import os import pygame, sys from pygame.locals import K_a, K_s,K_w,K_d,K_LEFTBRACKET,K_RIGHTBRACKET, K_RIGHT, K_LEFT, QUIT from PIL import Image pygame.init() ''' main() sets these (perhaps differently), so make changes down there. If you cut/copy this code somewhere you need these variables globally, or make it a class and make these attributes. ''' resolution = 300 #the resolution (in dpi) the resulting cropped images should have. infile_folder = '.' #path to folder images to process are in. '.' is the folder this script is in infile_prefix = "album80-86_" #prefix common to all the images you'd like to access start_page = 1 #which page to start on. 0 is the first page. outfile_folder= "./cropped" outfile_prefix = "photo80-86_" outfile_extension = "jpg" #must be three character extension with no period. Why? Because I am lazy. So no "jpeg", okay? BG_COLOR = (0,0,0) def displayRect(screen, px, topleft, prior,pos,scale): # ensure that the rect always has positive width, height if topleft == None: #func was called without a topleft, which means clear the previous rectangle screen.fill(BG_COLOR) rect = px.get_rect() px = pygame.transform.scale(px,[int(rect.width/scale), int(rect.height/scale)]) screen.blit(px, (rect[0]-pos[0],rect[1]-pos[1])) pygame.display.flip() return None #or, the usual situation, topleft is defined, so blit over the old rect and blit in the new. topleft = [(val/scale-pos[i]) for i,val in enumerate(topleft)] x, y = topleft bottomright = pygame.mouse.get_pos() width = bottomright[0] - topleft[0] height = bottomright[1] - topleft[1] if width < 0: x += width width = abs(width) if height < 0: y += height height = abs(height) # eliminate redundant drawing cycles (when mouse isn't moving) current = x, y, width, height if not (width and height): return current if current == prior: return current # draw transparent box and blit it onto canvas rect = px.get_rect() px = pygame.transform.scale(px,[int(rect.width/scale), int(rect.height/scale)]) screen.blit(px, (rect[0]-pos[0],rect[1]-pos[1])) im = pygame.Surface((width, height)) im.fill((128, 128, 128)) pygame.draw.rect(im, (32, 32, 32), im.get_rect(), 1) im.set_alpha(128) screen.blit(im, (x, y)) pygame.display.flip() # return current box extents return (x, y, width, height) def setup(px): screen = pygame.display.set_mode( px.get_rect()[2:] ) screen.blit(px, px.get_rect()) pygame.display.flip() return screen, px def move(pos,scale,px,screen): x,y = pos #print pos,x rect = px.get_rect() screen.fill(BG_COLOR) px = pygame.transform.scale(px,[int(rect.width/scale), int(rect.height/scale)]) screen.blit(px, (rect[0]-x,rect[1]-y)) pygame.display.flip() #px.rect.topleft = pr.rect.topleft[0] - x, def mainLoop(): topleft = bottomright = prior = None n=0 scale = 1 pos = [0,0] #create list of files matching prefix in folder, and sort it # input_loc = first file #input_loc = 'album86-92_003.jpg' infiles = [] len_prefix = len(infile_prefix) for fname in os.listdir(infile_folder): if fname[:len_prefix] == infile_prefix: if fname[-3:] in ['jpg','png']: infiles.append(fname) infiles.sort() file_idx = start_page try: infile = infiles[file_idx] except IndexError: print "the start page you requested is beyond the scope of the files loaded.\nYou have been taken to the last page instead." file_idx = len(infiles)-1 infile = infiles[file_idx] #get files begining with output prefix, grab suffixes and sort. #but, if folder does not exist or is empty, just start at 0 outfiles = [] len_prefix = len(outfile_prefix) try: for fname in os.listdir(outfile_folder): if fname[:len_prefix] == outfile_prefix: outfiles.append(fname) except OSError: os.makedirs(outfile_folder) out_idx = 0 else: outfiles.sort() try: out_idx = int(outfiles[-1][len_prefix:-4])+1 except ValueError: print "Egad! Not all files with the output prefix specified end with a number followed by a three character extension\nMaybe start a new output folder?" print "...Quitting" return 0 except IndexError: #folder exisits but is empty out_idx = 0 input_loc = os.path.join(infile_folder,infile) screen, px = setup(px = pygame.image.load(input_loc)) outfilename = outfile_prefix+str(out_idx).zfill(3)+'.'+outfile_extension output_loc = os.path.join(outfile_folder,outfilename) while n!=1: for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == QUIT: sys.exit(0) if event.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONUP: if not topleft: topleft = [(val+pos[i])*scale for i,val in enumerate(event.pos)] #print "tr: ",topleft else: bottomright = [(val+pos[i])*scale for i,val in enumerate(event.pos)] #print "br: ",bottomright if event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN and event.key == K_a: pos = [pos[0]-200,pos[1]] move(pos,scale,px,screen) if event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN and event.key == K_d: pos = [pos[0]+200,pos[1]] move(pos,scale,px,screen) if event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN and event.key == K_w: pos = [pos[0],pos[1]-200] move(pos,scale,px,screen) if event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN and event.key == K_s: pos = [pos[0],pos[1]+200] move(pos,scale,px,screen) if event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN and event.key == K_RIGHTBRACKET: scale = scale/1.25 move(pos,scale,px,screen) if event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN and event.key == K_LEFTBRACKET: scale = scale*1.25 move(pos,scale,px,screen) if event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN and event.key == K_RIGHT: file_idx += 1 try: infile = infiles[file_idx] #print "file_idx: ",file_idx except IndexError: file_idx -= 1 print "End of album" #raise else: input_loc = os.path.join(infile_folder,infile) px = pygame.image.load(input_loc) pos = [0,0] topleft = bottomright = prior = None prior = displayRect(screen, px, topleft, prior,pos,scale) if event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN and event.key == K_LEFT: if file_idx == 0: print "This is the begining of the album, cannot go back a page." else: #print "file_idx",file_idx file_idx -= 1 infile = infiles[file_idx] input_loc = os.path.join(infile_folder,infile) px = pygame.image.load(input_loc) pos = [0,0] topleft = bottomright = prior = None prior = displayRect(screen, px, topleft, prior,pos,scale) if topleft: #first corner has been selected prior = displayRect(screen, px, topleft, prior,pos,scale) if bottomright: #selection has been made! left, upper, right, lower = ( topleft + bottomright ) # ensure output rect always has positive width, height if right < left: left, right = right, left if lower < upper: lower, upper = upper, lower im = im = im.crop(( int(left), int(upper), int(right), int(lower))) dpi = resolution, dpi = (dpi,dpi)) out_idx += 1 outfilename = outfile_prefix+str(out_idx).zfill(3)+'.'+outfile_extension output_loc = os.path.join(outfile_folder,outfilename) topleft = bottomright = prior = None prior = displayRect(screen, px, topleft, prior,pos,scale) print "saved" return if __name__ == "__main__": os.system( [ 'clear', 'cls' ][ == 'nt' ] ) print''' Hello! This program exists to speed up cropping out many sections from larger images while also changing the resolution of the cropped images. The Zudell family photo album was scanned at 600 dpi resolution. The default resolution for cropped images is 300 dpi. ''' resolution = raw_input('enter new integer resolution, or nothing for default: ') os.system( [ 'clear', 'cls' ][ == 'nt' ] ) try: resolution = int(resolution) except: print '\nNo new resolution specified, using 300 dpi' resolution = int(300) dirs = [] for f in os.listdir('.'): if os.path.isdir(f): dirs.append(f) print '''\n\n\n\n now, enter the name of the directory you want to work on. here is a list of sub directories within this current directory:\n''' if dirs: for dir in dirs: print dir else: print "oops, there are no sub-directories here" print "\n\nenter nothing or nonsense to use the current directory" path = raw_input("enter directory to use: ") infile_folder = path.strip() os.system( [ 'clear', 'cls' ][ == 'nt' ] ) if os.path.isdir(infile_folder): pass elif os.path.isdir('./'+infile_folder): infile_folder = './'+infile_folder else: print "no valid directory entered, using current" infile_folder = '.' for f in os.listdir(infile_folder): print f if not os.listdir(infile_folder): print "oh... There aren't any files at all in here" d = raw_input("press enter to quit") pygame.display.quit() print '''\n\n You may choose a filename prefix so that only some of the images in this dir are available for editing. all files in this directory are listed above. \n''' infile_prefix = raw_input('input file prefix (or nothing to use all files): ') os.system( [ 'clear', 'cls' ][ == 'nt' ] ) print '''\n\n You may choose a prefix for output files also. they will go in the ./cropped folder.\n''' outfile_prefix = raw_input('output file prefix (or nothing for default): ') if not outfile_prefix: outfile_prefix = "image_" os.system( [ 'clear', 'cls' ][ == 'nt' ] ) print ''' Use the left ard right arrows to change image. '[' and ']' zoom out and in, respectively. click and drag a box to crop. too move around: w asd And come back to this screen to see unnecessary messages. ''' raw_input('\npress enter to begin') mainLoop() pygame.display.quit()