
# Any standard ASCII string, something like "\x00Some String.\xFF" converted
# to b"\x00Some String.\xff". NOTE:- "FF" is displayed as "ff" on conversion
# but the end result is the same.
# NOTE:- The reverse, b"\x00Some String.\xff" converted to
# "\x00Some String.\xff", is easy and therefore not included in this function.
# What I needed......
# The function, sometext=chr(a+b), (where "a" could be for example 127 and
# "b" in this case is -127<=b<=128), capability is not easily possible with the
# b"string" byte(s) format so this function was devised.
# See here for an example of chr(a+b):-
# http://code.activestate.com/recipes/578013-amplitude-modulation-tremolo-was-an-audiosound-sni/?in=lang-python
# This new function uses NO import(s), nor any special programming style,
# but is written so that anyone can understand, (including kids), how it works.
# It does NOT need any special encoding or any other "Pythonic" requirements at all.
# It is not "elegant", as professionals may call it, but, it is functional.
# I have no idea at all as to the upper limit of ASCII string length it can
# handle, however it CAN handle a(n) "", (empty), string.
# ==========================================================================
# Python 3.1.3 (r313:86834, Nov 28 2010, 10:01:07)
# [GCC 4.4.5] on linux2
# Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
# >>> exec(open('/home/G0LCU/Desktop/Code/d2b.py').read())
# >>> a=78
# >>> type(a)
# <class 'int'>
# >>> b=d2b(a)
# >>> print(b)
# b'N'
# >>> type(b)
# <class 'bytes'>
# >>> text="\x00(C)2012, B.Walker, G0LCU.\xFF"
# >>> len(text)
# 27
# >>> type(text)
# <class 'str'>
# >>> newtext=t2b(text)
# >>> len(newtext)
# 27
# >>> print(newtext)
# b'\x00(C)2012, B.Walker, G0LCU.\xff'
# >>> type(newtext)
# <class 'bytes'>
# ============================================================================
# Copyright, (C)2012, B.Walker, G0LCU.
# Issued under GPL2 licence...
# Enjoy finding simple solutions to often very difficult problems.
# Requires Python Version 3.x.x only.
# Tested on Debian 6.0.0 using Python 3.1.3, and PCLinuxOS 2009 using Python 3.2.1.
# Also Tested on MS Windows Vista, 32 bit, using Python 3.0.1 and Python 3.2.2.

# Decimal number to byte(s) string converter.
def d2b(a,b=0):
# "a" any decimal number between 0 to 255.
# "b" is reserved, but for my usage is very useful, see above... ;o)
# Don't allow any floating point numbers.
# Out of range checks forcing function to exit!
if decimal<=-1 or decimal>=256:
print("\nError in d2b(a,b=0) function, decimal integer out of range, (0 to 255)!\n")
# FORCE a Python error to stop the function from proceeding; "FORCED_HALT" IS NOT DEFINED!
# Convert new decimal value 0 to 255 to b"\x??" value.
if decimal==0: newbyte=b"\x00"
if decimal==1: newbyte=b"\x01"
if decimal==2: newbyte=b"\x02"
if decimal==3: newbyte=b"\x03"
if decimal==4: newbyte=b"\x04"
if decimal==5: newbyte=b"\x05"
if decimal==6: newbyte=b"\x06"
if decimal==7: newbyte=b"\x07"
if decimal==8: newbyte=b"\x08"
if decimal==9: newbyte=b"\x09"
if decimal==10: newbyte=b"\x0A"
if decimal==11: newbyte=b"\x0B"
if decimal==12: newbyte=b"\x0C"
if decimal==13: newbyte=b"\x0D"
if decimal==14: newbyte=b"\x0E"
if decimal==15: newbyte=b"\x0F"
if decimal==16: newbyte=b"\x10"
if decimal==17: newbyte=b"\x11"
if decimal==18: newbyte=b"\x12"
if decimal==19: newbyte=b"\x13"
if decimal==20: newbyte=b"\x14"
if decimal==21: newbyte=b"\x15"
if decimal==22: newbyte=b"\x16"
if decimal==23: newbyte=b"\x17"
if decimal==24: newbyte=b"\x18"
if decimal==25: newbyte=b"\x19"
if decimal==26: newbyte=b"\x1A"
if decimal==27: newbyte=b"\x1B"
if decimal==28: newbyte=b"\x1C"
if decimal==29: newbyte=b"\x1D"
if decimal==30: newbyte=b"\x1E"
if decimal==31: newbyte=b"\x1F"
if decimal==32: newbyte=b"\x20"
if decimal==33: newbyte=b"\x21"
if decimal==34: newbyte=b"\x22"
if decimal==35: newbyte=b"\x23"
if decimal==36: newbyte=b"\x24"
if decimal==37: newbyte=b"\x25"
if decimal==38: newbyte=b"\x26"
if decimal==39: newbyte=b"\x27"
if decimal==40: newbyte=b"\x28"
if decimal==41: newbyte=b"\x29"
if decimal==42: newbyte=b"\x2A"
if decimal==43: newbyte=b"\x2B"
if decimal==44: newbyte=b"\x2C"
if decimal==45: newbyte=b"\x2D"
if decimal==46: newbyte=b"\x2E"
if decimal==47: newbyte=b"\x2F"
if decimal==48: newbyte=b"\x30"
if decimal==49: newbyte=b"\x31"
if decimal==50: newbyte=b"\x32"
if decimal==51: newbyte=b"\x33"
if decimal==52: newbyte=b"\x34"
if decimal==53: newbyte=b"\x35"
if decimal==54: newbyte=b"\x36"
if decimal==55: newbyte=b"\x37"
if decimal==56: newbyte=b"\x38"
if decimal==57: newbyte=b"\x39"
if decimal==58: newbyte=b"\x3A"
if decimal==59: newbyte=b"\x3B"
if decimal==60: newbyte=b"\x3C"
if decimal==61: newbyte=b"\x3D"
if decimal==62: newbyte=b"\x3E"
if decimal==63: newbyte=b"\x3F"
if decimal==64: newbyte=b"\x40"
if decimal==65: newbyte=b"\x41"
if decimal==66: newbyte=b"\x42"
if decimal==67: newbyte=b"\x43"
if decimal==68: newbyte=b"\x44"
if decimal==69: newbyte=b"\x45"
if decimal==70: newbyte=b"\x46"
if decimal==71: newbyte=b"\x47"
if decimal==72: newbyte=b"\x48"
if decimal==73: newbyte=b"\x49"
if decimal==74: newbyte=b"\x4A"
if decimal==75: newbyte=b"\x4B"
if decimal==76: newbyte=b"\x4C"
if decimal==77: newbyte=b"\x4D"
if decimal==78: newbyte=b"\x4E"
if decimal==79: newbyte=b"\x4F"
if decimal==80: newbyte=b"\x50"
if decimal==81: newbyte=b"\x51"
if decimal==82: newbyte=b"\x52"
if decimal==83: newbyte=b"\x53"
if decimal==84: newbyte=b"\x54"
if decimal==85: newbyte=b"\x55"
if decimal==86: newbyte=b"\x56"
if decimal==87: newbyte=b"\x57"
if decimal==88: newbyte=b"\x58"
if decimal==89: newbyte=b"\x59"
if decimal==90: newbyte=b"\x5A"
if decimal==91: newbyte=b"\x5B"
if decimal==92: newbyte=b"\x5C"
if decimal==93: newbyte=b"\x5D"
if decimal==94: newbyte=b"\x5E"
if decimal==95: newbyte=b"\x5F"
if decimal==96: newbyte=b"\x60"
if decimal==97: newbyte=b"\x61"
if decimal==98: newbyte=b"\x62"
if decimal==99: newbyte=b"\x63"
if decimal==100: newbyte=b"\x64"
if decimal==101: newbyte=b"\x65"
if decimal==102: newbyte=b"\x66"
if decimal==103: newbyte=b"\x67"
if decimal==104: newbyte=b"\x68"
if decimal==105: newbyte=b"\x69"
if decimal==106: newbyte=b"\x6A"
if decimal==107: newbyte=b"\x6B"
if decimal==108: newbyte=b"\x6C"
if decimal==109: newbyte=b"\x6D"
if decimal==110: newbyte=b"\x6E"
if decimal==111: newbyte=b"\x6F"
if decimal==112: newbyte=b"\x70"
if decimal==113: newbyte=b"\x71"
if decimal==114: newbyte=b"\x72"
if decimal==115: newbyte=b"\x73"
if decimal==116: newbyte=b"\x74"
if decimal==117: newbyte=b"\x75"
if decimal==118: newbyte=b"\x76"
if decimal==119: newbyte=b"\x77"
if decimal==120: newbyte=b"\x78"
if decimal==121: newbyte=b"\x79"
if decimal==122: newbyte=b"\x7A"
if decimal==123: newbyte=b"\x7B"
if decimal==124: newbyte=b"\x7C"
if decimal==125: newbyte=b"\x7D"
if decimal==126: newbyte=b"\x7E"
if decimal==127: newbyte=b"\x7F"
if decimal==128: newbyte=b"\x80"
if decimal==129: newbyte=b"\x81"
if decimal==130: newbyte=b"\x82"
if decimal==131: newbyte=b"\x83"
if decimal==132: newbyte=b"\x84"
if decimal==133: newbyte=b"\x85"
if decimal==134: newbyte=b"\x86"
if decimal==135: newbyte=b"\x87"
if decimal==136: newbyte=b"\x88"
if decimal==137: newbyte=b"\x89"
if decimal==138: newbyte=b"\x8A"
if decimal==139: newbyte=b"\x8B"
if decimal==140: newbyte=b"\x8C"
if decimal==141: newbyte=b"\x8D"
if decimal==142: newbyte=b"\x8E"
if decimal==143: newbyte=b"\x8F"
if decimal==144: newbyte=b"\x90"
if decimal==145: newbyte=b"\x91"
if decimal==146: newbyte=b"\x92"
if decimal==147: newbyte=b"\x93"
if decimal==148: newbyte=b"\x94"
if decimal==149: newbyte=b"\x95"
if decimal==150: newbyte=b"\x96"
if decimal==151: newbyte=b"\x97"
if decimal==152: newbyte=b"\x98"
if decimal==153: newbyte=b"\x99"
if decimal==154: newbyte=b"\x9A"
if decimal==155: newbyte=b"\x9B"
if decimal==156: newbyte=b"\x9C"
if decimal==157: newbyte=b"\x9D"
if decimal==158: newbyte=b"\x9E"
if decimal==159: newbyte=b"\x9F"
if decimal==160: newbyte=b"\xA0"
if decimal==161: newbyte=b"\xA1"
if decimal==162: newbyte=b"\xA2"
if decimal==163: newbyte=b"\xA3"
if decimal==164: newbyte=b"\xA4"
if decimal==165: newbyte=b"\xA5"
if decimal==166: newbyte=b"\xA6"
if decimal==167: newbyte=b"\xA7"
if decimal==168: newbyte=b"\xA8"
if decimal==169: newbyte=b"\xA9"
if decimal==170: newbyte=b"\xAA"
if decimal==171: newbyte=b"\xAB"
if decimal==172: newbyte=b"\xAC"
if decimal==173: newbyte=b"\xAD"
if decimal==174: newbyte=b"\xAE"
if decimal==175: newbyte=b"\xAF"
if decimal==176: newbyte=b"\xB0"
if decimal==177: newbyte=b"\xB1"
if decimal==178: newbyte=b"\xB2"
if decimal==179: newbyte=b"\xB3"
if decimal==180: newbyte=b"\xB4"
if decimal==181: newbyte=b"\xB5"
if decimal==182: newbyte=b"\xB6"
if decimal==183: newbyte=b"\xB7"
if decimal==184: newbyte=b"\xB8"
if decimal==185: newbyte=b"\xB9"
if decimal==186: newbyte=b"\xBA"
if decimal==187: newbyte=b"\xBB"
if decimal==188: newbyte=b"\xBC"
if decimal==189: newbyte=b"\xBD"
if decimal==190: newbyte=b"\xBE"
if decimal==191: newbyte=b"\xBF"
if decimal==192: newbyte=b"\xC0"
if decimal==193: newbyte=b"\xC1"
if decimal==194: newbyte=b"\xC2"
if decimal==195: newbyte=b"\xC3"
if decimal==196: newbyte=b"\xC4"
if decimal==197: newbyte=b"\xC5"
if decimal==198: newbyte=b"\xC6"
if decimal==199: newbyte=b"\xC7"
if decimal==200: newbyte=b"\xC8"
if decimal==201: newbyte=b"\xC9"
if decimal==202: newbyte=b"\xCA"
if decimal==203: newbyte=b"\xCB"
if decimal==204: newbyte=b"\xCC"
if decimal==205: newbyte=b"\xCD"
if decimal==206: newbyte=b"\xCE"
if decimal==207: newbyte=b"\xCF"
if decimal==208: newbyte=b"\xD0"
if decimal==209: newbyte=b"\xD1"
if decimal==210: newbyte=b"\xD2"
if decimal==211: newbyte=b"\xD3"
if decimal==212: newbyte=b"\xD4"
if decimal==213: newbyte=b"\xD5"
if decimal==214: newbyte=b"\xD6"
if decimal==215: newbyte=b"\xD7"
if decimal==216: newbyte=b"\xD8"
if decimal==217: newbyte=b"\xD9"
if decimal==218: newbyte=b"\xDA"
if decimal==219: newbyte=b"\xDB"
if decimal==220: newbyte=b"\xDC"
if decimal==221: newbyte=b"\xDD"
if decimal==222: newbyte=b"\xDE"
if decimal==223: newbyte=b"\xDF"
if decimal==224: newbyte=b"\xE0"
if decimal==225: newbyte=b"\xE1"
if decimal==226: newbyte=b"\xE2"
if decimal==227: newbyte=b"\xE3"
if decimal==228: newbyte=b"\xE4"
if decimal==229: newbyte=b"\xE5"
if decimal==230: newbyte=b"\xE6"
if decimal==231: newbyte=b"\xE7"
if decimal==232: newbyte=b"\xE8"
if decimal==233: newbyte=b"\xE9"
if decimal==234: newbyte=b"\xEA"
if decimal==235: newbyte=b"\xEB"
if decimal==236: newbyte=b"\xEC"
if decimal==237: newbyte=b"\xED"
if decimal==238: newbyte=b"\xEE"
if decimal==239: newbyte=b"\xEF"
if decimal==240: newbyte=b"\xF0"
if decimal==241: newbyte=b"\xF1"
if decimal==242: newbyte=b"\xF2"
if decimal==243: newbyte=b"\xF3"
if decimal==244: newbyte=b"\xF4"
if decimal==245: newbyte=b"\xF5"
if decimal==246: newbyte=b"\xF6"
if decimal==247: newbyte=b"\xF7"
if decimal==248: newbyte=b"\xF8"
if decimal==249: newbyte=b"\xF9"
if decimal==250: newbyte=b"\xFA"
if decimal==251: newbyte=b"\xFB"
if decimal==252: newbyte=b"\xFC"
if decimal==253: newbyte=b"\xFD"
if decimal==254: newbyte=b"\xFE"
if decimal==255: newbyte=b"\xFF"

# Text/Character string to byte(s) string converter.
# "some_string" is any ASCII string including "\x??" characters as required.
def t2b(some_string):
# Allocate an empty byte(s) string.
# Use the loop to build the byte(s) string from a standard string.
for n in range(0,len(some_string),1):
# Convert each _character_ in the string to a decimal number.
# Call the "d2b()" above function.
# Build the byte(s) string one character at a time.
# The complete byte(s) string has now been converted.

# End of d2b() function...
# Enjoy finding simple solutions to often very difficult problems... ;o)
