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# CASpy - Python implementation of DVB Simulcrypt CAS
# Currently, only implement EMM Generator (EMMG)
# Implementing DVB-Simulcrypt message :

import binascii
import socket
import ctypes
from time import sleep
import math

# Utility functions, to allow for serialization of the ctypes.Structure classes
def serialize(ctypesObj):
    FAQ: How do I copy bytes to Python from a ctypes.Structure?
    return buffer(ctypesObj)[:]

def deserialize(ctypesObj, inputBytes):
    FAQ: How do I copy bytes to a ctypes.Structure from Python?
    fit = min(len(inputBytes), ctypes.sizeof(ctypesObj))
    ctypes.memmove(ctypes.addressof(ctypesObj), inputBytes, fit)

INPUT_BUFFER_LENGTH     = 1024                                                  # Units : [Bytes]. Input buffer size of received TCP messages
SEND_EMM_PERIOD_TIME    = 50e-3                                                 # Units : [Number of Seconds] / [IP packet]
SEND_EMM_FREQUENCY      = 1.0 / SEND_EMM_PERIOD_TIME                            # Units : [Number of IP Packets] / [Sec]
KBPS_TO_BPS_SCALE       = 1000.0
BPS_TO_KBPS_SCALE       = 0.001
#EMM_DUMMY_DATA = binascii.unhexlify('01B040FFFFC7000009160500E03213012014030078001403007C0014030FFF4009040602E0C109040D01E1F409110500E0AB130120140300E800140300E8107A38F9E2')

# ****************************************************
# DVB Simulcrypt messages semantic 
# ****************************************************
simulcrypt_protocol_version         = 0x02                                      

# Parameters type value according to Simulcrypt standard, 6.22 Table 5 - Parameters : 
client_id_type                      = 0x0001                                    
client_id_length                    = 4                                    

section_TSpkt_flag_type             = 0x0002                                    
section_TSpkt_flag_length           = 1

data_channel_id_type                = 0x0003                                    
data_channel_id_length              = 2

data_stream_id_type                 = 0x0004                                    
data_stream_id_length               = 2

datagram_type                       = 0x0005                                    # Parameter length : Variable

bandwidth_type                      = 0x0006                                    # Units: kbit/s 
bandwidth_length                    = 2 

data_type_type                      = 0x0007                                    
data_type_length                    = 1

data_id_type                        = 0x0008                                    
data_id_length                      = 2

error_status_type                   = 0x7000                                    # See clause 6.2.6
error_status_length                 = 2

# According to 6.4, 6.5 - Messages :                 
Channel_setup_message_Type          = 0x0011
Channel_test_message_Type           = 0x0012                
Channel_status_message_Type         = 0x0013
Channel_close_message_Type          = 0x0014
Channel_error_message_Type          = 0x0015
Stream_setup_message_Type           = 0x0111
Stream_test_message_Type            = 0x0112
Stream_status_message_Type          = 0x0113
Stream_close_request_message_Type   = 0x0114
Stream_close_response_message_Type  = 0x0115
Stream_error_message_Type           = 0x0116
Stream_BW_request_message_Type      = 0x0117
Stream_BW_allocation_message_Type   = 0x0118
Data_provision_messageType          = 0x0211

# ****************************************************
# ****************************************************
class CMessageHeader (ctypes.BigEndianStructure):
    _pack_      = 1
    _length_    = 5
    _fields_    = [("protocol_version",    ctypes.c_ubyte),
                   ("message_type",        ctypes.c_ushort),
                   ("message_length",      ctypes.c_ushort)]

class CTypeLength (ctypes.BigEndianStructure):
    Type Length, of the TLV struct
    _pack_      = 1
    _length_    = 4
    _fields_    = [("param_type",        ctypes.c_ushort),
                   ("param_length",      ctypes.c_ushort)]
class CByteParam (ctypes.BigEndianStructure):
    One byte unsigned parameter
    _pack_      = 1
    _length_    = 5
    _fields_    = [("param_type",        ctypes.c_ushort),
                   ("param_length",      ctypes.c_ushort),
                   ("param_value",       ctypes.c_ubyte)]

class CShortParam (ctypes.BigEndianStructure):
    Two byte unsigned parameter
    _pack_      = 1
    _length_    = 6
    _fields_    = [("param_type",        ctypes.c_ushort),
                   ("param_length",      ctypes.c_ushort),
                   ("param_value",       ctypes.c_ushort)]

class CLongParam (ctypes.BigEndianStructure):
    Four byte unsigned parameter
    _pack_      = 1
    _length_    = 8
    _fields_ = [("param_type",        ctypes.c_ushort),
                ("param_length",      ctypes.c_ushort),
                ("param_value",       ctypes.c_ulong)]

# ****************************************************
#        EMMG CLASS
# ****************************************************
class CEMMG:
    Template for EMMG Simulator
    def __init__(   self, 
                    client_id,                      # #1 
                    section_TSpkt_flag,             # #2
                    data_channel_id,                # #3
                    data_stream_id,                 # #4
                    bandwidth,                      # #5                        # Unit : Kbps
                    data_id,                        # #6
                    data_type,                      # #7
                    inputFile):                     # #8
        These 7 parameters (excluding the actual data) form a single EMM stream. 
        One channel, One stream, One data id . 
        # #1 
        self.client_id          = CLongParam(client_id_type,
        # #2                                               
        self.section_TSpkt_flag = CByteParam(section_TSpkt_flag_type,
        # #3                
        self.data_channel_id    = CShortParam(data_channel_id_type,
        # #4        
        self.data_stream_id     = CShortParam(data_stream_id_type,

        # #6        
        self.data_id            = CShortParam(data_id_type,
        # #7        
        self.data_type          = CByteParam(data_type_type,
        #Initialize members                           
        self.Section                = 0
        self.IpEmmSectionPerCycle   = 0        
        self.IpEmmSection           = 0
        self.IpEmmSectionLen        = 0                                                
        self.dataTypeLength         = 0
        self._buildIpEmm_(inputFile, bandwidth)
        #Initialize members
        self.minimumBPS     = 0
        self.ReqBWfromMux   = 0
        self.requestBW      = 0  
        # DEBUG PRINTS        
        print 'Section file \"%s\" length %d, will be sent at %d mSec per cycle ' % (inputFile, len(self.Section), SEND_EMM_PERIOD_TIME * KBPS_TO_BPS_SCALE)
        print 'Minimum bitrate for this section (one section per cycle) : %.3f Kbps ' % (self.minimumBPS * BPS_TO_KBPS_SCALE)
        print 'User requested bandwidth %d Kbps, which is %d sections per cycle, %.3f Kbps ' % (bandwidth, self.IpEmmSectionPerCycle, (self.minimumBPS * self.IpEmmSectionPerCycle * BPS_TO_KBPS_SCALE))
        print 'Actual Requested Bandwidth from Multiplexer will be %d Kbps (%d sections per cycle)' % (self.ReqBWfromMux, (self.IpEmmSectionPerCycle + 1))

    def _buildIpEmm_ (self, inputFile, bandwidth):
        Build data segment sent to TCP each SEND_EMM_PERIOD_TIME seconds
        EMMG sends EMMs every fixed cycle time : SEND_EMM_PERIOD_TIME
        Hence, the actual bitrate is determined by the number of sections being sent each time.
        Calculation of the number of EMM sections each cycle is done in EmmSecPerCycle  
        fd                          = open(inputFile, 'rb')   
        self.Section                = fd.read()
        self.IpEmmSectionPerCycle   = self._calcNumberSectionsPerCycle_(bandwidth, len(self.Section))        
        self.IpEmmSection           = self.Section * self.IpEmmSectionPerCycle
        self.IpEmmSectionLen        = len(self.IpEmmSection)                                                
        self.dataTypeLength         = CTypeLength (datagram_type,

    def _buildReqBWfromMux_ (self):
        Build requested BW from Multiplexer
        self.minimumBPS     = SEND_EMM_FREQUENCY * len(self.Section) * BYTE_TO_BIT_SCALE
        self.ReqBWfromMux   = int( self.minimumBPS * (self.IpEmmSectionPerCycle + 1) * BPS_TO_KBPS_SCALE )                  
        self.requestBW      = CShortParam(bandwidth_type,
    def _calcNumberSectionsPerCycle_ (self, requiredBW, sectionLength):
        Calculate the number of sections needed to be transmitted each cycle of SEND_EMM_PERIOD_TIME seconds,
        given requiredBW in Kbps
        SectionPerCycle = ((requiredBW * KBPS_TO_BPS_SCALE) * SEND_EMM_PERIOD_TIME) / (sectionLength * BYTE_TO_BIT_SCALE)                                   
        SectionPerCycle = int (math.ceil(SectionPerCycle))                      # Round up and cast to int the number of EMM sections being transmitted per cycle
        return SectionPerCycle

    def updateIpEmm (self, inputFile, requiredBW):
        Update IP Emm length according to new requiredBW and new file.
        This method DOES NOT negotiate with Mux new BW Threshold, if requiredBW exceeds present threshold
        self._buildIpEmm_(inputFile, requiredBW)
    def prepare_channel_setup_Msg (self):
        Prepares and packs the emm_channel_setup message 

        msgBody     =   serialize(self.client_id)           +   \
                        serialize(self.data_channel_id)     +   \

        msgHeader   =   serialize(CMessageHeader (simulcrypt_protocol_version,  # DVB simulcrypt protocol : 0x02
                                                  len(msgBody)))                # Calculate total message length
        totalMsg    = msgHeader + msgBody
        return totalMsg 

    def prepare_stream_setup_Msg (self):
        Prepares and packs the emm_stream_setup message 

        msgBody     =   serialize(self.client_id)           +   \
                        serialize(self.data_channel_id)     +   \
                        serialize(self.data_stream_id)      +   \
                        serialize(self.data_id)             +   \
        msgHeader   =   serialize(CMessageHeader (simulcrypt_protocol_version,  # DVB simulcrypt protocol : 0x02
                                                  len(msgBody)))                # Calculate total message length
        totalMsg    = msgHeader + msgBody
        return totalMsg 
    def prepare_stream_BW_request_Msg (self):
        Prepares and packs the stream bandwidth request message 

        msgBody     =   serialize(self.client_id)           +   \
                        serialize(self.data_channel_id)     +   \
                        serialize(self.data_stream_id)      +   \
        msgHeader   =   serialize(CMessageHeader (simulcrypt_protocol_version,  # DVB simulcrypt protocol : 0x02
                                                  len(msgBody)))                # Calculate total message length
        totalMsg    = msgHeader + msgBody
        return totalMsg 

    def prepare_Provision_Data_Msg (self):
        Prepares and packs the Provision Data message 

        msgBody     =   serialize(self.client_id)           +   \
                        serialize(self.data_channel_id)     +   \
                        serialize(self.data_stream_id)      +   \
                        serialize(self.data_id)             +   \
                        serialize(self.dataTypeLength)      +   \
        msgHeader   =   serialize(CMessageHeader (simulcrypt_protocol_version,  # DVB simulcrypt protocol : 0x02
                                                  len(msgBody)))                # Calculate total message length
        totalMsg    =   msgHeader + msgBody
        return totalMsg 

    def receiveMessage(self, strMsg):
        Parse buffer received from mux
        header      = CMessageHeader(0,0,0)
        paramTL     = CTypeLength   (0,0)                                       # Parameter Type-Length values (from the trio TYPE-LENGTH-VALUE) 
        longParam   = CLongParam    (0,0,0)
        shortParam  = CShortParam   (0,0,0)
        byteParam   = CByteParam    (0,0,0)

        JUSTIFY_LEN = 25
        # Parse header       
        deserialize (header, strMsg)
        if header.message_type      == Channel_setup_message_Type           :
            print "Message type Channel_setup_message "
        elif header.message_type    == Channel_test_message_Type            :
            print "Message type Channel_test_message "  

        elif header.message_type    == Channel_status_message_Type          :
            print "Message type Channel_status_message "  

        elif header.message_type    == Channel_close_message_Type           :
            print "Message type Channel_close_message "  

        elif header.message_type    == Channel_error_message_Type           :
            print "Message type Channel_error_message "  

        elif header.message_type    == Stream_setup_message_Type            :
            print "Message type Stream_setup_message "

        elif header.message_type    == Stream_test_message_Type            :
            print "Message type Stream_test_message "

        elif header.message_type    == Stream_status_message_Type           :
            print "Message type Stream_status_message "

        elif header.message_type    == Stream_close_request_message_Type    :
            print "Message type Stream_close_request_message "
        elif header.message_type    == Stream_close_response_message_Type   :
            print "Message type Stream_close_response_message "
        elif header.message_type    == Stream_error_message_Type            :
            print "Message type Stream_error_message "        
        elif header.message_type    == Stream_BW_request_message_Type       :
            print "Message type Stream_BW_request_message "

        elif header.message_type    == Stream_BW_allocation_message_Type    :
            print "Message type Stream_BW_allocation_message "
        elif header.message_type    == Data_provision_messageType           :
            print "Message type Data_provision_message "
        print   "Message Length   : ".ljust(JUSTIFY_LEN), header.message_length                        
        # Parse message body. Iterate on TLV structures        
        strMsg = strMsg[CMessageHeader._length_ : ]
        while len(strMsg) > 0 :
            deserialize(paramTL, strMsg)
            if paramTL.param_type == client_id_type :
                deserialize (longParam, strMsg)
                print "Client id : ".ljust(JUSTIFY_LEN), "0x%X" % longParam.param_value                
                strMsg = strMsg [CLongParam._length_ : ]
            elif paramTL.param_type == section_TSpkt_flag_type :
                deserialize (byteParam, strMsg)
                print "section TSpkt flag : ".ljust(JUSTIFY_LEN), byteParam.param_value                
                strMsg = strMsg [CByteParam._length_ : ]                                                 
            elif paramTL.param_type == data_channel_id_type :
                deserialize (shortParam, strMsg)
                print "data channel id : ".ljust(JUSTIFY_LEN), shortParam.param_value                
                strMsg = strMsg [CShortParam._length_ : ]                                                 
            elif paramTL.param_type == data_stream_id_type :
                deserialize (shortParam, strMsg)
                print "data stream id : ".ljust(JUSTIFY_LEN), shortParam.param_value                
                strMsg = strMsg [CShortParam._length_ : ]                                                 
            elif paramTL.param_type == bandwidth_type :
                deserialize (shortParam, strMsg)
                print "bandwidth : ".ljust(JUSTIFY_LEN), shortParam.param_value                
                strMsg = strMsg [CShortParam._length_ : ]        

            elif paramTL.param_type == data_type_type :
                deserialize (byteParam, strMsg)
                print "data type : ".ljust(JUSTIFY_LEN), byteParam.param_value                
                strMsg = strMsg [CByteParam._length_ : ]        

            elif paramTL.param_type == data_id_type :
                deserialize (shortParam, strMsg)
                print "data id : ".ljust(JUSTIFY_LEN), shortParam.param_value                
                strMsg = strMsg [CShortParam._length_ : ]        

            elif paramTL.param_type == error_status_type :
                deserialize (shortParam, strMsg)
                print "error status : ".ljust(JUSTIFY_LEN), shortParam.param_value                
                strMsg = strMsg [CShortParam._length_ : ]        

if __name__ == '__main__':
    EMM_INPUT_FILE = r'D:\EmmgSimulator\section'  
    #--- Prepare EMMG
    EMMG1 = CEMMG ( client_id           = 0x00099999, 
                    section_TSpkt_flag  = 0x0,
                    data_channel_id     = 0x1,
                    data_stream_id      = 0x32,
                    bandwidth           = 20,                                 # Units : Kbps. bandwidth request
                    data_id             = 0x1,
                    data_type           = 0x1,
                    inputFile           = EMM_INPUT_FILE)  

    #--- Connect to Mux EMM TCP SERVER
    muxEmmSocket    = socket.socket()   
    host            = ''
    port            = 20000
    muxEmmSocket.connect ((host, port))
    print " CHANNEL SETUP" 
    print " *************"
    #--- Send Channel Setup Message
    sendMsg = EMMG1.prepare_channel_setup_Msg()        
    #--- Get Channel Status Message
    muxEmmMsg = muxEmmSocket.recv(INPUT_BUFFER_LENGTH)    

    print " STREAM SETUP" 
    print " ************"
    #--- Send Stream Setup Message
    sendMsg = EMMG1.prepare_stream_setup_Msg()        
    #--- Get Stream Status Message
    muxEmmMsg = muxEmmSocket.recv(INPUT_BUFFER_LENGTH)    

    print " Stream BW Allocation" 
    print " ********************"
    #--- Send stream BW request Message
    sendMsg = EMMG1.prepare_stream_BW_request_Msg()        
    #--- Get Stream BW allocation Message
    muxEmmMsg = muxEmmSocket.recv(INPUT_BUFFER_LENGTH)    

    print " Send provision Data" 
    print " *******************"
    #--- Send stream BW request Message
    sendMsg = EMMG1.prepare_Provision_Data_Msg()        
    counter = 0
    while True :
        # Send TCP message with the required EMM
        counter += 1
        # Change EMM bitrate 
        if counter == 400:                                                      
            EMMG1.updateIpEmm(EMM_INPUT_FILE, 60)
            sendMsg = EMMG1.prepare_Provision_Data_Msg()
        # Change EMM bitrate 
        elif counter == 800:                                                      
            EMMG1.updateIpEmm(EMM_INPUT_FILE, 150)
            sendMsg = EMMG1.prepare_Provision_Data_Msg()
        # Change EMM bitrate 
        elif counter == 1200:                                                      
            EMMG1.updateIpEmm(EMM_INPUT_FILE, 20)
            sendMsg = EMMG1.prepare_Provision_Data_Msg()        
        # Wait for SEND_EMM_PERIOD_TIME before sending again    
        sleep (SEND_EMM_PERIOD_TIME)                        
        # Print statistics
        if counter == 8000:
        elif (counter % 80) == 0 :
            print "Sent " , counter, " packets."    
            print "Message length : %d" % len(sendMsg)

